Name : What No One Knew

By: Softballsweeti11

Disclaimer: Of course I own Harry Potter! As you can see, I'm filthy stinking rich because of it, NOT! Everything (except parts of the plot) belongs to my idol and favorite author of all time, J.K. Rowling. So don't sue me.

Summary: (Set in the marauders' 7th year) Marauders- Peter, Remus, Sirius, and James, but there was another, one other, Head Girl and James' best friend, Lily Evans. And though James doesn't realize, Lily is desperately in love with him, though he remains oblivious to her secret pine for him. Britney, James' girlfriend on the other hand, has definitely noticed this. Being the wench she is, she of course retaliates.

Chapter 1

Hell (and then some)


Meet me you-know-where at 6:00 tonight after quidditch practice. I need to talk to you, it's important.


        Lily stuffed the note her owl, Karma, delivered and put it into her already bursting book bag and happily went back to her porridge. What does he want to talk about? Why is it so important? WAIT!! Does he like me? Is he going to tell me? He must be! He must have dumped his bimbo bitch girlfriend, finally! With that in mind, Lily's day was a real good one. She greatly anticipated the night's coming.

5:45 PM Gryffindor common room

Lily was looking exceptionally better than she usually was at night. She had taken an extra shower after classes so she could smell nice after a day of sweating over parchment practicing spells and doing homework. She was wearing more makeup than the usual lip gloss and she was wearing a cute green halter top that matched her eyes, brilliantly coupled with a black mini skirt that reached just about 4 inches above her knees. She wasn't as tall as James, so she wore some high rise black shoes, which made her about 2 inches taller.

She glanced at the clock and began to make her way down to the secret spot that only James and she knew about. They discovered it while walking around the grounds talking one time in 3rd year and hadn't told anyone else about it.

When either of them needed to talk or was upset, they'd find each other there. Lily made her way over to the stump which marked the opening. Just a little to the right you would see a hole and tunnel, barely big enough for two people to lay side by side, leading to a room similar to the Gryffindor common room, though on a smaller scale. She wasn't shocked to see James already sitting in a red armchair next to the fire he'd no doubt just conjured. Se sat in an armchair across from him as he noticed she was there.

"Hey, what's up?" Lily asked.

He stared at her, mouth slightly open. He finally regained his composure long enough to say, "Whoa, you. You look, beautiful, are you wearing makeup?" he asked, the gaping hole in his mouth growing larger by the second. She smiled.

"Yes, so, what did you want to talk about?"

"What? Oh, yeah." He said off-handedly. "Um…well, you see, Britney's been acting strange lately and I need your help trying to figure out why. Do you have any guesses? It's like half the time she ignores me and the other she's shouting at me for doing something, I don't know what, wrong."

Her smile faded quite quickly. Her happiness turned to anger. He was so clueless! ARGH! Not even answering his plea for help, she gave him a hurt and angry look before storming to the exit and silently climbing up, then stomping up to the castle.

James just sat there, confused as hell. What the bloody hell did I do? Should I apologize? Girls are so complicated.

        I should have known he didn't like me in that way! How could I be so stupid! He doesn't love me, all he cares about his "Britney." And she's nothing but dumb bitch! She's probably screwed every guy in school by now! The &%/ slut! Lily counted to ten and took a deep breath. Aww…Screw the cleansing breaths! She stomped upstairs to her dorm, fell headfirst onto her four-poster bed and sobbed into her pillow. What did she care if anyone heard? Besides, most people were off taking part in a Dueling Club lesson in the Great Hall! A wave of anger washed over her yet again. Oh, Britney had it coming to her, starting tomorrow; Britney's life would become hell, and then some.