I don't own any of the characters, got it? Chp. 1

It's an off day for the infamous Team Rocket. The weather seems to be reflecting their moods. Rain is pouring down on the small Team Rocket cabin, leaving a dreary mist in the woods it inhabits.
James is sitting in a far corner of the cabin, curled up in a red armchair, trying desperately to make something other than screeching sounds emit his silver flute. He had been trying for a little over a week to learn to play the small, rusted pipe, James dared to call a flute. He had picked it up from his good friend, Ryou, who had abandoned the skill.
Jessie was lying down in front of the fire, giving her face a warm glow. She was reading a romance novel, something she rarely ever did. She turned a page with very little enthusiasm, and let out a small sigh. The book seemed to give her little interest, and with each new page, it only seemed to be making her fell more tired. She tugged at her skimpy red sweater, in an attempt to make it less uncomfortable. She couldn't complain though, seeing as James had gone out of his way a few days ago to buy it for her, when he heard there was a chance a blizzard might approach within the next week. And it had indeed gotten colder, but Jessie really didn't see how a sweater two sizes too small for her would be any protection against the harsh climates. Jessie kind of figured James had purposely bought her a sweater a bit too small for her, just so he had the chance to see her in something skimpy other than her tattered Team Rocket uniform. Well, I guess it was the thought that counts.
Meowth was on the other side of the cabin, filing his claws. A small scratching sound could be heard every few minutes, when Meowth tested the sharpness of his claws on the hard wooden floors. He seemed to be ignoring James' cries to make him stop, because according to flute boy over there, it was throwing off his concentration, or what was actually left of it.
Yep. Just another day for Team Rocket, or so they thought.
And with out any warning, Jessie stood up, abandoning her book that was just about to explain why a character was going to have to leave another because of incurable disease known as stupidity. Jessie walked over to her partner, James, who was still blowing on the wrong end of the flute. She swiftly grabbed the instrument from him and thwacked him on the head with it.
"Oww! What was that for?!" James cried, massaging his newly formed bruise.
Jessie gave him a nasty glare. "For being so boring! You've barely said anything all day!" She started taping her foot in frustration. "Now can we please at least play a game, or something?"
James gave her a sheepish grin and blushed. "What kind of game do you have in mind...?"
It took Jessie a few seconds to comprehend what James had meant. "James!" she yelled playfully, and made another attempt to hit him with the flute.
"Ha Ha! You missed!" James cried, sticking out his tongue.
Jessie blushed a crimson shade of red as she took another swing at him, but to no avail.
"Okay, Okay. I'm breakin' you twos up before ya guys do any permanent damage," Meowth said, running on all fours over to his friends to stop the fighting.
"She started it," James cried, pointing to Jessie.
"Now," Meowth said, crossing his arms, "What kinda game are we gonna play?"
"Who says we're gonna play a game," Jessie cried, apparently still baffled from James' comment.
"You suggested it, genius," James said, evidently feeling luckier than usual.
"Well," Meowth started, trying to change the subject before James was the subject of one of Jessie's beatings, "We could play Monopoly.
"Boring." Jessie and James said in unison.
"Um... We could play Twister."
"And risk messing up my hair?!" Jessie protested, grabbing her crimson mane affectionatley
"Well do you have any suggestions then?" Meowth spat, getting annoyed.
"We could play..."
"Truth or Dare!" James chimed in, finishing the sentence for her.
Jessie looked away and blushed, while Meowth suddenly became preoccupied with something on the floor.
As long as James had known Jessie, she had never been one for truth or dare. Jessie was never to keen on someone looking too into her personal life, even James. Not that he didn't know almost everything about her anyway. James remembered that they had only played this once before, back at Pokemon Tech. Even though Jessie and James had been the only ones to share their room, she had been insistent on not play. But finally, she had given in to James' pleading. Not like there was anything to do then anyway, well, maybe except studying. That winter night James had learned almost everything there was to know about his best friend, Jessie, and visa-versa. And it seemed, like an equally cold night just like the night nine years ago, it was all too perfect to play truth or dare.
"So, how about it?" James asked eagerly, flashing Jessie a goofy smile.
"Hmm... I don't know..." Jessie looked up at James to find him smiling at her. She couldn't help but smile back. "I, I guess so," She turned to look down at Meowth, "okay with you, furball?"
Meowth looked up, "Yeah, it's okay with Meow-th, I guess. But do we got enough people to play?"
"Well, seeing that the only people are Jess and I..." He smirked. He knew that always bothered Meowth.
"What?" Meowth asked. He seemed completely clueless to the fact he wasn't a "people."
"Nothing..." James sighed, putting a hand to his head and let it gently tousle his indigo hair. "Now, let's get started." He went and sat down by the fireplace that was still giving off a warm, blazing fire.
Jessie reluctantly followed and sat herself down next to James on the soft, red carpet. She set her gaze and watched the flames dance about. They licked up the wood Meowth had gone out to get earlier.
"Meow-th's gonna go pop some popcorn. I'll be back in a minute," he said has he walked into the small kitchen the Rocket cabin provided.
Jessie looked over at her partner, who seemed surprisingly happy. Jessie couldn't help but smile.
"Hmm, maybe this won't be so bad after all..." she thought to herself.