Lucius Malfoy walked into his son Draco's room. The room was ladden with all sorts of treasures. Trinkets lying here and there. His desk was covered in crumpled up pieces of paper.

"Son, I think it's time for to lay down a few rules, I've decided that your sixth year is the time for you to understand what it means to be a Malfoy."

A peice of parchment lay in his hands. He looked over it and handed it to his son. Draco took the peice of parchment and skimmed through it, although there wasn't much to skim.

Those of the name Malfoy do not:
Show Mercy
Show their emotions
Care of those inferior
Interact with those not of pureblood.

Malfoy looked up at his father, with his cynical smirk planted on his face. This is a very pathetic list of stupid guildlines. "What kind of list is this?" he looked up with a smirk. He looked back down at the list, snorted, balled it up, and threw it into the pile of parchment surrounding his desk. His father became outraged, and grabbed him by his robecollar.

"You will do as I say" he breathed into his sons ear with menace and rage dripping from every syllable. "Father please let go of me." Tears were starting to emerge in Draco's eyes. His father looked down at his son. he had Draco tight around the neck, choking him.

Draco glanced up at his father. "Let me go." Tears were now openly falling down his cheeks, his icy grey eyes flooded with pain. The signs of hemoragging were starting to show. His father let go of him. Draco fell on all fours and cryed out.

"I SAID MALFOYS DON NOT CRY!" His father kicked him in his stomach and pushed him down to the floor. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" He kicked Draco repeatedly and spat at the ground before him. "YOU WILL DO AS I SAY!" After a few seconds, he calmed down a bit, "-after you graduate, you will recieve the Drak Mark, and you will serve Lord Voldemort." He waited a little bit.. and then "DID YOU HEAR ME?! ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HEARD ME!"

Not knowing that his son was to weak to speak, he quickly glided to where his son lay. "CRUCIO!" Draco fell to the floor and withered in pain.

Again his father bellowed, "YOU WILL ALWAYS DO AS I SAY!" he left the room but the Cruciatus Curse continueduntil Draco slowly faded into unconciousness.


AN: This is my first so send the reviews and the flames. tell me what you think. I update often. Thanks to the people who sent reviews earlier. keep 'em coming