Disclaimer: All of these characters belong to j.k. rowling.

Summary: Harry and Ron notice that Hermione is acting strangely. They think it's because they have been ignoring her. So they start following her around every where. She doesn't even have a second alone. If that's not bothering it be a certain blonde slytherin? Read and Review!!!

Tsk Tsk

Chapter one: what?!

Hermione sat in the empty library trying to work on her homework. Everyone else was at the Halloween Ball, but since she didn't have a date she decided not to go at all. She sighed think about how excited Harry and Ron had been. It was no secret that they had gotten a lot cuter over the summer. Hermione couldn't help but feel jealous when Harry and Ron's girlfriends, Luna and Lavender, were around.

"If I only hadn't of broke up with Victor Krum."

"I personally think Victor is an idiot." Hermione jumped at the sound of another person's voice. She turned around to see Malfoy.

"Shouldn't you be at the party with your pansy little girlfriend?" Hermione smiled at her own joke.

"That's not funny, Granger. Pansy is not my girlfriend or anything to me. By the way, why aren't you at the party?"

"I...um I'd much rather do homework." She turned her back to him once again and pretend to read.

"I don't think so." He was right behind Hermione, leaning down a bit so his face was near hers.

"How do you know what I want to do?" Hermione turned her head slightly.

"I didn't say know. I said think. Besides, even you like to have fun every once and while."

"I do?"

"Yeah." Draco leaned in closer to her face. This scared Hermione so she pulled back until she fell out of her chair.

Malfoy smirked, "What did you think I was going to do, Granger? Kill you with my mouth."

"No." She answered thoughtfully still sitting on the floor.

Draco walked around the chair and held out a hand to help Hermione up. As soon as she was on her feet he rammed her up against the wall.

"Ouch!" She said. But Malfoy didn't say anything back, he just cover her mouth with his in a lustful kiss. At first Hermione was too shocked to kiss him back, but soon she let pleasure get the best of her, and opened her mouth wider.

Draco slid his tongue into her mouth. Hermione was getting dizzy from the connection they had. He pushed a hand under her red shirt and drew little circles on her stomach with his finger. He pulled away from Hermione's mouth and moved to her neck. He kissed her softly four times before biting her neck knowing that he was leaving a mark. Hermione flinched from the pain.

Draco pulled back and slid her shirt over her head. This was enough time for Hermione's thoughts to catch up with her. 'What the hell are you doing?!? Making out with your enemy!!' As soon as Draco un-did her bra it was clear that they were doing a lot more than making out. He took one of her small breast in his hand and ran a finger over it. Hermione moaned at the contact.

He quickly replaced his hand with his mouth. Hermione gasped loudly as he continued his work. His hand slowly worked his way up her skirt reaching her cotton knickers. Hermione jerked her hips and ran a hand through Draco's hair. "Don't stop Draco."

Draco pulled back and Hermione whimpered. "Later, Granger." He said walking out of the room leaving Hermione filled with so many emotions. She was so embarrassed that he had gotten her that far and just left in the middle.

Hermione walked in the Gryffindor common room feeling depressed. Harry and Ron were in the middle of a conversation about the ball. Luna and Lavender were talking about what everyone wore. Hermione sat on the couch. Neither of them said anything to her. Tears built up in Hermione's eyes and her hands started to shake. She couldn't help but feel so dirty for doing that with Malfoy.

Without Harry or Ron noticing she was crying she took off running up to her room. She flung herself on the bed. The first time she had ever gone that far with someone and it had to be with Malfoy!! She had made a fool of herself. She laid there crying until she fell into a deep sleep.

A/n: I hope you like it. I haven't really read many stories on here yet, but I plan on doing that tonight. Please review!!!!!!!!