The Time of Your Life Chapter One Disclaimer: I do not own Inu-yasha. And I am not looking for any money for this story. "Speaking"
(Authors Notes)
I've fixed/ changed a few things, nothing really big.
Chapter One: The Crush

Character descriptions (what they are wearing will always be something similar, or maybe they just wash the same thing every day, or not.) All have the same hair color, but Inu-yasha has regular human ears.
Inu-yasha: Baggy red dyed jeans with lots of pockets, A white long sleeved shirt with a red short sleeved shirt over (the shirt has sporty type stripes on it) And sneakers.
Miroku: Long black jean shorts, worn low so his boxers are hanging out, black long sleeved shirt with a purple short sleeved shirt over. Sneakers.
Sango: Avril Lavine (spelling?) type of look, with arm bands, a different bargain basement t-shirt each day, and black nylon skater pants. She always has her back pack with her, with her skateboard hanging out. (Kind of like Hirikotsu.) Boots.
Kagome: Mostly the same look as the anime when she wears other clothes other than her school uniform. You know short skirts, cardigans, sandals.
Later chapter characters.
Shippo: Same outfit as the anime, but no tail.
Rin: Also same. Sesho-maru: Business suit, black color hair (sorry.
Koga: Same hair except bandanna instead of fur on the forehead. White wife beater and dark baggy jeans. He'll be in a later chapter.
Yuka, Eri, and Ayume: Kagome's school friends. (are those the right names, oh well that's how they are in this.) Now the story: Inu-yasha was sitting across from his two best friends, Sango and Miroku, at their usual table in the cafeteria. Sango was giving Miroku the evil eye as he was attempting yet again to grope her. Inu-yasha growled in annoyance, he was getting sick of their constant flirting and wished they'd just fuck and get it over with. They where now beginning their senior year of High School and had been friends since grade school, he and Sango had even gone out in Junior High but it just seemed like dating his sister or something, besides he had his eye on someone else.
"Hey Inu." Miroku turned from Sango. "I think Kikyo's back, I saw her in the hall earlier today. In fact I think she's in here now." Sango gave him a "What are you doing?" look.
Inu-yasha seemed to perk up at this but tried to keep his cool as he looked around. "Really?" Of course his friends saw right through this. "Yeah, maybe she's coming back to our school."
"Or maybe you just saw that new girl who looks like her and you just like to tease Inu-yasha." Sango said bopping him on the head.
"Oh that's right it was that Kagome girl after all, sorry Inu-yasha." He said, not sorry at all.
"Keh, who cares anyway." Inu said getting up a stomping away to get a smoke.
They watched him go for a minute, then Sango turned to Miroku, "What's wrong with you? You know he's not over his crush on Kikyo."
"Yeah that's the problem isn't it. How long is he going to obsess, she moved away like three years ago. He should get over it."
"I don't think he can, he never got a chance to really talk to Kikyo so she's still like his ideal woman or something." Sango observed sadly.
"Hmm. Maybe we should find Kikyo and have them meet, then maybe he can get over it."
"Yeah, right."

After storming out of the cafeteria, Inu-yasha went to his favorite spot to not get caught smoking, the roof.
Most people didn't come up here cause it was hard to get to, through a supply closet and up a long ladder (instead of stairs). So he was alone and he liked it. He leaned against the wall by the door, taking a drag from his cigaret and thinking back to when he first meat Kikyo.

Flashback to Junior High and a much younger Inu-yasha in the same pose although not on the roof
He had seen her around school before, one of the most popular girls, always in a crowd and always unapproachable. 'God she is cute. But why is she standing there all alone looking so sad. Damn I should stop staring before I turn into her stalker or something.' But he couldn't, especially when she turned to speak to him, though he hadn't heard her. "Huh?" Was his cool answer.
"I said, do you have a light?" She replied somewhat bored.
'I didn't think she'd be a smoker.' "Yeah, here." He replied still in a bit of a daze.
"It's kind of tough when your friends don't smoke isn't it?"
"I guess." He paused. "I think I started to get away from them actually. It's good to be alone sometimes."
"Yeah I guess I know what you mean. Well thanks for the light." She turned to leave.
"Sure." He just stared after her, not knowing what to say. 'I totally fucked that up'
A few months later her family moved away due to her father's job. Inu-yasha hadn't seen or stopped thinking about her since.

