Disclaimer: Jonouchi and Seto and the others still belong to Takahashi Kazuki, -heavy sigh- I still don't see the point in disclaimers.

Pair-ups: Katsuya/Kaiba

"And you see," Yugi said, showing me a card from his duel deck. "THIS is how you play Duel Monsters."

"Nice, Yug." I strained a smile. I was not really interested in Duel Monsters. Those otaku people are WEIRD. I heard this one guy in Kyoto sold his house for one lousy card.

See? Otaku people are WEIRD.

Someone slapped their hand on my shoulder, startling me. I jumped. Yugi's seminar on Duel Monsters had dulled me into a state of sleepiness. I looked up and found myself looking up into the eyes of my best friend, Hiroto Honda.

"Hiroto-kun!" Yugi said happily. He thrust his duel deck into Honda's face. "Looky! New Duel Monster cards!"

Honda did not even pretend to be estatic. He looked at Yugi strangely than said, "You're weird, Yugi." Yugi's face flushed briefly with embarassment as he self-conciously clung his Duel Monster cards to his chest. I glared briefly at Honda, but he ignored my look. He plopped himself down on the seat next to me.

"So, Katsuya," he gave me a knowing, sly smile. "I've got the video for you..."

"Great." I said flatly, not even pretending that I was interested. I turned away from Honda as he pulled it out of its concealment place: within his jacket. The video Honda was referring to was one that he had swiped from his old man's collection. It was like one of those "Girls Gone Wild" videos. They did not interest me. Usually I'd watch porn for the guys. Lately I hadn't even had the want or strength to pretend like I cared anymore.

Of course, clueless Honda did not even notice my disinterest. Honestly, that guy can be such an ass. Yugi seemed to notice, though. Yugi's like that; always alert to people's feelings.

"Is something wrong, Jonouchi-kun?" I placed my head down on the table and shook it. I did not feel like sharing. But then something ruined it all. And, when I say ruined, I mean like a nuclear explosion out to destroy the world. That's right. The most vile and ugly thing in the world; the thing worse than the Blob; ANZU!

"Hey guys." Mazaki said cheerfully. From my head down on the table, I gagged. I could feel Anzu's beady little eyes glaring at me. Anzu and I did not get along. Who WOULD get along with such scum?

"Anzu!" Yugi said cheerfully, piping up. "Anzu-chan! Come sit by me!"

I stand corrected. --.

As Anzu sat down, I still felt her eyes glare at me. I glanced up and was just in time to see Yugi glomp his arms around Anzu and give her a hug. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Yug." I said.

"Why?" Yugi asked quizzically, but letting go of Anzu.

"Haven't you heard?" I asked. "Anzu has a disease the doctor's haven't detected yet. It could be contagious; even fatal."

Yugi laughed, realizing I was joking. "Jou, you're mean." He still laughed, though. Seeing as how Yugi's such a sweet kid, he would not have laughed at Anzu's expense; especially since he's practically in love with the bitch. He was only laughing because he thought that it was friendship-teasing; that Anzu was laughing too.

She wasn't. She glared at me as Honda and I smirked and slapped each other high-five in gratitude. "Go to hell, Katsuya."

"After you, bitch." I smirked. Then for final measure, I flipped her off. She turned away in disgust, facing Yugi. She almost looked upset. Then again, I didn't care worth shit.

Katsuya: 1; Mazaki: ZIP! Heh.

"Oh, have you heard?" Anzu asked, speaking exclusively to Yugi, ignoring Honda and me. It seemed that Anzu was upset. Heh. "There's a new guy at school. He's supposed to be CEO of his own company. But I bet it's just a rumor."

"Oh, give it up, Mazaki." Honda said. "We can see the money signs in your eyes. You're hoping it IS true so you can claim him. I wouldn't get too close, though. You'd probably infect him with ugly." Anzu glared at Honda then threw a crumpled up piece of paper at him. It ricocheted off his thick head. No damage.

