Chapter 1: The First Meeting

Disclaimer: The story line and all the characters except for Adima are not mine, I wish they were.

The carriage was getting slowly closer. Every minute of anticipation would pay off, however. Adima ran her fingers across the bark of the giant tree she hid behind. She blended in almost perfectly with her surrounding's, painted with the traditional blue Woad paint.

She could hear the horses now; they were snorting and sending up chunks of dirt as they sped their way across the path. Two of them were pulling a carriage; the others were useful only as steeds for their superior riders. One of them flicked his ears in Adima's direction and pranced uncomfortably. Adima concentrated hard on the soldiers guarding the carriage as she waited for her signal to move.

A shout rang through the woods and the group of deadly Woads began their attack. Adima gripped her spear tightly and as she ran, through it at one of the guards hitting him square in the chest. She let out a hounding battle cry and unsheathed her sword which she immediately had to use.

The guards, on their horses fought back against the Woads, who outnumbered them by quit a bit. Blue painted bodies clashed with armored ones as the battle raged on. One soldier charged his horse forward, his sword at the ready, heading straight for Adima. As he passed by her he swung his sword, nearly missing her. She backed off and he turned his horse around for another attempt.

Again, she cried loudly, barring her teeth and all her anger. This time as the horse charged for her she pulled out her bow from behind her and two arrows. She shot at the man and arrows pierced him in the neck and the shoulder. He fell to the ground, dead, his horse still running widely, its nostrils flaring.

More horsemen suddenly appeared out of nowhere, covered in amour and prepared to fight. They leaped over a small hill and started attacking her kinsmen. She grunted angrily and pulled out another arrow and shot it at them. She nearly hit one, but he sped out of the arrow's path just in time.

She then turned to the carriage and started shooting her arrows at it. She was surprised when one of the horsemen suddenly appeared in front of her. He ran right in front of her and charged. He raised his hand and through a knife at her. She dodged it and knowing she wouldn't have time to shoot at him, grasped her sword and blocked his blow. Their sword's clashed together and she almost knocked him off his horse. He stayed on however and like the last rider, turned his horse around and came for her.

Adima gripped her sword tightly and prepared herself for a second encounter. As the rider came at her, their sword's clashed again and Adima swiftly cut the girth on the horse's saddle, causing the saddle to slip. The rider leaped off his horse, knowing he would have fallen if he hadn't.

He steadied himself and the two locked swords again. His dark hair was wet with sweat and so was Adima's. He aimed his sword at her neck and brought it down upon her. Adima raised the sword to block the blow, but the force of it was too great and the sword was knocked out of her hand. Adima heard a hawk screech and tried to ignore it. She stood facing the rider, and he stood facing her, ready for the kill.

He opened his mouth to take a deep breath of air. He looked at Adima's sword and did not move. He was giving her another chance. Adima ran to pick up her sword, but by the time she got it, she noticed her kinsmen running back into the woods. She looked at the rider one last time before she turned and ran into the woods with the others.