This took place after Angel did on the last chapter of the Phoenix, read it before you read this.

The others came back to earth and landed next to Lilo's house. Everyone was quiet when they walked out of the ship, Fang was coughing as she walked out of the ship, and her sweat was mixing with her tears.

Nani came running out of the house, hugging Lilo, "Lilo are you okay, and you gave me a scare. What happened?"

"Hamsterviel captured Stitch, so we went to save him. Nani, Angel didn't make it." Lilo's eyes had tears in her eyes, Nani instantly hugged Lilo.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, she walked out of the ship when the lab was exploding and she used her powers to push us away but she didn't get off."

Nani started crying, "We'll build a funeral for her tomorrow. But we should found a place the experiments." Stitch didn't say a word

Echidna: worked at a theme park for a monster water ride. Metaline: At a construction site with Octopi Deja: A therapist that helps people deal with their past Hera: At the gym with Kixx Sky: At a farm, keeping the birds from eating the crops. Fangs: At a bat farm, helping people to study bats without hurting them Shields: Protects fishermen from hurricanes and other storms. Reflectia: Back with her boyfriend Tentalco. Vines: At a green house Poison Ivy: With Vines Statica: With Sparky Weezing: Make gas as a fuel so there wouldn't be that much pollution Sunny: In the farm, helping plants grew faster Shadow: Postal deliver

Stitch couldn't sleep, no one could sleep. Stella was still up, crying.

The next day, Lilo spends the word about Angel's death but she lied about how she died.

"You did what?" Stella's mouth was opened.

"I had to. After what Angel did, she deserves a great funeral with everyone there." Lilo snapped back.

"I'm sorry Lilo, I kinda over reacted, I just can't believe she's gone, I mean I just saw her yesterday."

The news was on, "We have some terrible news. The youngest star of the Angel sisters, Angel, died yesterday. It was believed that she died from drowning but no one has found the body. This is indeed a terrible day, next week, that's when the funeral will be held at her secret spot where her and her boyfriend often went to, to get away from the stress."

"I didn't do all of that." Lilo said, "Stitch did."

Stella just looked down at the ground. More tears escaped from her eyes.