The times of time could never be the same twice around, but the seal that had been placed upon Gannondorf had withheld. A secret most do not know. The only ones with that knowledge are a few. The woman who had taken Malon from the ranch was one of them. She had been collecting the young girls marked throughout the land of Hyrule in hoping to find the Twilight Princess. The chosen one would bring forth the evil from the darkness and free Gannondorf. The other one with the knowledge had been an unknown employer of the strange woman. This man was known to the woman as, Forten, and that was all she was given.

The man Forten was not like any other man she had met before. Strange as the world of Hyrule was claimed to be, he seemed not of this world. For upon his back laid a set of black wings, and there was something written in his blacken eyes that spelled out an unreadable language. A mystery. But, Forten had promised her riches and that she would be at Gannondorfs' side. To rule the world.

The world of Hyrule now laid in utter ruin as it did when Gannondorf had it under his command. The thrones of Hyrule laid empty and baron. The royal family had disappeared, and so did the answer of where the Twilight Princess was.

Forten from his view of the castle inside, smirked a devilish smile as he sat on the throne, or at least to his best way, considering the wings on his back were still a bit of a disadvantage. He didn't care.

"Hyrule is mine," he hissed to himself, "when that moron, Avian comes with the right girl, then Gannondorf will be in my power," he laughed to himself at that thought, "but," he said, "That brat Link is back….Or whatever it is…"

"Sire." Came a strikingly beautiful voice along with a muffled cry.

Forten's gaze lingered up. He knew who it was, "Yes, Avian. What do you bring me?" he asked watching walk towards him with a young girl tightly in her grasp.

"A new one for you," she replied half amused as she pushed Malon forward.

Malon's eyes gazed up at Forten. Confuses wore on her delicate features.

Forten smiled at this, "Something wrong?" he asked leering down at her.

"You are not Gannondorf!" Malon responded surprised.

"Good girl, you're not dumb," Forten said gazing up at Avian, "Take her to the others, oh, and Avian, next time when you see that brat, kill him." He said dismissing her with the wave of his hand, "I cannot afford to lose this war again…The last time that brat was here…And without the Master Sword he is useless…." He smirked as his eyes trailed over to the corner where the Master Sword laid to rest, but it was gone. His eyes flared as he slammed his fists down, "Who would have taken it?" he shrieked in rage.


Link felt cold water damped on his forehead. He heard voices, but some of the words he couldn't place.

"where………..It can't be!..."


Link's eyes slowly opened as the door closed to a bedroom. He thought to himself, that he was probably in Malon's house….

"MALON!" he said sitting up. His head throbbed with pain.

"Link!" cried Navi as she flew straight into his face, "You're alive!"

Link glanced around, "where's Malon!" he asked pushing the covers off.

"HEY!" Navi snapped getting Link's attention, "What happened to that attitude of, I'm not the hero and what not? Huh!" she asked buzzing around his head as Link headed for the door, "HEY!"

"Has anyone ever told you, you're annoying?" he asked reaching for the door knob. He felt something sharp whack against the back of his head.

Link rapidly turned around and there was the figure, standing right before him. Link staggered backwards and tripped. A piercing red eyed bore into him. The other eye, he assumed was covered by the intruders blonde hair. The clothing he wore, strangely reminded him of an assassin, with the mouth covered by a white cloth gave him the thoughts of running away.

Navi flew up in joy, "I can't believe! They said you were captured Zeld-"started Navi but was cut off by the boy's hand.

"So, you are the hero I've heard about?" the intruder asked eyeing the fallen Link. Link could tell now, that this intruder was female, or it could well be a very soft spoken girly man.

"Apparently I am," he responded not leaving the floor.

"Apparently?" the stranger asked, her eyebrow arched, "You don't seem like him.."

"Well, sorry, can't help with you there, but I-" Link started but the intruder went on.

"Only the true hero can keep the power of the sword, lets test it," She said pulling an object from behind her back. A beautifully crafted sword was grasped in her slender hands.

Link eyed it, "And?" he asked backing up against the door.

"This is the Master Sword, the only sword that can defeat the evil of this world," she said going on, "Navi, Zelda has been captured…"

"But! You are!" Navi said confused, "Because she disguised herself as.."

"She did, but," she went on a little annoyed, "I can assure you that I am not Zelda. I am my own person. I am here to delivery this sword to him," she said indicating Link who kept his eyes on the sword, he wasn't sure if she was going to give it to him nicely. He felt she would slice him first, then hand it over.

"Look, Link…My name is Sheik," she said, "and you have a task set out before you, to unlock the seven sages, and bring…"

"Bring peace and happiness, blah blah. I've heard all of this before, yea yea," he added boredly.

Sheik sighed, "Great-are you sure he is the one?" she asked to Navi.

"Yes! I'll take him straight to the trials and…" Navi started yet again but Sheik stopped the fairy.

"No, he won't-he couldn't handle it…If what I heard that he lost all of his memories, then that trial would kill him," Sheik responded.

"Oh, yes…." Navi sighed as she went to Link's shoulder.

Link eyed the fairy then turned his attention to Sheik who ordered him to stand up. Knowing it to be wise not to anger her, he stood waiting for what was to happen to him.

"Link, you've been given a task. Collect the stones of the seven sages, and when you have collected them all, take them to the Temple of Time. Everything will be told to you there. Except your fate or die," Sheik said handing him the sword.

Link felt the weight of the sword in his grasp. At first he felt nothing, but a memory of a younger version of him was brought to his attention. A vision of him pulling this sword and a flash of light…Laughter…

He came too, and he felt a change begin in him. Sheik had vanished from the room. Navi merrily buzzed around his head. Link knew now, even though he still had the doubt, he had to save the Princess and all the other girls that had taken. The only problem…Where to start?

Hi, sorry I haven't updated in a real long time! bows I keep forgetting about my stories! If you forgive me, I'll keep writing!