Her Fallen Angel


Summary: He was her fallen angel and she would be the one that would lift him back up.

He was her fallen angel. One that used to be so beautiful and innocent was corrupted by the simple evils of the world. It really made her wonder though, why did such a beautiful place have to be marred by so many ugly things. It was supposed to be a really simple story, I suppose you could call it a love story in some ways. He loved her, and she most definitely love him. I guess that it was too simple like that, because they were definitely not simple at all.

Their love was so simple, but their lives were not. He was Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, the one who was being hunted by Voldermort, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. She was Ginerva Weasley, the little innocent red-head whom the 16 year old memory of Tom Riddle had almost killed. The little girl whom Tom Riddle had corrupted with just a few words in a little black journal. They were both such good people, good people that deserved a good childhood. But neither was allowed to live like a child should have lived. Their innocence was shattered too quickly for that to every happen. One could assume that that was what had brought them together…

They fell in love in Ginny's fifth year, Harry's sixth year at Hogwarts. Everyone was expecting it, it seemed to be the only right thing. Harry was her fallen angel, and she would be the one that would lift him back up.

What should have been so simple was actually turned into something so incredibly complicated. There was really no way that the two could really be together, but they were so determined. They loved each other, and to them that was all that would ever matter. Their love had benefited them both, really. Harry was happier than he ever was after Sirius's death, and there was a little twinkle that would always shine in his eyes now. He was determined to be happy even with the threat that was shadowing him. Ginny's eyes no longer looked so haunted anymore, and now her smiles and laughs were really genuine.

Voldermort didn't like that. Harry wasn't supposed to be happy and smiling. Harry was supposed to be angry and depressed. Love was supposed to be the one thing that could help to defeat Voldermort and currently, Harry was full of it.

Harry was twenty now and Ginny was nineteen. Voldermort still had not been defeated… yet. Voldermort probably should have been the most important thing on Harry's mind at the moment, but it was actually pushed pretty far back. Because tonight, Harry Potter was going to ask his girlfriend Ginerva Weasley to marry him.

A/N: Ok… so there it is… tell me what you all think? It's just a short little prologue to introduce things, next chapter will be much longer I promise. I'm not that sure on whether or not I should go on. Depends on how many reviews I get, because I feel like I only want to continue if people are actually reading it. So if you like this story at all, just PLEASE REVIEW! Even if it's one word like, "good," I'll be thankful and I'll love you! SO REVIEW!!!