'Damn I'm pathetic.' His thoughts returned to the present.
He heard a scrapping as the roof door opened, and there stood, "Kikyo?"
"What?" She said surprised.
He hadn't realized he spoke out loud. 'No not Kikyo, it must be that freshman Miroku was talking about. She doesn't look that much like her. She expresses more emotion in one word than Kikyo ever did in the short time I new her'
"You know it's impolite to stare." she said in a huff.
He hadn't realized he'd been staring either, but then he did realize something. "Shit, the door." He leapt past her trying to catch it before it closed, but he was too late.
"You idiot, now were stuck up here."
"Well excuse me, how was I supposed to know it would lock behind me? Are you sure it does lock?" She tried the door and she discovered they were stuck up there. "Oh, well how do we get down?"
"I don't know, I never thought of that because I put a board in the door. To. Stop. This. From. Happening!" He screamed getting progressively louder.

"Sor-ree." She said sarcastically. There was silence for a few minutes while both fumed.
"Oh I know how we can get down." She then walks over to the side of the roof and starts yelling over the side. "Hello, we're stuck up here. Hello." A student looks up as Inu-yasha grabs her from behind and pulls her down. "Hey! What'd you do that for?"
"What do ya mean? We could get in trouble. Idiot." He mumbled this last word under his breath.
"What did you call me!?"
"Nothing forget it. What are you doing up here anyway?"
"Well I wanted to explore the building and all. Besides." She brightened. "It's too nice a day to be stuck inside." She smiled at him. 'Wow that smile could become contagious if I'm not careful.' He thought to himself.
They sat in companionable silence for a little bit. 'If he wasn't so rude, or scowling all the time he'd be kind of cute. What an unusual hair color.' She thought to herself before she started talking again.
"Um what was that name you called me before? Kikyo wasn't it?"
"Uh yeah."
"Who is she, your girlfriend or something?"
"Or something."
She stared for a minute contemplating weather to push him on it but decided otherwise and instead said. "Well anyway my name is Kagome, What's yours?" She stuck out her hand while he stared but took it anyway. "Inu-Yasha."
"Your not much for the whole talking thing are ya Inu-yasha? Say wait a minute I've heard of you."
He looked at her warily. "You have?"
"Yeah, everyone says stay away from you, your a violent jerk. I don't know about the violent part, but they were right about the jerk."
"Kidding." She held up her hand in a placating gesture.
"Whatever, aren't you supposed to be afraid of me now or something?"
"Why? Should I be?"
"I don't know. Maybe." He mumbled.
They then heard the bell and Kagome stood up abruptly.
"Oh no. I can't be late for class it's only my first week."
"Calm down you'll probably only get detention."
"What do you mean 'only get detention?'" She was frantic now.
"What a goody, goody." But as he looked at the desperate expression on her face he couldn't help but want to help her. "Fine. " He grumbled. "We'll find another way down. Umm..." He looked around for a bit, "I think the stairs over their go about three quarters of the way down, we can jump the rest of the way."
"Jump the rest of the way! I'm not jumping." She said grumbling herself.
"Fine stay here for all I care. I'm leaving, now."
He walked over to the ladder and started to go over, when his head disappeared over the side she freaked a little. 'Ah! Is he gonna just leave me hear?' She ran over to the side and looked down. 'He's already half way down, he really is going to leave me here.' She came to a decision. She put one leg over the edge then the other and started climbing down. Inu-yasha looked up and raised an eye brow, 'She's got more guts than I thought.' He smirked to himself. 'She's still a brat though.' He then reddened and looked away 'Shit I can see her underwear'
Inu-yasha was already on the ground. He looked around the corner and saw a teacher coming. "Shit, your gonna have to jump now!"
"What!" She screeched as she saw the teacher coming. She had already made it down to the end of the ladder her feet now dangled in mid air. 'Shit'
He looked around the corner again but the teacher moved off in another direction. "Never mind he's gone." She looked down at him then. 'He's staring again. Oh shit and I'm wearing a skirt'
"Stop trying to look up my skirt, you perv."
He looked away to conceal his blush. "Why would I want to look up your skirt, bitch?"
"Jerk!" "Fine, stay there for all I care." He turned to leave.
"Hey don't leave me." She said panicked now.
"What's wrong are you scared?" He taunted.
"Of course not. I'm just getting ready." He watched as she dropped to the ground remained motionless for a time then got unsteadily to her feet with a huge smile plastered on her face. He let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding.

