
(c) Resha Yukira

Disclaimer: I do not own Pretear nor the characters.

Note: I am not very GOOD in grammars and the english language so I hope you understand the story goes. I've tried my best to make it good. If there are mistakes, please forgive me. And please keep criticism mini mum.

Title: Black Ice

Summary: Mannen is in High School. Hajime and Shin are in Junior High School. Himeno is married. Hayate is working at the Awayuki's business. However the Fenyrl was predicted to revive and they need to find the third Pretear. Why do this Pretear and Mannen doesn't go on well? Mostly Mannen Fic.

Firstly I like to thank:

Sakura BlossomCilla 85:PEpisode 04: Hayate's tests

Mannen looked up the ceiling in his room that late night. He was thinking. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?" Kurono ran over towards Hajime holding his shoulders. He smiled and there was blood tilting down on his stomach, "I am okay, onee-chan." "No! You are not!" She screamed and there were tears streaming down her cheeks, "You're bleeding!" She looked... different.

She hugged him tight and apologized, "I don't have confidence... next time I won't let you hurt... I promise.." Mannen stared at her from a distant. Most of the time, Mono Kurono was usually hyper, tempered lady but there she looked different. She actually has the same heart as other girls.

Mannen blinked and pondered, with his arms behind his head, "Kurono is different..." The two boys besides him were sleeping comfortably that he didn't seem to mind it. He lifted up his body and looked though the window. He got off from the bed and headed towards the window. He opened the window wide and looked up the sky, "Why do I feel she is different?" There was vision of Kurono smiling on the sky that he snapped blushing. He panted with sweat drops, "I am not falling for her... NOT EVER!" It echoed in the Awayuki residence.

It was Sunday and Himeno looked excited. She headed towards the front door and opened it wide. "Yaa!" She screamed happily, "What another beautiful day." Takako from her right had a sweat drop, "What are you happy at, Himeno?"

Himeno turned to her and held on her neck, "The children baby sister is moving here today! I don't have to be worried anymore about my children anymore!" She sparkled looking up. Hayate had a sweat drop from behind, "Himeno..."

Mannen popped out from no where, "I am NOT useless!" He yelled and it echoed in the room. "Mannen," Natsue was on the stairs looking serious and he faced her, "Don't scream in the hall. It's rude." Mannen snapped and stood still, cutely, "Hai, Natsue-san..." He had irritated eyes that Himeno started laughing out loud.

He pointed Himeno, "I can take care of the children!" Himeno had an ohed sound and before she reply, someone had replied him first.

"I disagree in that!" Everyone looked directly at the front door and saw Kurono with two bags; one small baggage and one her school bag that was hanging on her shoulder. Her hair was tied up and her dark jacket was huge. She was looking narrowed to Mannen.

He snapped a few seconds later and started looking at her. Kurono looked at Himeno and Takako and bowed, "Good morning, Himeno-san, Takako-san." "Morning!" Takako replied with a smile while Himeno choked her from behind. "You are a punctual one, aren't you?" Her grin was wide and all Kurono's life, no one ever treat her like that.

"And yeah," Himeno continued, "Call me Himeno." She smiled wide with her arms on her back. Kurono looked lost; she was accepted to a friend, somehow. She smiled and nodded, "Hai."

"How about your family?" Hayate asked and she looked at him. "My younger sister is entering the boarding school today and my dad has his business," She explained.

"Mannen! Mannen! Mannen!" Himeno called and clicked her fingers in front of him thus he startled. "Yes?" Everyone shared the same sweat drop. Himeno had a wider and teasing grin, "Bring Kurono's bag to the next room from yours."

Mannen's jaw dropped down with his eyes dark pitch, "Why me?" Himeno laughed out loud, "Because you are only 'unworked' guy around." Mannen had vertical lines on his face with a sweat drop. The others laughed quietly.

Mannen opened a room door wide and entered in. Kurono stood on the door with her eyes open wide. "Wow!" She reacted and entered looking around. "What a big room!" She put her handbag on the bag and looked up the ceiling. "This isn't as big as your think," He had irritated eyes from the door.

"Well, to me it does," She looked the desk and looked herself in the mirror, "Cool! I could see the whole me in there!" A huge sweat drop formed behind Mannen. Is there someone out there as stupid as her? The sweat drops increased when she kept on looking around. He stopped just as he realized something. Mono Kurono is not a type or teen girl who would be this excited. He stared at this girl.

She opened the curtains on the huge window and felt the third floor wind, "Aa! This is my first time!" Mannen could see calm eyes from her and the outside wind blow at her. She turned and faced him, who had a snap blush. "So Mannen, what's next?" She had a sweet smile and it became crooked, "What's with the stare?"

Mannen looked away and scratched his chin, "Oh nothing just I never imagined you would be excited." There was a vein popping out from her head and a crash was heard from the ground floor.

Takako and Hayate shared the same sweat drop but Himeno was laughing crazily. "Hi-me-no!" Mayune walked down the stairs with crossed arms, ready to get to work, "Who have you employed to be the new babysitter?" There were two twins beside her, with pink hair and brown hair.

"She's unpacking her things," Himeno smiled and saw Kurono and Mannen behind Mayune, "There she is!" Mayune turned and her children greeted Kurono. Mayune hrmed and looked at her deeply.

"What is it?" Kurono had a crooked face, "What are you looking at?" Mayune then laughed in hysterical note, "Hahaha!" Everyone in the house shared the same sweat drop. She transformed into serious and pointed Kurono, who was ataken back, "If you stay, there are some rules you need to follow!" She turned with her arms on her hip, "Firstly, Don't ever enter my room! Secondly, Don't ever enter my room! Thirdly, Don't ever enter my room!" She walked down the stairs.

