It's been a LOOOOONG time, but I finally managed to finish another chappie of my "Kiva: Ambassador of the Rainy Basin" story! (dances around happily, while handing out s'mores)Enjoy everyone!

Chapter Seven

Kiva could hear it. It started as a dull roar that steadily grew louder. It was not the roar of a Saurian or anything animalistic. This sound was more… natural. And from the looks of her brothers, they were curious about it too. Jorgen looked down from his perch atop Skyhigh's head and spoke.

"We're almost there, Kiva. You'll see Waterfall City just over this ridge."

The anticipation was just too much for her, though. Clicking her tongue softly, she urged Thunderhead into a trot. The roar grew louder in her ears until it was almost deafening. Thunderhead crested the hill, and there it was. A sight that Kiva had only dreamed about. Waterfall City spread out before her in all its misty splendor.

Kiva breathed in air so thick she could taste it. The moisture-laden atmosphere was heavier than what she was used to in the Basin, but it was thrilling nonetheless. She gave Thunderhead a small thump on his snout, and he crouched so she could hop down. Heedlessly, she wandered towards the edge of the cliff and stared at the falls. Though she had seen many waterfalls back home -and had been pushed over some by her good friend, Hardkick- never before had she seen anything like this. Though the sound was thunderous, Kiva heard a naturally musical aspect to it. It was mesmerizing, almost hypnotizing; and it drew her inexorably towards the edge. Behind her, Jorgen shouted something to her, but Kiva could hear only the roar of the falls.

Suddenly, the ground beneath her gave way. Kiva screamed as the cliff disappeared beneath her feet. Thunderhead roared as he watched his sister plummet to a certain death. Jorgen had slid down the entire length of the Brachiosaur and was merely steps away from her when she slipped through his fingers. A shout had built up in his throat, and was about to be released, when another cry tore through the air. Jorgen looked up to see a rider-less Skybax make a nosedive straight for Kiva.

Kiva's mind was nearly blank as she fell. The only thought that went through her mind was: 'This cannot happen. Not like this.' Suddenly, something flew past her, and Kiva felt herself land roughly on something leather. Not caring what it was, she closed her eyes and held on tight as she sensed muscles, rolling in a rhythmic fashion, pulling her from her fatal plummet.

Jorgen had seen the Skybax fly after Kiva, but could not be certain that the rescue attempt had been successful. The mist was just too dense. But with an ethereal cry, the Skybax shot out of the cloud-cover and into the sunlight. Jorgen was both relieved and awestruck to see Kiva clenching the saddle tightly. The Skybax seemed thrilled to have a new rider on his back, and decided to test it out. He barrel-rolled several times, and zoomed through several loops until a sound emanating from the rider clutching the saddle confused him. It wasn't the sound of fearful whimpering, or a sickening moan; but the sound of… laughter! This female Human on his back wasn't scared; she was enjoying herself! Deprived of his usual fun, the Skybax flew near the city until he found a landing site. Alighting on the platform, he was greeted by an angry whistle from his Human partner.

Kiva, who had just experienced her most thrilling adventure yet, had no idea how to get down from her perch. The Quetzalcoatlus Skybax seemed playfully unwilling to stand still long enough to let her dismount.

"Just give him a thump on his neck," a voice said. "He'll get the message."

Kiva did as she was told, and though the Skybax gave her a persecuted squawk, it settled down enough to let her get off. Unfortunately, Kiva's legs were still unsteady from her earlier encounter, and they buckled when she hit the ground. Luckily, she did not fall completely as a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around her waist and supported her.

"Are you alright?" the voice asked. Kiva nodded and pushed herself away. But turning around, a smile spread across her face as she recognized the man who stood before her.

"Connor? Connor O'Rourke? Is it really you!"

The man she had identified as Connor, looked at her oddly for a moment as though trying to put a name to her face; when suddenly, recognition spread across his face as well.

"Kiva! Kiva Stoutheart! I don't believe it!" Stepping forward, he threw his arms around her and hugged her fiercely. For an instant, Kiva considered returning the embrace, but Jorgen's face abruptly came to mind. Gently, she pushed him away and coughed.

"Are you all right?" Connor asked. "Cloudrunner didn't scare you did he?"

Kiva shook her head. "No. I'm just trying to settle my nerves." She quickly told him about her near fatal accident, and Cloudrunner's daring rescue. Connor was stunned as Kiva walked over and scratched the mischievous Skybax's neck. She giggled as he cooed and rested his head on her shoulder. Connor watched her charm his Skybax with her soft whispers in a dialect he had never heard and Kiva thought back to a time when they had first met.


She was only 13 at the time. Curiosity had led her far away from her clan's nesting site, and she had gotten lost. Stumbling into the camp of a passing Caravan, Kiva had met the first Human she had ever seen. Being a bright student, Kiva soon learned the language used by the other Islanders; even though it had been a difficult, and painful, process. She had been carefully taught by the caravan's leader and a young Skybax pilot named Connor O'Rourke.


Kiva pulled herself from her reverie, and noticed Connor's stare. She blushed. Connor saw her embarrassment and quickly changed the subject, inviting her on a tour of the City. Kiva's eyes twinkled at the thought. Seeing the delight in her eyes, Connor put an arm around her shoulders and guided her on the most incredible adventure Kiva knew she would ever have.