"That was kind of fun." she grinned at him.
"Are you insane?"
She then looked at her watch ignoring his comment, "We've gotta go. Come on." She took his hand as she led him inside and he was too stunned to protest. Once inside she let go of his hand. "Well it's been fun, see ya around Inu-yasha." She then took off running for her class.
"Keh." He said quietly after she had gone, then casually strolled into his next class.

He didn't see Kagome or his friends until the assembly at the end of day. From his seat next to his friends in the back row he could see Kagome chatting animatedly with a group of three freshman girls and a senior boy. 'Must be her boyfriend, what was his name again? Haji? Hogi? Oh right, Hojo one of those damned jocks from my class'
"Hey Inu, why didn't you come back to lunch?" Miroku tried to get his attention but failed. "Earth to Inu-yasha." He tried again waving his hand in front of his face. Sango turned to see where he was looking.
"Oh great now he's got a crush on Kikyo's doppleganger." (AN) Sango and Miroku shared a laugh.
"She's nothing like Kikyo." He shot back at them, reddening a bit.
"Oh and how would you know?" Miroku teased.
"She certainly looks nicer than Kikyo. More lively anyway. Just don't be stupid Inu, she's probably out of your league just like Kikyo was." Sango said warningly, secretly thinking maybe this girl would be good for him. "Shut up."
There was no more argument as the vice principal took the podium and finally quieted everyone down.
"As you all know Principal Greyhound retired last spring, and you have all been called here because your new principal would like to introduce himself to you. I want you all to make him feel welcome, Now let me introduce to you, Principal . . . Naraku." There was some polite applause except from the students who never clapped at any assembly like Inu's group. Inu-yasha just stared 'I don't know why but that guy gives me the creeps.' He then turned to his friends to say something but saw a concerned Miroku staring at an utterly terrified Sango.

The speech had been short, you know: "I hope to live up to the standards of you last principal. blah, blah, blah. I hope we can all be friends, blah, blah, blah. Come to me when there is a problem, blah. Oh and blah."
But Inu's group wasn't paying attention, especially since Sango had seemed to go into a trance and didn't snap out of it until everyone else had gone left the auditorium. "What is wrong Sango?" Asked Miroku, concerned for his friend.
"Yeah, what's with this zoning out shit?" Asked an equally concerned Inu-yasha.
"Nothing. Let's go." She barked getting up to leave. They didn't push her on it, . . . yet.
Once outside Inu-yasha got out his skate board and started to ride away but turned back and said, "Hey can you guys pick up Shippo again, I've gotta go to work." "Um sure, we're still meeting at the skate park later, right?" "Keh." was his only response as he turned and rode away. While Sango and Miroku got in her car.

This will be my first chaptered fiction. Please review, good or bad.
It may get angsty later. But for now we are getting to know the characters.
Also an alternate universe fic is by nature out of character, but I tried to keep them close. AN 1: doppleganger. : not sure how to spell this, maybe it's not a real word though I know it's been used before.