Pretear: Black Ice
Author: Hibiki Sakura

Disclaimer: I do not own this anime!

Summary: There's a human out there want to revive the Disaster Queen Fenyrl and Himeno couldn't change into a Pretear anymore because she lost her virginity, in addition, married. Now, they need to find the third Pretear with the help of teenage Mannen, Shin and Hajime. What's so mysterious about Himeno's children's babysitter?

Note: I am not very GOOD in grammars and the english language so I hope you understand the story goes. I've tried my best to make it good. If there are mistakes, please forgive me. And please keep criticisms minimum.

New characters: Mono Kurono, Mono Hikari, Hazuka Kimi.

Episode 01: Awayuki's Baby Sitter

There was a lady humming from the Awayuki's mansion. She was changing the baby's napkin. "Hai... Hai... Kaze-chan!" She lifted the baby up. She had sky-blue hair with dark blue eyes. She played the mother's nose, "Mama!"

The mother had red-pinkish eyes and hair. She was Himeno. She cuddled the baby. "Himeno, we need to go now! I have a meeting today!" Hayate walked in the room and played with the baby's fingers.

"But Hayate, I can't leave Kazeno here alone," Himeno corrected back and kissed the baby's forehead, "I don't trust Mannen!"

Mannen pushed the door wide with veins popping out, his legs firmly on the ground, "What do you mean by that?" The husband and wife turned to look at him. He was nearly as tall as Hayate. He walked towards Himeno. He was now as tall as her. "You know what I mean..." Himeno had irritated eyes, "You can't even watch over me five years ago. How can you possibly watch my baby?"

Mannen boiled and it reached its' limit. "Mannen, we trust you but you can't even watch over Hanayuki." Hana was their first daughter. He looked down, "Okay... I admit I am wrong there but!" He corrected, "I won't do it again." Hayate and Himeno sighed. He snapped, "What's the 'sigh' means? I can I do it!!" "Okay... okay..." They replied.


At the Leafnia, Sassame and Takako's son was already 5 years old and he looked nearly like Shin. "Miko, don't play far..." Takako said from behind and turned around. "What's the matter, Takako?" Sassame asked with a worried look, "Did you feel something?"

She held on the side of her head, as the wind was strong, "I don't know... I thought I felt something powerful..." Sassame held her from behind, "Everything's okay now... nothing to be worried about..."


Mannen was sitting on the tree watching the children at a time. He then sighed. Shin and Hajime were older. "Wouldn't it good if I was still a kid?" He murmured sarcastically. He had been baby sitting the children for weeks now and they were the children of Himeno and Mayune.

"Mannen, should you be playing with us?" Shin asked looking up at him on the branch of the tree with green sparkling eyes and cute looking chubby face. "Who would?" Mannen turned around. He then sweat drops when he heard Mayune's morning high pitch laugh.

She passed by the tree, "Take good care of my children! Hahahaha!" She entered the car and everyone looked at her from a distant. "Goodbye mama!" Two of the children waved. They have pink hair like their mother. She laughed louder when the car reached to the gate. The sweat drops on Mannen's back head increased in number and his face crashed down on the branch.


Not far from the mansion, a drunker scolded two of his daughters and hit them with a whip, ordering them to work. The older one was blocking the younger one with blood all over her arms. "Please stop this father. We know you have so many debts after your gambles but you need to find the way to pay them..."

"Shut up!" The father echoed in the room hitting twice as hard as before, "I've raised you. Give me your school allowance!" "Kurono nee-chan!" The younger one ran over to her but she was hit to the door.

"That money is for tonight's dinner! I can't give it you for gamble!" She corrected with sweat drops and blood streaming down her forehead. "Give it to me!" The father's voice was much louder and hit the younger one instead. She was crying in pain. "Hikari!" She moaned.

"Stop it!" Kurono bit into the father's arm and she immediately hit the wall. She slipped down and there were blood on the wall. "I'll be back later," The father groaned, "I'll get that money no matter what!" He walked out and shut the door.

