Author's note: Wow, It's been a while since I've updated, but I haven't had any time. Well, here's the next chapter.

Trevor and Ashley were standing on the sidewalk in the February cold, staring at Paige, who was sitting in her car.

"Kerwin, you need a ride or not?" Paige barked.

"Um, yeah, Trev, I'll see you later." Ashley picked her books up, and got in the passenger's seat of Paige's car.

"I'll see you after school, I have to walk you home," Trevor called as Paige sped off.

"Thanks for the ride," Ashley said as Paige drove down the street. Paige didn't reply.

Within a couple minutes, Paige had parked the car, and turned the engine off. Ashley and Paige sat in the car in complete silence. Then, Paige turned toward Ashley.

"You're welcome," she said. "You looked like you were in trouble. When I pulled up, he looked, you know, really, um, I guess intense. The way he was staring at you was so odd. Even though we aren't friends right now, I guess I was a little worried." Paige turned away from Ashley and looked at the steering wheel.

"Paige, I was being stupid that day in The Dot. I really wanted to get to know that guy, Mark, and you just yelled at him and made him leave, but I should've remembered, that's just your personality. Anyway, everything worked out with him, up until now anyway." Ashley signed a little bit and stared out the window.

"What happened?" Paige asked. Ashley turned toward her, and looked into Paige's eyes. Paige genuinely looked concerned.

"My mom found us in bed at his place. She went looking for me because I overslept, so she figured I was there. Of course, we had actually done something this time and she knew it, so now I can't see Mark. She makes Trevor follow me around now. He's supposed to watch me, and he will because-"Ashley stopped. She and Paige weren't that close, and Paige didn't need to know about her relationship with Trevor.

"Why will Trevor tell on you?" Paige questioned. She narrowed her eyes and stared at Ashley.

"Uh, because, Trevor and Mark had a fight about something stupid, and now he's trying to keep Mark away from me, as pay back or something like that." Ashley was happy she'd thought of a lie so fast.

"Well, don't worry about Trevor; I'll make sure he doesn't follow you around anymore." Paige smiled. She started to gather her things.

"No!" Ashley squealed. She can't believe she had just said that. Does she want Trevor following her around all the time?

"I mean, uh, my mom would get suspicious, I'll deal with Trevor." Ashley gave a weak smile, and got out of the car.

As she started walking away, Paige caught up with her.

"Ash, are we friends?" Paige glanced down at her shoes.

"Uh, yeah, sure I have to go," Ashley, said as she started to jog away. Ashley couldn't talk to Paige anymore, she still didn't trust her. She stopped jogging as she got to the building, and started to walk up the stairs. She saw Ellie, and was about to call her, but then she noticed who had his slimy hands wrapped around her. It was Tim.

Ashley walked hurriedly up the stairs, hoping Ellie wouldn't notice her. Ellie didn't seem to as Ashley passed her on the stairs, probably because she staring at Tim. Surprisingly enough, Ashley made it to class unnoticed by everyone. She entered Mr. Simpson's classroom, but she had forgotten that Trevor also had Mr. Simpson.

Damn, Ashley thought as she saw Trevor standing in computer lab, staring at her. Ashley glanced at her watch. Damn, again, class didn't start another 15 minutes. Why did I have to go to first period, I've never been here this early. She peeked around the room, only a couple other kids were in there. Ashley walked toward her computer, and sat down. Trevor quickly followed in suit, and sat next to her.

Ashley turned to face Trevor. "What?" she snapped.

"You look hot today, Ash. I forgot to tell you earlier." He gave her his signature sexy smile.

Ashley could barely keep herself from blushing. He's so hot, wait! I can't think that, he's trying to keep me away from Mark.

"I see your face Ash, you know you like it when I compliment you." Trevor kept smiling, and put his hand on her knee.

"Trev, what are you doing?" Ashley was becoming irritated. "Try and keep your hands off me."

"But it's so hard, I like you so much." Trevor gave her puppy dog eyes.

He's mocking me she thought. Actually, now that I think about it, Trevor is creepy. I thought he was a spaced out pothead but he's so intense. A very intense pothead, but sexy nonetheless. Ashley looked down at her legs, why the hell did I wear a skirt today? Trevor had scooted his chair closer to Ashley's and his hand was definitely on her thigh, and her skirt had been pushed up.

"Trevor, come on, stop." Ashley laughed nervously. Isn't my body supposed to flinch or something, when a guy that isn't my boyfriend has his hands in places he shouldn't?

Trevor was squeezing Ashley's thigh, but staring into her eyes as usual. So intense. Suddenly, Ashley stood up, and grabbed Trevor's hand.

"Let's go," she commanded as she pulled him out of Media Immersion and into a empty classroom down the hall.

Once she made certain that they were alone, she aggressively kissed Trevor as hard as she could, and at first, he was a little surprised, but then got into it. About 5 minutes later, the bell for 1st period rang. They stopped for a second, but then Trevor smiled and Ashley let him kiss her, as she started playing with his belt buckle.