Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu, the characters or anything else in this fic but I am secretly working on owning Kurama. I'm also sorry if you don't like my form of writing that's just how I write so plz don't bother flaming me. Enjoy!

Kurama: Pardon her grammar she's done the best she can.


Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Hiei are walking over to Kurama's house. They were boarded and had nothing to do so the three decided to go and bug Kurama. Arriving at their destination Kuwabara knocked on the door but no one answered. He turned the doorknob and found it unlocked so he and the others ventured inside. As they looked around there appeared to be nobody home but the sound of music coming from upstairs indicated that someone indeed was in the house. The three boys followed the sound and it lead them to Kurama's bedroom door. Yusuke opens the door, and stops just as he is about to go in and an expression of surprise is evident on his face. Curious to the delay Kuwabara and Hiei peak inside and they to develop the same expression as Yusuke. Inside they see Kurama and this is what he's doing.

Kurama is dressed in nothing but his red boxers and is dancing with a hairbrush in his hand and singing to the music of Sir Mix Alot- Baby Got Back! Yusuke and Kuwabara were doing everything they could not to burst out laughing and Hiei well he just stood there smiling shaking his head. (Hiei smiling wow amazing) But what happened next was just too much Kurama started singing.

"I like big butts and I cannot lie you other brothers cant deny when a girl walks with an itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face you get sprung! Wanna pull up tough cause you noticed that butt was stuffed deep in the jeans she's wearing I'm hooked and I cant stop starting oh baby I wanna get with ya and take ya picture. My homeboys try to warn me but that butt you got making me so horny."

Kurama is now shaking his hips to the beat of the music and as the song progress he starts singing again.

"I like um round and big and when I'm doing a gig I just can't help myself I'm acting like Youko. Now here's my scandal I wanna get ya home and unh double up unh unh (thrust's hips forward)

I'm not talking bout playboy cause silicone parts are made for toys. I wanna um real thick and juicy so find that juicy bubble Kurama's in trouble begging for a piece of that bubble."

Yusuke and Kuwabara cant take it any more and crack up laughing but the music is to loud so Kurama couldn't hear the sounds of hysteria coming from his doorway and he continued to dance and sing.

"So your girlfriend owns a Honda playing work out tapes by Fonda but Fonda ani't got a motor in the back of her Honda my anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hun. You can do side bends or sit ups but please don't lose that butt. Some brothers wanna play that hard role and tell ya that the butt ain't gold so they toss it leave it and I pull up quick to retrieve it.

So Cosmo says your fat well I ain't down with that cause your waist is small and your curves are kicking and I'm thinking bout sticking. To the beanpole dames in the magazines you ain't it miss thing give me a sista cant resist her red beans and rice did miss her.

Some knuckle head tried to dis cause his girls were on my list he had game but he chose to hit em and I pulled up quick to get with em. So ladies if the butt is round and you want a triple xbo down dial 1800-Sexy Fox and kick them nasty thoughts baby got back. Baby got back. Little in the middle but she got much back (slaps his butt) little in the middle but she got much back (slaps butt again) little in the middle but she got much back (slaps butt a third time) little in the middle but she got much back (slaps butt last time)"

As the music fades Kurama hears the sounds of laughter and turns around to see Kuwabara, Yusuke, and Hiei rolling around on the ground and laughing like psychotic hyenas. The last thing to be seen are three boys running out the front door being chased by a very angry Kurama, who is still in his boxers by the way.


Plz review, I was laughing while I wrote this, happen to be listing to Baby Got Back and this popped into my head and yea I changed a few words to the song. Other characters will soon make their big debut next up Yukina!

Nite Nite a.k.a. Yoko Midnight Dragon