Dare To Dream

I do not own Inuyasha or any of the other characters in this story.

Chapter One: A New Beginning

"Inuyasha, get moving or else we'll be late." said Sesshomaru.

"Alright! Just chill a second! I'm comming!" growled Inuyasha

Inuyasha and his older brother Sesshomaru were on their way to their new life. They pulled up in their car to their new high school. Inuyasha was the punk type that nobody messed with. Sesshomaru was basically the same way only in a more Al Capone type way. Inuyasha was wearing a black shirt that said in white lettering across the front "I'm out of bed. What more do you want?" and baggy black jeans with skater boy shoes and his black backwards cap. Sesshomaru was wearing a dark blue shirt that said in yellow lettering "I've tried to see things from you point of view but I can't get my head that far up my ass" and black baggy jeans also with his skater shoes.

"This is the shit-hole we're subjected to going to? Heh. This should be interesting." Inuyasha stated quite bluntly in front of a tall man in a suit who happened to be his new principal.

"You keep that up and you'll be in detention for the rest of your life with me buddy." said the principal.

Inuyasha and Sesshomaru rolled their eyes at his remark and made their way towards the guidance counseler's office to get their schedules for the year. As they entered the room they saw an elderly woman going through some papers.

"Can I help you sirs?" she asked.

"Yeah, we're new and we need our schedules. My name is Inuyasha and this is my brother Sesshomaru." Inuyasha said while looking quite irritated.

"I see, just a moment young man." The elderly woman went to her computer, pulled up their names and printed out their schedules for the year. She handed them to the boys and they left for their first class.

"First hour Geometry, homeroom, third hour study hall, fourth hour home vet science, fifth hour composition 10, sixth hour spanish 1, lunch, seventh hour biology, eigth hour physical education, ninth hour history. Damn, I got all the hard classes! This sucks!" said Inuyasha to himself.

He walked around for a good ten minutes trying to find his first hour classroom. He was already late when he saw a young man who was dressed similar to him walking down the hallway.

"Hey yo man, you know where the geometry class is?" Inuyasha asked.

"Yeah, I'm going there right now. Come on, I'll show you. My name's Miroku. And you?"

"I'm Inuyasha. Just moved here. Hey let me see your schedule once." Inuyasha compared and they had all the same classes.

"Hey cool, we have the same classes so you can show me where everything is."

"Aight man that's no problem." Miroku replied. They boys walked to their room and sat down next to each other.

"Ok so who is everybody?" Inuyasha asked. Miroku pointed out several of the people before reaching the most beautiful girl Inuyasha had ever layed eyes upon.

"Who is she?" he asked with dreamy eyes.

"Oh, thats Kagome. Don't even bother with her. She's a prep and doesn't associate with people like us. Besides, she's taken by him." Miroku pointed to a boy with a high pony-tail sitting next to her. "Thats Kouga, her boyfriend." he said.

"Kagome baby, what are you doing after school tonight?" Kouga asked with devilish eyes.

"Kouga you know that I have cheerleading practice until five. And after that I have to go home and give some new kid around here a tour of our town. Mom's orders." she replied.

Kouga looked around the room to see if there was anyone he didn't know and then he saw Inuyasha. Suddenly he had a look of insane jealousy on his face.

"That dweeb over there?!" Kouga said angrily.

"I don't know! I haven't even met the guy yet! Just chill out ok? It's not like I'm going to DO anything with him except show him around." she replied very irritated.

Kouga nodded and went back to chattering with his friends. The whole class, instead of paying attention, Inuyasha had his eyes locked on Kagome. 'Wow she's gorgeous.' he thought. 'Wait a second, she's a prep! I'm not supposed to have the hotts for a prep!' He was jerked out of his fantasy wonderland when Miroku tapped him on the shoulder. Inuyasha looked around and realized that they were the only ones left in the classroom.

"Class his over, you can leave now." he said.

Inuyasha got up and followed Miroku to their homeroom. Inside he saw several other people looking at him strangely. He rolled his eyes at them and sat down with Miroku. As girl with long black hair walked by, Miroku groped her and in return, he got smacked in the face.

"Pervert!" she said while walking away.

"Who the hell was that?"

"Oh, that is the light of my life, Sango." Miroku replied with dreamy eyes. 'Some light, she just smacked him in the face. Well I guess he deserved it. Guess my best friend is going to be a pervert. Well as long as she doesn't try anything with me I'm fine.' thought Inuyasha.
Inuyasha and Miroku attended all of their classes and when 3:30 came, they were out the door.

"I'll see you tomorrow man. I gotta go, some chick is supposed to show me around town." Inuyasha said.

"Aight later man!" Miroku said while walking away.

Inuyasha searched around for Sesshomaru's car but didn't find it anywhere so he would have to walk home. He went as quickly as he could because he just wanted to get the whole tour thing over with. When he walked in his house he saw his tour guide, Kagome. 'Good lords, SHE is my guide? Wow. I could really get used to this.' he thought.

"Hi, my name is Kagome. You must be Inuyasha right?" she asked. He was so dumbstruck all he could do was nod.

"Ok then. Well lets go out to my car and I'll give you the tour of our town." she said. Needless to say, he followed behind her, checking her out the entire time which made her feel quite uncomfortable. They got in the car and drove off to their first destination, the mall. She showed him around while they talked a bit and they then left to get food. After their food she showed him the rest of the town and then took him home.

"Well, thats our town. I guess I'll see you tomorrow at school. Goodnight Inuyasha." she said.

"Yeah, whatever. Later." he said trying to act tough.

She drove off and left leaving Inuyasha there to dream about the girl who he would one day win her heart. He went upstairs, took a shower (we won't go into any details just yet) and went to bed to dream about Kagome.

Well what did ya think?! First story so please no flames! Read & Review please!