Yugi tried to help in changing the subject. "Who is he, Anzu?"

Anzu turned her attention back to Yugi. She shrugged. "I dunno. Seto... Shuichi... Sen... some weird name like that. The company he supposedly runs is called something like Kyoko... or Kaiba..." She shrugged. "I don't know."

"And so ends another episode of wasting time with Anzu." I said. Ooh... Another SCARY glare from the Beast. Yugi, on the other hand, seemed estatic.

"Kaiba?! As in KaibaCorp?!" He was bouncing up and down with energy like a fucking cat on catnip. I looked at him strangely, as did Honda and IT.

"What's with you, Yug?" I finally asked.

"KAIBACORP!" He exclaimed. Yeah. Like THAT made any sense to us. Sighing, he tried to control his bubbling excitement and explain. "KaibaCorp is a BIG company! It supplies games and toys around the world! They're the main manufacturer for Duel Monsters!"

Great. More otakus. --

"This is SO COOL!" Yugi's eyes were sparkles. He had seemed to cross the dividing line into the land of shoujo-bubbles; between him and his Duel Monsters.

"It's just a rumor, Yugi." Honda said. "It's probably not true." Yet Yugi, like anyone in the land of shoujo-bubbles, could not be reached.

Just then there seemed to be rukus by the door. All four of us ((Yugi now out of his shoujo-bubble trance)) looked over at the door to the classroom. In the doorway stood the hottest guy I had ever seen. He was tall, fit and as it appeared, 'well-equipped'. He had short, neatly trimmed brown hair, blue eyes and had his briefcase slung over his shoulder. Within my chest, I could feel my heart pound. My palms began to sweat. This guy certainly got me hard...

Anzu sat there, now within the world of shoujo-bubbles. She seemed to be like all the other girls surrounding the new chisled-features guy; she seemed to be on the verge of swooning.

Suddenly, the guy looked up and saw us. Something seemed to peek his interest, for he began walking towards us. Thoughts raced through my head like they were all participants at the Indi500. What should I do? Should I check my breath? Act cool? Run? As these thoughts succumbed me, I ran out of time. He was soon there. Right. Beside. Me!

He looked down at Yugi. "Those Duel Monsters?" He asked. I almost fainted. Even his voice was beautiful and smooth...

"Ye.. yeah." Yugi replied, a little unsure about what to do or why the guy was there. Me, on the other hand, was getting harder by the second; my eyes savouringly and subtly gathering in every inch of him.

Starting at his waist. Heh.

Without even been given permission to, the guy took Yugi's cards and flipped through them. "Hey!" Anzu said in his defense. Apparently, the new guy had not come over to fawn over her, so she had lost interest of him begrudgingly. "Give those back!" The guy merely glared briefly at Anzu. She shut up.

Serves her right.

He flipped through the cards and a look of disgust passed over his face. "Amatuer." He said, tossing the cards down on the table. Yugi looked at his cards. He looked heartbroken. Anzu glared at him.

"How could you do that?!" She exclaimed. "Who do you think you are?!"

The guy glared at Anzu, silencing her with his cold stare. "You need not tell me such things. I know I am better than you."

"Why pick on such a little kid?" The guy's gaze turned to me. Until he glared at me, I had not realized that it was I who had spoken. I'd stood up for Yugi.

The guy leaned closer to me. My face flushed. "I don't need some little punk like you standing up for a shrimp. It's obvious you're both amatuers and thus not worth my time." Man, that was a boner-kill. "Just do me a favor; if you want to hang out with amatuers like him," He gestured briefly in Yugi's direction. "Then don't even bother standing in my way." The guy turned and walked away.

I growled. My fists clenched and shaking slightly in anger. I mumbled, "Bastard..." between clenched teeth.

ON TO CHAPTER TWO!!! READ IT!!!!!!!!!!!! --