Just a Fun Little Deal

It was quiet and unsettling night at the Monastery. Everyone but one was asleep, his name was Carl, a friar of the monastery. He was about to head to his room when he heard a scratch on the door. He scurried to the door, thinking it was Van Helsing.
"Well, what do-"started Carl when he looked up to see a werewolf snaring down at him, "Oh-nice doggy." Said Carl as he backed up with the werewolf mere feet away, "Uhm-how about a..." said Carl picking up a box, "how about a box of Werewolf Treats! I made them myself. Better than eating a poor, defenseless friar like me. Yum." He said quickly tossing one to the werewolf who sniffed it and gulped it up. It snarled more at Carl, "No-how about another!" he tosses another one, the werewolf gleefully eats it, but it still comes at Carl who pulls out another, but this time, there are no more, "oh, no-Van Helsing! VAN HELSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" As the werewolf edged closer and grabbed the box from Carl. It sniffed the inside, wanting more, but none there was and the hunger of the werewolf was great.
"Why me."