Ami's Odyssey
second edition
A loftier Argo cleaves the main,
Fraught with a later prize;
Another Orpheus sings again,
And loves, and weeps, and dies.
A new Ulysses leaves once more
Calypso for his native shore.
From, "Hellas: Two Choruses" by Percy Bysse Shelley
Guide my hand, Muse, and let me tell the tale of the one called the Soldier of Water. In jealous rage, Poseidon has lost his city to the wisdom of another, and seeks revenge against the goddess Athena. He searches through time, and finds his champion. Paint the words, Muse, on the page, of that girl who incurred Poseidon's wrath, and who braved his seas to take back what is hers....
Silently walked a solitary figure in the halls of time. Mists of purple and grey shrouded the daughter of Chronos, sighing past her as she patrolled her protectorate. Into the misty halls, a brightness of silvery blue coalesced, streaking forward at a lightning pace down the hall to where the lone senshi paced. Centuries of silence had attuned her to the ways of this strange place. The disturbance in the mists, the other presence, alerted her. She turned, Timestaff in hand, to see a figure emerge from the ball lightning, a male form, grinning with a lopsided smile.
"Pluto!" he greeted her, folding his arms and leaping lithely into the air, where he hovered, legs crossed at the ankles. "Got some news for you."
Sailor Pluto arched an eyebrow. There was little by way of 'news' that he could tell her. But, stoic as usual, she waited for him to speak.
Finally realizing that he would not be getting a response, he shrugged, yawning. Then his chocolatey eyes brightened as he told her, "Selene has given birth. The Moon Kingdom has an heir."
This was good news. But Pluto, knowing the person she now faced, hesitated. A word of caution would be said now, to ensure the future. "A son. Excellent. Is he healthy?"
"Perfect. Selene couldn't be happier."
It was Pluto's reaction to his response that alerted him to his mistake. She leaned forward, bringing her staff to bear, preparing to call out her command. He grinned wickedly, and with the infinite speed that had so swiftly brought him to her halls, withdrew a hand from behind his back, a pouch in palm. The leather bag was thrown as Pluto began her whisper, the leather thongs opening and spraying a dusty substance into Pluto's face. "Dead Scr..." her words faded as her eyelids slipped down, her grip on the Timestaff loosening. Her knees buckled as she fought the powder, but it settled in her garnet eyes, and she collapsed to the ground, the Timestaff clattering down beside her.
The young man chuckled lightly, levitating
over Pluto's lightly slumbering body. "So, the heir is going to be a girl,
then. Well, old Sea Brains said you were smart. Gotta love Morpheus for
sleeping powder, though," he said, shaking his head. He shrugged, then
floated over Pluto's silently slumbering body, and plucked a key from its
Hi everyone!
Welcome to 'Ami's Odyssey,' a reworking
of my second fanfic ever. At the time of writing 'Amy's Odyssey,'
I had only read some of the Sailormoon manga, and surfed the net
for information on the series. I was only just getting to know the Japanese
names of the characters and their attacks. This fic was sort of a transitory
stage in what I knew about SM. Hopefully, with this edition of 'Ami's Odyssey,'
I can clean up some discrepancies and get all the dub names into the original
format. I don't intend to rewrite the fic, but I do want to clear up some
of the problems with it that have been bugging me since I wrote it.
Basic information about the fic: All excerpts
from the "Odyssey" are from the Robert Fagles verse translation,
1996, Penguin Books. Sailor Moon and everything related to it belongs
to Naoko Takeuchi, Toei Anime, DiC Entertainment and other powerful people
with lawyers scarier than any youma, so please do not sue me.
The characters of legend belong to the world, except
for Athena, who belongs to herself, because she lives in my bookcase and
yells at me to write.
I also recently opened up a mailing list for my
fanfics- ::coughcoughhinthintplugplug:: if you're curious, check it out
Happy reading.
Original Read me and Disclaimer-
Hello...and welcome to "Amy's Odyssey."
The quote in chapt. 2 is from the "Metamorphoses" by Ovid, trans.
by A.D. Melville, Oxford ed. 1986.
This is just general info. The song in chapt. 5 is "Dante's Prayer"
music and lyrics by Loreena McKennitt, from the "Book of Secrets," and
the song in chapt. 7 is from "All Souls Night" also by Loreena McKennitt,
from "The Visit." (Can you tell who I was listening to when I wrote this?)
I read the English translation mangas, so all attacks, nicknames,
(Bunny, V-babe) are from there. Usagi/Serena is ALWAYS called 'Bunny'.
And an *astrix* means an italic, usually Amy's thoughts.
Sailor Moon and everything related to it belongs to Naoko Takeuchi,
Toei Anime, DiC Entertainment, Pocket Mixx and other powerful people with
lawyers scarier than any Negaverse monster, so please do not sue me.
The characters of legend belong to the world, except for Athena, who
belongs to herself, because she lives in my bookcase and yells at me to
Finally, please e-mail me! I would love to hear from everyone!
My address is [email protected]
Ja ne, and enjoy!