A/N: Yea, I have been busy! Sorry, forgive me! I'm ending this story, and already have the idea from my sequel! This chapter is a little different! I am having some writer's block, an I just want to move on to the next part in this story! If y'all were looking forward to the 2nd anniversary chapter, don't worry! You'll eventually see what happened in the sequel! It's called flashbacks! Anyways, this chapter is kind of a lead into the 2nd installment in the No Man's Land series (I think its gonna be a series!) and it gives you a peek into the future! Yea, this is confusing, but bear with me peeps! Please review!

All Falls Down…

Sara's POV:

My first CD had just received the finishing touches, and was already to be released! I can't wait, this is such an exciting time! I had decided to title the CD, "Straight From My Lips" for no apparent reason except it basically described the CD. It had only taken a year and a half for this CD to get written, recorded, and completed. John had released his rap album, after about a YEAR long delay, and was doing pretty good sales wise! I was so proud of him! He actually was on my CD, on the song "All I Have." That was one of my favorite songs, even if it sounded like a break up song. The CD track list is as follows:

Get Right

Only U

When You Kiss Me

Since U been Gone

What You Waitin' For

Life Before



Lavender and Lace

Back to Us

Not Happening

Love Isn't Fair

More Than Friends

(A/N: Just so y'all know, half of these songs I just made up, but all the others (recognizable songs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,8) I didn't.))

Overall, I was pretty proud of this CD. I had written all of the songs, with a little help from John on like two. Randy even chimed in with an idea, hence the song "More Than Friends."

Lately I've been wondering about Randy. He has gotten, uh, strange to say the least. He hasn't been coming around like he used to…I don't know why either. Him and John aren't fighting, I don't think I've said anything rude…who knows? Actually, I think I do know why he's been weird. We were hanging out one night, (John was in Massachusetts) and Randy got drunk. As I was helping him get to the car, he pinned me against the door, and full on kissed me! I wound up slapping him, but then I suddenly remembered the night that I was drunk, and wound up kissing him.

Things between Randy and me had been a bit different since that night. Maybe I had been acting a little strange around him, but that's mainly because I was a bit disappointed in myself. I find myself drifting off, and thinking about how even though he was drunk, Randy was an excellent kisser. I shouldn't be thinking those things; I mean I'm married! So what if things have been a bit strained between John and me…that's no reason to go off and get feelings for his best friend!

So John and I have been going through some rough patches. Our 4th anniversary was two months ago, John wasn't even home. He was busy doing something in LA, working on a new song I believe. I didn't think much of it…I was in Costa Rica for a divas photo shoot, but then I started hearing things-bad things. Our popularity had been rising, we had been on MTV cribs, John had a decent CD out, I had snagged a major role in the Fantastic Four movie as Sue Storm! (A/N: Sara got Jessica Alba's role in my fic! Just picture Jessica Alba with bigger boobs!) That movie had been a blast to film, and had done pretty well for itself in the box office. But anyways, the paparazzi had begun noticing my family, and one day, I saw a picture of John in LA, with two girls hanging all over him. I wasn't too happy, but then I just shrugged it off and tried to convince myself that they were fans…with extremely short skirts, fake boobs, and practically non-existing tops. Ok, it had gotten under my skin, but I didn't think that John was cheating on me.

John couldn't be cheating on me…I mean, we have had our arguments lately, but it's always about stupid stuff that we shouldn't be arguing about. I think our problem is that we don't see each other enough anymore. John was on RAW, and I had wound up back at SmackDown early on last year. They needed some rating boosts, and felt that sending me over there along with Randy, Benoit, Trish, and Stacy would help out. It did, but I'm beginning to think that it has affected my personal life.

Maybe I'm just being neurotic, but when you see pictures on Monday night RAW of your husband kissing a fan…on the lips, it becomes a red warning flag in your head!

Today, I had decided to surprise John in San Antonio with Brianna. My little girl had gotten so big! She is now 2 years old, and is cute as a button. Since John and I are constantly on the road, she has been staying at my parents' house. I had a few days off, so I had picked her up, and was going to take her to see the daddy that she hadn't seen in probably about a month. John calls her on the phone more than he does me, which is all right. Honestly, I think that the only thing that has kept me and John together this long is Bri.

John and I haven't had sex in, uh hang on I need to think, oh yea like 5 months. Pretty insane, but we just haven't seen each other enough, and when we do, something always comes up. Oh well, I can make up for that tonight!

John's POV:

Let me tell you, being a rapper has its perks! I'm getting some extra cash, more respect, and the ladies are all over me! Life is great, and I'm living and loving every moment of it! Don't get me wrong, I'm still the same guy, but just improved on!

Haven't seen Sara in almost 5 months, we've talked on the phone a few times, but that was about it. Whenever we've talked, its just ended in arguments. Mostly just Sara yelling at me about all these pictures of me with other women turning up. Oh well, I'm over it. The only reason we are still together is because of my little baby girl, Bri! I love my daughter, and it's not fair to make her split her time between Sara and me. So for now, I'm stuck in a seeming to be no perks relationship, with a virtually not there wife. Now is that fair to me? No it's definitely not fair. I can guarantee you that Sara has got a guy on the side, so what if I have a few chicks every now an then? I've seen the pictures of Sara…out partying...flirting with her co-star on the "Fantastic Four," I've even heard rumors around the locker room saying that Sara was spending a little too much time with a certain wrestler…Rene Dupree. What do I care though?

Sara's POV, at John's hotel:

I had found out John's room number, and was on my way up to see him. I had noticed a girl about, maybe 25 walk up behind me. She said a few words to the desk clerk guy, and then made her way to the elevator. As I pushed the button, she laughed and said, "Hey that's the floor I'm heading to also!" I replied with a smile, and then looked down at Brianna.

"Your daughter's a cutie. She looks the guy who I'm going to see. Come to think of it, he has a daughter!" the brunette exclaimed.

"Really? That's funny! I don't know who your going to see, but she sure looks like her daddy." I replied.

The elevator stopped at the 4th floor, and we both stepped out. I made my way down to John's room, and was a little annoyed that the brunette was still behind me. I found room 403, and then stopped. The brunette was standing right next to me…

"Uh, what are you doing here?" I asked her.

"Well this is the room of the guy I'm seeing. What are you doing here?" she replied.

John wasn't traveling with anyone, was he?

"This is John Cena's room. I'm going to uh, 'see' him." The brunette answered, giggling.

I was speechless…

"Oh, I must have gotten the wrong room." I muttered. Flustered, I picked up Brianna and walked back towards the elevator, still dumbfounded at my current situation.

John's POV:

I heard some talking at the door, and figured that it was Cathy. I put on my best smile, and opened the door.

"Hey baby!" I said, standing in the doorway.

"Hey there sexy!" She replied. Cathy walked in, and we got right down to business, kissing.

I broke our kiss, and asked, "Hey who were you talking to at the door?"

"Oh, some chick with a cute little girl. She had stopped at your door, but then when I told her who's room this was, said that she had the wrong room. Funny, that cute little girl looked so much like you!" Cathy replied with a laugh.

"Wait, a minute…Oh shit, you need to leave now. I think that was my wife!" I exclaimed, as I ran out the door.

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit…I'm in it deep now!

A/N: So this is the end of the first part of No Man's Land. Looks like John and Sara have been going through some rough patches…John cheating? Sara starting to think about Randy in a different way? Trouble's ahead!