I'll Remember You

Disclaimer: I don't own Hamtaro.

Wow, long time no see!! Well, not really, I stopped writing fics for a while, you know, writer's block, school, family, chores, lotsa stuff, yeah…but I've still been reading and reviewing fics. Lol. Anyways, I wrote this story about…two years ago, back when I was obsessing over Hamtaro. And I've just recently found it, so I've been thinking of turning it into a ficcy. Anyways, I'll go ahead and get started, enjoy!!

My life was as good as it gets. Why it ended before it barely started is a complete mystery to me. Sitting in a cage alone, with no other hams to talk to and only a hamster wheel to entertain myself with is not really what I'd call fun. I sometimes wish my friends could come along, but I know that that would be impossible. I truly, truly, miss my brother, and my girlfriends, we were so tight. I miss the other hams too, they were just so wonderful and just great friends. I also really, truly, miss Him. Thinking back on it, I know that things between me and him had gotten a bit rocky, yet we were still going strong, but I just wish I could've at least let him know, before I left, how I really felt about him, and all the heartache I went through, and just everything that's been on my mind since the first day we met. I just want to tell him.

--Chapter One--

Paw-in-paw, two hamsters walked down a sidewalk together. They were so different, yet had so much in common. Their similarities brought them together, but it was their differences that made them so perfect for each other. His hobby was reading books, hers was dancing. He was tall, she was short. He'd referee a soccer game, and she'd play. He was a director for the plays they did, and she was an actress in them. It was a way of saying that opposites really do attract. But as great a couple as they were, and as perfect as they seemed, it just didn't last as long as they both hoped it would, because frankly, nothing's perfect, and that includes they're relationship. It wasn't only the example of a great couple, it was the example of what happens when you keep secrets that are meant to be told when you find them out.

Sandy looked at the full moon. Her eyes were shining, almost brighter then the moon. She turned to look at Maxwell. He was looking ahead, not noticing how Sandy stared at him, but he did have a feeling. He smiled to himself. Sandy knew that he knew that she was watching him, because of his smiled and because his fingers had intertwined with hers. She loved it when he did that.

"Maxy?" She stopped dead in her tracks.

"Hm? Something wrong?" Maxwell had asked, turning to her. Then he noticed that they were in front of her house. He blushed a little. "Oh…right." She just gave him a small smile.

Sandy looked into the house. The lights were on in the bottom floor, but the top floor seemed dark. Hillary was probably still downstairs watching late night movies. Sandy didn't want to depart from Maxwell just yet. "It's dark in Hillary's room…like, almost scary," Sandy said, thinking up something so that Maxwell would walk her to her cage. She had used this trick the first time he walked her home, of course, the first time she meant it, by now she was used to going home and finding the room dark. But the trick worked every now and then, and it's not like Maxwell could ever refuse her.

"I'll walk you up then," He said smiling at her. She smiled back. They both climbed up the vines that grew from the ground up to Hillary's room window. Sandy being more athletic, could probably climb faster then Maxwell, and most likely fall, but Maxwell, who was much more stronger then her, held a good grip to the vines and he climbed below her, just in case her paws got tired and let go. It happened once, leaving Sandy with bad leg and a bruise on her side for weeks. Maxwell didn't want to see that happen all over again, so they decided Sandy was safer climbing slower then she used and instead of next to Maxwell, she climbed above him.

Sandy heaved a sigh as she finally made it to the top, Maxwell coming up right after her. She looked around Hillary's room. Thank goodness she was still watching movies. She probably fell asleep. Sandy hugged Maxwell tightly, kind of surprising him, "Oh gosh, I wish I didn't have to like, leave."

Maxwell hugged back, "We'll see each other again tomorrow Sandy, and the day after, and the day after that day, and the day after after that day, and for all the days to come after that."

"I know, but like…you never know Maxy, what if Hillary like, gets into that school she wants to go to? The one in America," Sandy really did want to treasure all the time she and Maxwell spent together.

"Don't think that Sandy. I know that whether or not Hillary gets in the school, there's going to be good and bad things either way, but just don't think about it, okay?" Maxwell separated from Sandy a bit, still holding her close running his paw through her hair. "But, no matter what happens Sandy, you'll always, always be in my heart."

Sandy smiled, "You really mean that…?"

"Of course I do, I would never lie to you," He said. It was a promise he made from the heart, but one that he never knew he'd break.

Sandy hugged him again, "Oh you are like, soooo sweet Maxy. I'm so glad we met, you have like, no idea how happy you make me." she squeezed him.

"I think I do," Maxy said, losing circulation in his body.

"Oh…heh…sorry," Sandy said apologizing, as she loosened her grip.

Maxwell took hold of both her paws and looked her in the eye, "Always remember what I said, and I promise that we will always be together." Sandy smiled warmly at him. They shmubby-wubbied, and said their goodnights as they departed from each other for the night.

Words like those of Maxwell's are ones that to Sandy, should be taken directly to the heart, and that every sound, or word that comes out of his lips should always be remembered. At the time, she was still young, and didn't know that what Maxwell was saying could possibly someday, be something that she'd regret ever hearing. But then again, when you feel so deeply about someone, it's hard to even imagine how cruel life can truly get.

Too mushy? If it was, I'll cut down on the romance (sorry, can't help myself, I looooove mushy romance, especially S/M) lol. Anyways, feel free to comment, flame, read and not review, review and not read (can a person even do that?) or just totally ignore and forget that you ever read this; whatever floats your boat (is that how you use that saying? o.o) sorry if it was too short too, I normally write 3 page long chapters, but this was only 2...yeah, sorry. Anywho, I haven't read all the new ficcies since I last wrote one, so if someone kind of sort of already had an idea like this, then I'm sorry, I didn't know, I'm not copying you! O.O;; please don't hurt me…ahem! Anyways, um…yeah, betcha you guys can see what's going to happen, lol. Trust me, the ending is NOT as miserable and sad as it seems it's going to be. Really. My last fic was sad enough, so I'm going for a bit more perky. Heh, okay, I've chattered enough. I'll leave, byezez!