Author's Note:

KITTY + KURT FICS KICK!!! Ok, so I've been working on this on 4 awhile, hopefully it's good! This is just the first chap, I promise I'll try to get another chapter here soon! Anyho, here it is, please review, and I might get something up even quicker!!!

Disclaimer for entire story: Blah blah blah, ya hear 'em once, ya hear 'em a thousand times. Anyho, all of 'em belong to marvel (phooey) except for Jenkins.

Title: Disappearance

Author: Soli

Rating: PG-13/R for angst

Coupling: Kurt/Kitty, a little bit of Scott/Jean

Summary: When Kurt is kidnapped, the rest of the X-men have to save him….before it's too late

Dedication: PallaPlease and Krissy, you guys have THE BEST Kurtty fics on the web! Gets down on knees and starts bowing Oh goddesses influence me with your power!! LOL.


Chapter 1: And So It Begins

The room was dark, and the shades had been pulled down. Jenkins wondered for the fifth time what he had gotten himself into. True, he needed he needed money and this job was offering plenty, plus benefits, but there was just something about his employer that ran a chill though his spine.

"Good. You came." A cold voice cut through the tension of the room. Jenkins turned. The silhouette of a woman in her late twenties had appeared.

"Yeah, I came." Jenkins growled, trying to hide the growing fear within him. The woman walked over to the desk and sat down. In the darkness Jenkins couldn't make out her features, but judging form the half-circles jutting out from the sides of her head, he assumed she was wearing glasses.

"I'm sure you remember our agreement. You will have your payment on his capture. Fail, and you will lose more than your job."

"Yes ma'am."

"He will be leaving here very soon, so be ready. Here, these will help you in you effort." Jenkins felt the woman push two objects into his arms. One was something gun like and the other was…something else.

" The tranquilizers will knock him unconscious. Remove his watch and his hologram will disappear. Use the second object to capture him. Once snapped around his neck, he will be powerless and vulnerable."

Jenkins fidgeted with the second object nervously.

"What so special about this kid anyway?" He mumbled.

"That is none of your business. You were hired for a reason. You will do your part, and I will do mine. Is that clear?"

Jenkins nodded.

"Good." The woman flashed a smile, and what little light there was left glinted off pearly white teeth.

" I know you will treat him…right." The woman's voice took on an amused tone. Jenkins smirked, feeling a little bit more at ease.

"Don't I always?"

It was six o' clock PM when Kurt Wagner finally started on his way home. It had been too long a day: First, he had slept in and had been late to school. Then he had a pop quiz in French, which he was sure he had failed. Of course, the day wouldn't have been complete until Dakholme gave him detention. Well, how was he supposed that Todd was allergic to grasshoppers? That boy ate anything and everything with or without six legs, and he's allergic to grasshoppers?! Jeez!

The worst part was yet to come. The spring fling was coming up, and Kurt couldn't go. He couldn't ask any of the normal sophomore girls to go with him. After all, his hologram didn't cover touch. What if someone grabbed his hand? They'd realize his secret in a less than a second. They'd know he was no where close to being human, that he had three fingers and weird legs and was covered in blue, fuzzy fur. Nope, asking anyone "normal" was definitely out of the picture.

Well, he could always ask someone at the Institution. But then again, Jean would probably go with Scott and Rogue would probably snort at the idea of going to a dance.

Which left only Kitty. Kitty, who called him a "blue fuzzy elf" at least twice a day. Kitty, who never missed the chance to yell at him. Kitty, who had nearly gotten him killed by Rogue and who worried when he had been unconscious and who thought his ears were kinda cute and who laughed at his jokes…

Kurt shook his head. Whoa, vait a minute. He thought. Kitty, who had been seen flirting with the JV quarterback. Kitty, who had been rumored to be going to the spring fling with the JV quarterback.

Well, that was ok. Kitty should go to the dance with who she wanted. The fact that she wanted to go to the dance with the JV quaterback didn't bother Kurt.


"Vell, vat does he have that I don't?" he wondered to himself. Hmm…how about skin? Or maybe five fingers? Oh, it could be the fact that his ears are on the sides on his head and not on top, his brain told him. Shut up, Kurt snapped back, and sighed.

"Mein Gott, vat a day," he muttered in self-pity. Kicking a lone pebble out of his way, Kurt wondered if his day could get any worse.

Suddenly, he felt something fly past his face, leaving a stinging sensation behind. Blood dripped down his cheek. Whirling around, Kurt glanced around, already in fighting stance.

