As Alanna was screamed at him, John had his hand on the cheek that Alanna had just slapped. It wasn't quite the welcome he was expecting, but he understood why she was pissed... but she looked beautiful when she was angry. Suddenly out of no where John pulled her into his arms and kissed her with a passion that he had been denied for so long. Alanna was shocked that he kissed her, but suddenly her anger melted away as she slowly began to kiss back with equal passion. She melted into his embrace as she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer to her. A few minutes later when they broke apart, John finally spoke, "God I needed to do that."

Alanna opened her eyes and smiled lightly, "I missed it too. Does this mean you forgive me?"

John sighed as he pulled away from her, "First I want you to explain to me why you faked your death."

Alanna sighed as she looked at him, "All right. Well it all started in the ambulance..."


They placed her into the ambulance and John wanted to go with her but Lopez who was dressed as a EMT said, "Sorry sir, we can't let you ride with us."

"I understand completely," said John and they closed the door and drove toward the hospital.

When they got far away Lopez said, "Coast is clear."

Alanna then sat up and removed her jacket and revealed her bullet proof vest with a broken plastic bag with red liquid in it. "Damn that hurt." She removed the vest and moved her shoulder in a circle.

"You OK?" asked Lopez as he sat across from her.

"Just peachy," said Alanna, "was that real enough?"

"I think Cena and Hart believed it."

"I think so too," said Alanna as she removed the vest, "damn that was a bitch. I know I am going to bruise tonight." She then grabbed her walkie talkie, "did you get Hart?"

"Negative," said the agent, "he was gone before we got there."

"Thank you," said Alanna and shut it off, "God Damn It!" She tossed the walkie talkie across the ambulance. "Bastard Hart got away." She sighed as she placed her face in her hands, "So damn close." A couple minutes later her head snapped back up, "I know how to get him."

Lopez looked at her, "How?"

Alanna looked at Lopez as she said, "I have to fake my death."

"What?!" David screamed in shock, "you can't do that."

"It's the only way we can get him."

"How can you be so sure?"

"David," said Alanna as she crossed her arms, "I know Hart, every time he kills someone he goes to their grave. I saw him at Jay's grave about a week after he killed Jay."

"You think this is going to work?"

"Yes I do."

"What about Cena?"

Alanna looked away for a moment since she totally forget about John, she saw the look in his eyes after she got "shot". She did not know how to tell him that she was an FBI agent, but then she had an idea. "We have to make him believe that I am dead."


"Hart will not believe I am dead unless Cena thinks I am."

"You sure you want to do this?"

Just then they arrived in the basement of the hospital, and Alanna sighed as she said, "We got no other chance."

"Let's do it then," said Lopez as they got out and Alanna prayed for John's forgiveness for what she was about to do.


"So you were never shot?"

"Oh I was," said Alanna as she showed the marking from where she was shot, "but the bullet never entered me, I had a bulletproof vest on, and since if I did not start bleeding, you would have began to wonder about me, so we had a plastic bag with red liquid in it to make it look like blood."

"I see. What about the doctor that told me you were dead?"

"We told him that it was a matter of national security, and that we needed him to say that I was dead, in which he did."

"All right, what about-"

"The funeral?" asked Alanna and John nodded, "I took a pill that made me, look and seem dead. I was still alive, but my pulse and breathing were so shallow, no one could feel it, or sense it."

"How long where you out?"

"I took about six hours before the funeral. We timed it right so when someone closed the coffin, I would regain consciousness. Of course you took longer than we thought, so the drug nearly wore out while you were talking, but luckily when you closed the coffin it finally wore off."


"The best and worst moments happened in my life that night, I gained a title, only to lose the woman I loved." He wiped the tears from his eyes and he then looked at Alanna's body. "Alanna was the one person who understood me like no other. She knew how to make me smile, how to comfort, and mostly how to love. She taught me to love again, but now she is gone. I know she is at peace again and that she is always in my heart. Alanna we all love you, and will miss you forever." After he finished John made his way to her coffin, he placed the rose over her folded hands, and whispered softly, "I love you, and will always love you." He then kissed her lips, closed her coffin and then made his way to a pew.

When John finally closed the coffin Alanna had opened her eyes as the side of effects from the drug that made her look and seem dead fully wore off. She sighed as she said softly, "I am so sorry John for putting you through this pain."

The minister then said, "Let us pray," and everyone bowed their head in a silent prayer. A couple minutes later, everyone said "Amen." Then, John, Kurt Angle, Billy Gunn, Eddie Guerrero, Rob Van Dam, and Vince McMahon surrounded the coffin. Everyone stood up as the six men rolled the coffin down the aisle and then lifted it off and placed it into the Hurst.

As they were doing that Alanna slipped through the trap door on the bottom of the coffin and slid into the carrier of the coffin. She then closed both doors and waited as she heard the six guys lift the coffin off the carrier. Then someone rolled the carrier back into the church and when everyone left Alanna slipped out from underneath. Lopez was there and helped her out, "I can not believe that worked."

Alanna looked at him and smiled lightly, "I know, I thought I was going to open my eyes before the coffin was closed, since John took longer than I thought."

"It was a close call," said Lopez, "but we did it."

"Yeah, next part getting Hart."


"So a week after the funeral we finally got Jack "The Snake" Hart."


