Kaoru on Call

Chapter One: Assignment for Ms. Kamiya


It's a normal day at the dojo until a police officer comes by with a body guard assignment for a high ranking government official. But it isn't for Kenshin or Sanosuke this time.


This is set one year after the series.

The sun was high and bright in the robin's egg blue sky in the 1868 Japan sky. Kaoru was still in her training gi and hakama sweeping the porch clean. After the porch was dirt free, Kaoru made her way into the training hall where Kenshin was happily cleaning the floors there.

"Kenshin, have you seen Yahiko? He missed practice this morning." Kaoru said, taking a bokken from the cabinet.

Kenshin stopped his cleaning and looked up at Kaoru with his usual smile and shook his head.

"Gomen, Kaoru-dono. I thought Yahiko was with you."

Kaoru just smiled and continued her exercises outside the hall.

"Don't worry Kenshin. He's probably at the Akabeko with Tae and Tsubame. When he smells you cooking dinner he'll come running."

Kenshin picked up the bucket and cleaning cloth and exited the hall and dumped the bucket a few feet away from Kaoru. He sat on the edge of the porch watching the ebony haired girl practicing her sword style with a smile. Kenshin sighed and felt the small box inside his gi shift it's position. He carefully took it out and cupped it in his hands away from the assistant master's view. Carefully flipping the lid open with his thumb, Kenshin looked down at the ring he had purchased some time ago. He didn't have much money, but he did the best he could to purchase the most beautiful ring for the most beautiful woman he knew. It was a simple gold band, no more, no less. Lately, Kenshin had been wishing for a body guard assignment from the police chief just so he could get some money to buy a proper ring so he could propose to Kaoru.


Thankful for his god-like speed, Kenshin stuck the box back into his gi and smiled at Kaoru.

"Yes, Kaoru-dono?"

"What do you have?"

"Nothing! Say, is that Sanosuke and Megumi-dono?"

Kaoru looked away from Kenshin to see Sanosuke running towards them, Megumi following close behind. They finally reached the red haired rurouni and dark haired assistant Kamiya Kasshin master and stopped. Kaoru looked at Megumi and noticed her red puffy eyes and cracking voice when she spoke.

"We were stopping by the Akabeko to see Tae and Tsubame. But when we got there, everyone in the Akabeko was crowded around them and they were crying. Sanosuke asked what was wrong, and Tae handed him this note."

Kenshin took the paper away from Megumi just in time for Sanosuke to wrap his arms around her and let the doctor cry into his chest. Kaoru read the note along with Kenshin, and her knees gave out when she got to the final line.

If you ever want to see the Myojin brat again, send two hundred thousand yen to the bridge at midnight in two weeks.

If you do not comply with our orders, the Kamiya Dojo will be burned to the ground, and the kid dies.

You have two weeks, Kamiya!

Kenshin knelt down beside Kaoru, who buried her face in the red material of his gi and cried. Sanosuke looked at Kenshin who was holding Kaoru and clutching the note. The ex fighter-for-hire saw flecks of amber appearing in the usually innocent rurouni's violet eyes.

"Hey, Kenshin, how are we going to get all that money?"

Kenshin pulled Kaoru closer, and gripped the note tighter.

"I don't know, Sano. I honestly don't know."


"Kaoru-dono? Here's your breakfast."

Kenshin pushed backed the shoji screen to Kaoru's room and sighed. Kaoru was lying on her side, silent sobs barely audible even to Kenshin. He sat down the warm bowl of miso soup and sat beside Kaoru. here."

Kaoru turned over slowly and looked at Kenshin with saddened blue eyes. Kenshin picked her up and cradled her close to him.

"Kenshin, Yahiko is...He is gone."

Kenshin lay his chin on her head and rocked to and fro gently. He stroked her hair with his free hand.

"Kaoru, don't say that. I'll try and get a job from the police and see if I can get the money."

"Kenshin, there isn't a bodyguard job in Japan that pays two hundred thousand yen in one night!"

He lifted her face up to face his and smiled.

"I will find a way to save Yahiko. But we can't do anything right now because we don't know who we're dealing with. But get dressed and we'll go to the police station to see if they have any work."

Kaoru smiled and got up off the floor and shooed Kenshin out of the room so she could get dressed.

"So, there is nothing I can do? Not even a bodyguard for a merchant?" Kenshin asked desperately.

Yamagata shook his head and sat a stack of papers back on the shelf.

"I'm afraid not, Mr. Himura. Nobody has even wrote to us requesting a bodyguard for almost three months now. Saitou has even been sent to street duty in these recent months."

Kenshin nodded his head and stood to get up.

"Thank you, Mr. Yamagata." The rurouni bowed and started to leave.

A police officer came running into the room, breathing heavily and holding a yellow slip of paper in his hand. He handed the paper to the approaching Yamagata who quickly scanned over the telegram.

"Well, Mr. Himura. Your in luck."

He held the paper out, but when Kenshin reached for it, he shook his head.

"This isn't for you, Mr. Himura," He handed the telegram to Kaoru.

"This is for Ms. Kamiya."

END- Yes, yes, yes, it's short! I'm sorry! I'm trying to keep three long stories going now, so please be patient! See you next chapter!