Force of Fear

Summary: Teen Titan X-men Evolution crossover! The Teen Titans are being forced to join the X-men at the Xavier Institute. What could cause them to do this? Having the ones they protect trying to destory them could. But what evil could force them to do this? One answer: the force of fear.

This fic will probably revolve around Rogue and Raven considering they're my favs. I think it will have a good balance of attention between the shows although the beginning is mostly the Titan's POV.

Things to know: 1.) This fic will take place after the whole Apocolyapse deal in Evolution. 2.) I've only just recently begun watching Teen Titans so if I do things wrong, very sorry. I have taken the initiative to watch it whenever it comes on but that had to begin today since I worked while it was on yesterday and didn't realize there was a late showing. Feel free to correct me if I do in fact do something wrong. 3.) This story will only be updated under the X-men Evolution catagory. I do not feel like updating two stories each time I need to update.

[Chapter 1]

Three teens rushed into the large T-shaped building. A large green gorilla follwed and slammed the door shut behind it. The large beast held the door shut as if something on the other side was trying to open them.

"They're maniacs!" Cyborg exclaimed, looking at the door.

"Robin, why are they expressing such violence toward us?" Starfire asked, turning to the team leader.

"Because they're afraid. They think we're something we're not. Humans tend to fear what they do not understand."

"They pointlessly express irrational behavior." Raven said monotoniously as her eyes turned white and a large object in the room lifted, covered in black, over to the door Beast Boy was holding shut.

The gorilla moved out of the way as the large, heavy dresser lodged itself in front of the door. It then shifted into the smaller figure of BB. "Man! They're crazy! We're not even mutants!"

"Why do they not see this? I am certainly not a mutant. I come from a different planet entirely. Why do they seek to destroy me as well?" Starfire questioned confused.

"They don't believe you're an alien." Cyborg replied.

"They have never doubted it before."

"That doesn't matter." Robin replied, making his way out of the room. "They believe what they want to."

Following Robin's example, Raven moved away to go to her room as well.

"Well, who's up for a game?!" Beast Boy questioned, rubbing his hands together.

Suddenly a window broke and a stone came flying at Starfire. With a short blast of her power the stone flew back, hitting the wall.

"They seriously mean to harm us, yet we have protected them on so many occasions."

"It's chaos out there. We can't even step foot outside this tower anymore without fear of them. Sad thing is, we can take them." Cyborg replied, a faint twitch to his lip.

"So that's a no go on a round of-"

"Yes BB, that's a no." Cyborg replied. He walked off.

"It appears that none of them are in a good mood but you. I must say, I too am not pleased with the way we are being treated."

"Hey, neither do I, but hey, why dwell on it right?" Beast Boy asked, making his way to the large TV.

Star just shook her head.


Dick paced his room. They couldn't keep doing this. Every time they got an alert they'd leave the tower and before they could even take care of anything, anti-mutant raids would come after them. They hadn't been able to get much done before the villans would slip through their fingers.

Robin whipped a circular blade and it lodged itself in the wall of his room. He didn't care. He had to think of something, anything. He had to find a way around this. He had to find a way where they could step outside and be safe. Last time Starfire and he had gone outside for a simple walk she had nearly been shot.

Robin pounded his fist on the table in his room. They didn't mind him, he was normal, he didn't have super powers or an unusual appearance aside from his mask. It still made him mad that his friends couldn't go anywhere without behing threatened. Yet what was there to do? He couldn't change the people's minds and he couldn't prove to them they weren't mutants.

"And in any case, they shouldn't be doing this to mutants either." Robin pointed out to himself.

He sighed and began to pace again. If they were kept from leaving the tower much longer (which seemed to be becoming the case) they'd be in a severe situation. As of the moment, it seemed best if they were to disban into multiple locations. All of which were completely unknown. Yet how would he find such places? And would he be prepared to separate with the team?

He shook his head. "No, there must be a different way."

Looking around his room at the various news articles he collected just for the sake of possibly needing them in the future, a certain one popped out at him.

Monsters Among Us. Richard Greyson walked over to it and picked it up. On several occasions it mentioned the Xavier Institute. All the mutants to be seen the day of their discovery were residents of the Xavier Institute. They had been attacked though...

Dick sat down in a chair to think. He could call for help. He didn't see any reason not to. A conversation with this Mr. Charles Xavier would hopefully reveal some answers. Hopefully.

He stood up and made his way over to a computer and looked up the number to the institute.


In the confines of her room Raven was trying to meditate. She was an expert at controlling her emotions and actions, yet at the moment she was having difficulty meditating. Even the chant seemed helpless, as if there were no magic to their words.

Opening her eyes she decided she needed to find something more distracting. She couldn't dwell on the feeling she was experiancing. If she let it get too strong...

But dang it! Those people are idiots!!