"And now here we are," said Jack as he looked at his sister-in-law, "a few years later and in the same situation," she then noticed that evil look in his eyes, "with the same outcome." Suddenly he swung at Alanna, but she quickly ducked and kicked Jack legs from under him. They both quickly got up and Jack grabbed a knife from his pocket as he smiled sadistically at her.

Alanna motioned with her hands as she said, "Bring it on." Jack swung the knife as her and she bent backwards to avoid the knife. She quickly moved away from the knife and the kicked it out of his hand. Jack then got a good shot in when he punched her in the stomach, knocking the wind out of her. He went for another weapon, but suddenly Alanna did a back handspring over a tombstone and kicked him right in the face causing him to fly to the ground, but before he could grabbed the knife, he heard the cocking of Alanna's gun. "Freeze Hart. It's over."

Hart looked at her and nodded, "I guess it is, not bad sis, I guess taught you well...." he was about the throw the knife but Alanna shot at him with the bullet landing within an inch from his face. He was surprised, but he rose his hands and said, "I surrender."

Alanna kicked the knife away from him as she spun him around and placed the handcuffs on his write, "Jack Hart, you are arrest for the attempted murders of John Cena and myself, in addition to ten counts of murder. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney, if you don't have a attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand these rights?"

"Yes," said Jack Hart with his usual smile, but she then walked him to the police car, shoved him into it and slapped the roof. As the car drove away Jack Hart sighed as he realized that it was over.

After the car left Alanna smiled in relief, "It's all over." She then went to Jason's grave and kneeled in front of it. "Jay, I did it, I got him. I got Jack for you, now you can finally rest in peace."

Suddenly Lopez appeared next to her, "you got him?"

Alanna smiled and nodded, "Yes sir."

"Thank God," said Lopez, "this case was a hard one on you... but your next case will be easy."


Lopez looked at her with surprise, "excuse me?"

"I am not taking another case sir."

"What do you mean!? You're my best agent!"

"I know sir," said Alanna as she looked at him, "but after what happened with this case, I realized that I need a break from the force for a while. Sir I am stressed out, I have been so focused with work that I have not had time to mourn for Jason. At the right I am going I am going to have a heart attack at 30. I just need some time off to reenergize my body before I take another case."

David nodded as he understood and then had a thought, "What about Cena?" When she looked away David suddenly asked the question she never thought he would ask, "Are you in love with him?"

Alanna looked at him with surprise but she could not deny it, "Yes I am, but he would hate me because I lied to him about who I was. Damn it Lopez, I was a FBI agent sent to protect him from my brother-in-law!"

Lopez was surprised when she said that, "What did you say?"

"Jack and Jason are brothers, twin brothers in fact," said Alanna, "he changed his last name before he joined the FBI after Jack became who he was, but that is besides the point. I lied to John about who I was, he thought I was a sweet manager for wrestlers, he did not know I'm a FBI who was sent to protect him. I lied to him, like Dawn Marie did, so we could protect him."

"He is going to forgive you for that."

"David, did you forget something?" asked Alanna and she pointed to the tombstone with her name on it,

"He thinks I am dead, he is not going to forgive me for putting him through all this pain!" Alanna sighed as she looked at her watch, "Look I have a flight to catch, I will be back in a month or so." She then handed him a letter, "give this to John when you get the chance." She began to walk away, but Lopez stopped her.

"Where are you going?" asked Lopez.

She looked at him and smiled, "To a place where I was once truly happy." She then waved goodbye and went into her car. She drove to the airport, got on the plane, and as it was taking off, she felt the tears flowing down her cheeks, not only for the loss of Jason, but for the loss of John Felix Anthony Cena.


"And now we are hear to this moment."

John sighed as he looked at her, "So it was all a lie."

"John, the only things that were the truth were my name and..." she then took his hand in hers, "my feelings for you. John, I love you with all my heart and soul. When I first met you, I had to guard my heart, since I knew I could not get emotionally involved, but over time, I let my guard down and I fell in love with you. I hated the fact that I had to fake my death to get Hart. The hardest part was that I had to leave you, God knows I did not want to, but if you did not believe I was dead... then Hart would not have. I am so sorry John for everything I did to you, I hope that you can forgive me. And if you can't, I can completely understand."

John looked at their joined hands and then into her eyes, he saw the love for him in them. He realized that he could not live without her, but he had one question, "Are you going to stay in the FBI?"

"Yes, it's my life. I love working in the FBI, I know I am putting myself in danger everyday, but I love it."

"That is how I feeling about wrestling," said John.

"Do you forgive me?" asked Alanna.

John looked at her and smiled, "Yes Alanna, I forgive you. I love you too much to lose you. I never want to lose you again."

Alanna smiled as she said, "You are not going to get rid of me that easily. I love you John Cena."

"I love you too Alanna Richardson," said John as he stood up and pulled her into his arms. He lowered his lips to hers and kissed her knowing that life was perfect again. She kissed him back and wrapped her arms around him, making sure that there was no space between them. A couple minutes later John scooped her into his arms and carried her to the bedroom where they showed each other the true meaning of love as a shower of shootings stars lit up the night sky.


Author's Note: Here is the end of Guarding Her Heart. I hope that you guys enjoyed it. I am amazed that this has gotten the most reviews! Well I hope you enjoy my other stories and my future ones! ::Hugs::