A/N: Okay, okay, I should really learn to finish my other 2 fanfics, but I couldn't resist!!!!!!! I got this idea from a dream, and experiences from the past 10 Christmas. -. About this fanfic, I'm going to update like 3 chapters or 2, or 1. Until it's Christmas, this is not a really major fanfic. On Christmas however, I'm going to make this my main goal to finish this on Christmas Eve! So enjoy!







Dedications: I dedicate this to my mother, sister and my father. But I mostly dedicate this to my father though.

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, or its characters.








A Christmas Tale

By: Angel Miko289












It was the night of Christmas when six adults, seven children, and one teenager gathered around a huge fire place, where a woman with sparkling bluish-grayish eyes, with raven black hair brought cookies and milk for everyone to eat.

"Daddy tell us a story!!" exclaimed the young girl about the age of four as she munched on her cookie, with her violet eyes looking at her father.

The man on the middle of the floor sighed then looked at his wife, pleading, his violet eyes begging for her to tell a story.
His wife, was sitting on the floor behind the children, looked at her husband with her bluish-grayish eyes and shook her head.

He looked at his brother, who was smirking and sitting on a stool. His brother stared at him coldly and then shook his head, still smirking.

Then the man turned to his sister in law, and his friend's wife. They both grinned at him, and also shook their heads.

The poor man sighed then looked at his friend and the young teenager. They both grinned then shook their heads no.

The man sighed.

"I'll tell you The Christmas Tale" he said as he looked at the smiling children.

"But we already know about the tale! It's about Santa Claus!" exclaimed the boy as he looked at his uncle. His golden eyes glaring at his uncle.

"Yes, but this is a different story." He said as he looked at his brother, who was now smiling, his sister in law, smirking, his friends, the teen, and his wife.

"It was close to Christmas....................................................."













A/N: So how did you like it? I really didn't describe the people that were in the house because it wasn't necessary. Of you are smart, and then you would know who's who. - If you like, you can guess in your reviews. Please REVIEW!!!!!!! Oh and I'm so sorry if this chappie sounds so corny!