Kurono had vertical lines on her face annoyed, "That's one rule." Mayune wasn't listening, she was already in the car, heading towards the front gate, laughing out loud. Kurono grumbled from the inside.

"Pay no attention to her, Kuro-chan," Kurono turned and saw pretty Takako smiling at her, "Mayune is always like that." "And you'll get used to it..." Mannen added from behind with his arms behind his head.

"Kurono..." She turned and faced expressionless Hayate. "hai?" She replied curiously. "I'll test you if you fit to be a Pretear," He said seriously. Kurono looked at Mannen pointing at Hayate, "Is he one of the Leafe Knights?"

"Don't point at me like that!" Hayate screamed angrily. He calmed down and looked at her, "Let's go!" Kurono had a question look.

All of them were at the garden and Shin and the other children were looking impatient. Mannen had irritated eyes sitting on a fence. Himeno was smiling. Both Hayate and Himeno didn't go to work because it was their holiday. Kurono stood in middle and Hayate handed out a Lunar Ball.

"Lunar Ball?" Kurono looked at up him lost, "What's that for?" "This will show your concentration." "What concentration?" She had irritated eyes and took it from him harshly, "Lunar Ball or anything! I can do it!" The children had the ohed sound. "Oh really?" Mannen provoked from behind.

"Haa!" She threw up the ball and it went on the hole. She jumped up and down, "See I told you I am good!" The children were impressed. "That's because you always get 'beginners luck'!" Mannen added from behind that she turned and screamed at him. He crashed down.

"Try the second time..." Hayate said and Kurono started grumbling. She bit her lips and screaming throwing up the ball. Everyone had vertical lines when the ball dropped down again and again. Himeno had her grin open wide and Hayate started to say: "Mannen was right. You do have 'beginners' luck!"

Kurono started pouting and the ball it her face repeatedly that Shin and the children shared the same sweat drop. "You should be proud that you could do it at first!" Mannen shrugged and there was more veins popping out from her temple.

"Ok... enough with the Lunar Ball," Hayate turned and walked away. Kurono faced his back; "Does it mean I don't deserve to be a Pretear?" No reply and he looked at him, "Follow me!" "This guy irritates me!" She clenched her teeth.

She stood in front of a huge teapot and she looked lost. "What's this for?" She pointed. "Can you brake the pot?" Hayate looked serious and she looked at him lost. She fisted up, "Of course I can!" She had a wide grin and heard Mannen's pouting from behind: "That's because you are the unfeminine girl in earth!" She overcame her temper.

She moved back. "You learn karate?" Himeno pointed with arms on her back. "No!" Kurono smiled out wide and jumped to gymnastic way and her lower legs hit the top of the huge teapot with a loud scream. A crack was heard.

"Incredible!" The children adored. "See?" She looked proud of herself. "That move looks like a guy!" Mannen teased from behind and before she could take her revenge, small cuddly animals popped out from the cracked teapot and jumped onto her. Mannen jumped avoiding her crash and floating through the air.

Kurono had crosses eyes on the ground. "Kurono, how many blue tippis?" Hayate looked at her. "Ti-what?" She repeated and revived. "How many?" He asked again seriously. Kurono started complaining in chibi, "How should I know? And what is a Tippi anyway?"

Hayate looked away and headed away. "Are you trying to stop me being a Pretear because I am not worth it?" Kurono retorted from behind, "That won't help and I know I am weak!" It was silent a moment later and Hayate grabbed her away. "I hate this guy!!" Kurono screamed.

Kurono sat on a comfortable desk filled with meals on it. She didn't react with it because she doesn't eat as much as Himeno. "What's this?" She had narrowed eyes. "This shows how much you could concentrate not to eat them!" Hayate explained and she looked happy.

"This would be easy!" She smiled and a strike of lightning, every food on the table vanished and they heard Himeno chewing. They saw her wiping extra accesses on her lips. "mmmmmm," Himeno looked at Hayate and Hajime pointed. " 'To bad so sad', she said." "mmmmm," Himeno added and Hajime translated again. " 'I just ate them all'."

Mannen and Kurono had zillions of sweat drops with Hayate had flames behind him. "Himeno!!" He was enraged. Himeno wiped off excess food on her lips and looked at Hayate, "You know I can't control myself in front of any food."

Hayate looked down with a sigh; he doesn't want to be mad at her. He turned away. "Wait a second, Hayate-san!" Kurono stood up from her seat and he stopped. "To your opinion, I mean to you at least, do you think I can be a good Pretear?" Her words were mature for some reason, "I know I just started. I know I am still an amateur but I want to know... from the eldest Leafe Knights."

The silence broke and before Hayate could spoke. Kurono held onto herself with her eyes open wide, embracing herself. "Monster Spider!" Mannen immediately reacted and Hayate looked shocked. "She could sense them?"

"Kuro-chan!" Himeno tried to reach her. "Himeno, run now!" Kurono screamed and Himeno snapped. A spider leg was heading towards Himeno from behind and it hold onto her.

"Himeno!" Hayate screamed worried and tried to save her but the leg lifted her up high, absorbing energy from her: she was the pervious Pretear. Hayate jumped and transformed attacking the enemy again and again: even the other Knights.

"Himeno!!" Hayate screamed again and again and Himeno seem to lost her consciousness. He calmed down and fisted. He faced and looked directly at Kurono, who was still on the ground. "Merge with me, Kuro!" He offered out a hand heading towards her.

"Eh?" Kurono had a question look and saw unconscious Himeno in the enemy's hand. She thought for a second and nodded. She reached up her right hand towards Hayate's and they merged.

To be continued
