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Kakashi Kat: I tried to send you a reply, but i can't. Your PM is blocked. Glad to know that you enjoy reading the story, and hope that you enjoy reading the last chapter of this story. Thank you for reviewing, I enjoyed reading your reviews. Thank you for sticking reading it. *Hugs & Kisses* Have a great week and keep smiling.

Disclaimer, Summary and Warning could be finding in 1st chapter.

Beta: Aranel


Legolas observed his friends, noticing the sadness and the anxiety that he thought he saw.

"Legolas, we are your friends, you need to remember it," Aragorn reminded him.

"As much as you enjoy risking your own life to save ours, you also needed to remember that we need you too as our friend," Gimli added and smiled at his friend.

Legolas nodded, not knowing what to say.

He turned to look at the elf. Haldir kept his silence. Legolas did not flinch. Surely he would have wanted to add a word or two to what Aragorn and Gimli said. But Haldir returned his gaze calmly.

"What is it, Haldir?" Legolas finally asked.

"I have nothing to add; they said everything and you, my friend, need to listen to them," Haldir replied, grinning.

Legolas rolled his eyes, smiling despite himself.

"What are we going to do now?" Gimli asked.

"Going back home or on one last adventure?" Aragorn asked enthusiastically.

"Getting back home so you can fulfill your duty as a king to your people," Legolas replied pointedly.

"Besides I believe that Queen Arwen would quite miss you around," Gimli pointed out and then he added, "I do believe that Faramir would have taken excellent care of your people while we were gone."

"And I should allow Faramir and Eowyn a vacation after all their hard work," Aragorn shared his decision with his friends.

"They certainly could do with one, and you, my friend, should give Faramir some better responsibilities on his return," Legolas suggested.

"That is a very wise idea indeed." Aragorn agreed.

"So, which way would bring us back to Gondor? The shortcut through orc terrain or the usual, safer route?" Gimli asked, a devious smile on his face.

"What say you?" Aragorn replied, smiling back at him.

"I say that we had better take the shortcut. I would love to put my blades to good use," Legolas replied.

"That's decided then. Let's go hunt some orcs," Haldir agreed, following them cheerfully into the forest.

The End