Kurono's eyes trembled, fisting at the same time. She heard Hikari's moan and crawled towards her, "Hikari, are you all right?" She turned her sister around and saw her crying. "Kurono nee-chan..." She said in a weak moan, "Why does father does treat us like this?" She was crying.

"... We lost everything after he lost mother and started gambling..." Kurono explained and held on her sister, "Everything will be all right... I'll protect you don't you worry!"


She walked to school with plaster all over her forehead. She tsked and pulled her school to the back, "Another school?" She had long brown hair with violet strips on it. Her eyes were dark silver. Everyone around her was scared of thing taking her in the group of bad boys. With her long stripped school skirt, she looked rebellious.

"Look that's Mono Kurono..." The girls started talking. The other nodded, "She was once from a good family but when the mother died, the father became a gambler and they became poor..." "So that's why she's rebellious." She ignored other peoples' talk and entered the school gate.

"Waa!! It's Mannen-chan!!" The surrounding changed. Instead of talking ill about Kurono, it changed the subject to 'the popular handsome cool Mannen'. "Good morning Mannen!" Girls around quickly greeted him but he didn't reply and pass by them. He looked cool but also called as Ice Prince. Actually, deep inside, he was proud of being the most popular guy. He snapped when there's one more girl standing there paying no attention to him. She entered in the building.


"Baby sitting again this afternoon..." He sighed in class as they teacher was talking in front. No one was listening though. He suddenly sensed dark powers and stood up slamming the table. Everyone looked at him and he sweat dropped. "What's the matter, Mannen?" The teacher asked.

"Uh..." He held the back of his head, "Nothing, sir!" Everyone stopped looking at him and he looked out the window, "I am sure there was an evil aura..."


"Why do I have to buy the groceries?" Mannen had veins popping out walking on the streets with plastic bags filled with groceries on his arms. Tanaka haven't return back from picking Mayune. He sensed the evil aura again and stopped sensing the place. He was coincidentally standing on a corner of a building and there was someone going to halt. The figure collided to him and all the groceries fell off with their scream.

The figure apologized and walked away with the eyes blocked by the cap. Mannen looked at the groceries and his fingers were moving angrily. He turned and pointed the figure, "Where do you think you are going?" He stopped.

"You collide me and don't even help me? And you were heavy too," He pointed, "You informal citizen!" "In... in..." The figure repeated, "Informal?" There were veins on the cheeks. He walked over to Mannen and picked the groceries, "Here! You can you can still use this!" He then walked away in a fast mode. "Where-??" Mannen screamed and everyone around looked at him. "The next time I see you, you'll regret you were born!!" It echoed through the city.


The one who collided to Mannen stood in front of a signboard looking for something. He then sighed and felt someone beside her. He turned and saw two couple, holding hands romantically.

They were Himeno and Hayate. She looked down at him and she gave him a sweet smile. "Uh..." He blushed speechless. "Are you looking for a job?" She asked. He nodded, "Um... sort of..."

"Are you good with children?" Hayate asked and he nodded. "I love children..." He whispered. "Then it settle then!" Himeno then became hyper that he moved one pace back scared. "You are accepted to be the official Awayuki children baby sitter!" She pointed and Hayate had sweat drops. "Don't decide it on your own."

"But Hayate..."

He stood there alone and thinking, "Awayuki... children..." He immediately nodded vigorously, "Please!" The couple looked at her and he was smiling sweetly. "Thank you!" She then thanked.

Somewhere in the dark, there was dark black long-haired lady puffing. "More... I need more leafe... more..." She fisted, "Once I get all leafe... I will be immortal... and undefeated!"

To be continued

Episode 02: Awayuki's mansion


A/u: This is my Pretear first fic. So please be lenient with your reviews and keep criticisms to minimum. This fic is dedicated to Mannen, Shin and Hajime's fan. Hope you enjoy and thank you for you time. Thank you.