Yeah, it could get worse.

"Who is there?" He called out, his voice hard.

No answer.

"I know you're there." Kurt yelled. "Bullets don't decide to fire themselves at random people." Or random mutants. He thought wryly.

The darkness of the street was and the fact that he couldn't see his attacker was making Kurt nervous. Usually, if it were one of those Brotherhood punks, they'd come out and start throwing punches this way and that. Hiding and being sneaky wasn't their style. What was going on?

Another bullet whizzed by. Kurt jumped aside just in time.

"Who are you? Vat do you vant?" he screamed.

A man dressed in black stepped away from the shadows. He was slightly overweight, maybe 5'10. Kurt saw cruel blue eyes staring at him from beneath the black mask. The man shifted a gun in his right hand, and pointed it straight at Kurt.

"What I want," he said icily, "Is a new attraction. Now, why don't you make this easier for yourself?"

"Vat the heck are you talking about?" Kurt asked, hoping the man would think he had made a mistake. The man snorted.

"Don't play around with me, freak. I know what you are." The man spat. The word "freak" slammed into Kurt's heart like it was a bullet. He clenched his fists.

" I still don't know vat you are talking about." Kurt answered coolly.

The man jumped. He was fairly fast for a man of his build, but Kurt was faster. Determined not to use his powers unless necessary, Kurt broke into a run. The man started chasing him, screaming obscenities all the way. They ran through streets and places Kurt had never heard of, until they were in a part of town he had never seen before. Kurt was starting to get extremely winded, but luckily, so was his attacker.

I've got to lose him, Kurt thought frantically. Glancing around, he saw a small ally way. If he could just run a little bit faster, he'd make it. Then if they ally way was a dead end, he could bamf without this man seeing him, but if not, he could try to escape. Ally way it was.

Kurt turned a sharp right. He could hear the man swear as he tried to follow.

Maybe that'll teach you not to mess with Herr Kurt Wagner, Kurt thought smugly to himself. Yet, in his moment of glory, he didn't notice the broken pipe or the wet concrete beneath coming up.

"Vat the…" Kurt cursed as he fell. He twisted his body so that his shoulder would take the brute of the fall and not his head. As his body and the sidewalk made contact, Kurt gritted his teeth and tried to keep in a howl of pain. He tried to get up, but his fall had cost him dearly; the man was only a few steps behind.

Kurt scrambled up and tried to run, but it was to late. The man was there. Kicking Kurt roughly, he forced the teen back on the pavement.

"You better be worth the trouble you've caused me." The man grunted as he slammed his boot into Kurt's side. Kurt bit his lip, trying not to scream out in pain. His mind was clouded with pain and he couldn't think straight. All he could think about was the fire in his chest and how hard it was to breath and how he wished it could just end.

Suddenly, the man stopped kicking. Kurt rolled over, clutching his chest and moaning in pain, not caring why his attack had stopped, only thankful that he had. The man glared down at the bloody teen.

"Don't be too happy yet." He spat out. "I need you alive for the profits." He cocked his gun and pointed straight at Kurt.

There was no noise, but Kurt felt pain searing through his entire body. This time, he couldn't stop the screams.

Mein Gott, vat is going to happen to me now? His mind cried out before he blacked out completely.

Jenkins stood before the boy and was staring down at him in disbelief. This miserable kid? There wasn't anything special about him at all.

"That damn bitch conned me out. Damn kid probably keyed her car or some…." He trailed off. Th watch. What was so special about the watch?

Jenkins shrugged. Ah, what the hell, he thought. I get paid either way. Might as well see what happens. Bending down, he grabbed Kurt's watch and, with a hard tug, ripped it right off. Instantly, Kurt's hologram disintegrated, and Jenkins found himself faced to face with a blue, bloody demon.

Jenkins screamed and jumped back. Never in his life had he ever seen something like this! After recovering from his shock, he grinned. Tossing the watch aside, he bent down to pick up the boy, and hesitated. What if what this punk had was catching? He sure as hell didn't want to look like that for the rest of his life. Making up his mind, Jenkins grabbed an old blanket from the Dumpster and wrapped up the body. Heaving it over, he wrinkled his nose at the smell. Ah, well, he thought, better than risking looking like Freakazoid here. As he walked out to call for one of his men to pick him up, Kurt's watch lay forgotten.

To Be Continued….