The lightbulb in her room exploded. She glanced at it and cursed silently. She couldn't let things happen like that. It would only lead to more distruction. It irritated her more then she was willing to admit that she couldn't freely express her emotions let alone allow herself to feel them, but she couldn't linger on that either.

"Life, it's a constant battle." She muttered to herself as she picked up House of Leaves and began to read from where she had left off.


Jean massaged her temple as they walked inside. They were all wearing their uniforms. "I've had enough of this." She groaned.

Scott put an arm around her. "I know, we all have."

Kitty looked to Kurt. "How come like, after we save the world, the world decides to hate us?" Kitty asked. She glanced at Rogue questionatly.

"Hey, don' look at me. Ah have no friggin clue."

"Zey just vanted us to do zeir dirty work and get rid of ze Apocolyapse threat. Now zat ve've doen zat zey can try and kill us again." Kurt replied, his canines bared ever so slightly.

"I like, totally hate clearing up those raids. I feel like I'm the bad guy or something." Kitty complained, looking at her hands.

"We're just protecting ourselves." Jean assured her as they all arrived in the Foyer.

"Yeah Kit, it's us or them. An' we don't even hurt them. No mattah how much Ah want to." Rogue growled.

"Rogue!" Jean scolded.

"Ah do! Ah'm not goin' ta lie ta sound good for ya." Rogue crossed her her arms and turned her head slightly and looked at the ground.

Jean sighed. "It's very crucial that we don't hurt anyone unless we really have to. We're setting the example for all the mutants out there. If we can't handle ourselves then the media is going to believe that none of us can."

"Heh, the way thay're treatin' us Ah wouldn't blame anyone that couldn't."

"Rogue, you're not helping." Scott said softly.

"Look, we've been here fo' a while, ya don't need ta lecture us. Save ya're speeches for the new recruits. Rahne and Jubilee are back so ya have even more kids ta order around." Rogue replied as she turned on her heal and headed upstairs to her room.

Kurt and Kitty exchanged glances. Jean looked slightly overwhelmed.

"I'll like, go talk to her." Kitty assured her before following Rogue upstairs.

"Vell I'm hungry, I'm going to go eat. See you guys later." Kurt said before teleporting to the kitchen.

Jean and Scott looked to Bobby and Piotr who had been silent the whole time. "Well, I'm going to go find the others. I umm... have a question though." Bobby said.

"Yeah?" Scott questioned. Piotr took this chance to make his way to his own room.

"Well, I heard rumors that Amara might make it onto the team soon. Is that true?" Bobby questioned.

"It's still only being talked about." Scott replied.

Bobby nodded. "Alright. I was just wondering." And with that he hurried off.

Scott turned to Jean and smiled kindly. Jean sighed tiredly and Scott's smile faded. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, just their thoughts... How can they feel that way?!" Jean looked seriously troubled.

Scott pulled her to him and hugged her. "I don't know, but one day we'll change it."

Before Jean got a chance to reply though the phone rang. Scott turned and looked at where one hung on the wall. He sighed. "I'll get it. None of the other kids will. Not since the girls got their own line." He said, letting go of her.

"Good thing they did too." Jean said with a short laugh.

Scott laughed too before picking up the phone. "Xavier's Institute."

"Hello, my name's Rob- Richard Greyson. Could I please speak to Charles Xavier?" The voice questioned.

"Of course." Scott said. "One second." He covered the reciever. "Jean, would you send a message to the professor to pick up the phone?"

Jean nodded. "Of course." She lifted her hands to her head and contacted the professor. A moment later Scott heard the professor's voice great Mr. Greyson.


"Mr. Xavier, I am Robin with the Teen Titans. Know of them?" Robin questioned formally.

"Yes, I do." Xavier replied. "I was wondering when this would catch up with you."

"Then you know of our situation." Robin stated.

"I do, and my only suggestion for you if you want to stay together is to come here for a couple of months. I will help you with your defense systems. The ones I have implanted here have been quite effective. Although we still, on occasion, have to split up the riots we get personally."

"And as for going places?" Robin asked.

"Here we have not allowed the students to go out alone. For some reasons, the riots here are a little more afraid of attacking us in public as have yours. It is probably because there are five of you and twenty of us."

"So, we go there for a couple of months while you remodel our home?" Robin asked thoughtfully. "I don't know if we would have the money to repay you."

"Money isn't a problem Mr. Greyson. I would highly suggest though that you and your team would stay with us until this whole situation mellowed down. If the alarm systems in anyway severely hurt a raider the media would have a field day and you would be worse then when you started off."

Robin nodded. "I will speak to the team and ask them what they wish to do." Robin replied.

"Very well. I will speak to you again soon."

"Yes Mr. Xavier." And with that he hung up. He turned in his seat and looked at his door wondering how the others would react. Yet, what other choice did they have? What other choice did they have?

[To be continued]

Please R&R. Me begging! I live off of those things but don't get that many. gets on knees and begs

Ahem, regains as much dignity as she can Yeah, there ya go. wonders off quickly.