AN: Me and my friends are working on these stories. I am trying to get my friend to get the first story up so you can read it. Angel's story and Bailey's story take place during the same time they are just different POV's. After these stories is Doodle's story (its already Enchanted Pigs). We are working really hard to get this all put up as soon as possible! P.S. I don't own any thing except Bailey and her adoptive family. Angel owns herself and any characters in brooklyn except for Spot (but she would like to own him! hehe) ON TO THE STORY!

Most people, at some point in their lives, feel that they were never suppose to live, that they
were a mistake. At some point you feel that everything you thought you knew was wrong and that you don't really know who you are.

I thought I knew who I was until I found out that my family isn't my real family. My parents
aren't my real parents. My siblings aren't my real siblings.

My name is Bailey. I grew up thinking that Robert and Rebecca Bloom were my parents and that their children, Allison and Andrew, were my sister and brother. Until the day I was 9 I believed this.

I had lived across the street from my real family the whole time. Angel, my real sister, was my
best friend and I had no clue how close we really were. Her older brother, Scott, was a friend of mine, too. And even baby Kevin.

One day, I was playing over at Angel's house when her mother called me inside. She told me it was very important and that Angel should go out to play while she talked to me. Angel left and her mother told me the story of how she was pregnant with twins and she couldn't keep both of us or our father would surely kill one of us. She said that she told Rebecca, a nurse, and Rebecca and her husband agreed to take me in. She told me that my real name was Annabelle and that they changed it for my protection, in case my father ever found out.

It was shocking news at first but then I went over to the house just to talk to her; at least one
day a week. Scott found out about the meetings and listened in on one. He was caught and told never to speak of it to Angel until she was old enough.

It should have been pretty obvious that we were twins, having the same birth day and being born only 5 minutes apart, but I didn't think about it.

Soon after I reached my 10th birthday my real mother died. It was hard on Scott, Angel, and Kevin. It was extremely hard on me...I barely got to know her before she died...I barely knew my own mother. It was heart breaking...

I visited her grave regularly, mostly by myself, but occasionally with Scott. I put red roses on her
grave everytime, those were her favorites.

4 year later, Angel, Scott, and Kevin move away to find a better place to live; better jobs. And I remained alone...

When they had gone I went to Andrew for comfort, but even he couldn't help because he would be leaving for college soon. I never dared turning to Allison. We had an understanding; we understood the hate we shared for the other. I never saw much of her because she was alway off in boarding school, sent off without a choice, while I always had the choice of staying in public schools. That is most likely why she hates me, but I hate her because she is evil.

When I reached 17, Robert's job had moved to Manhattan and so we had to move. I already loved it there. The noises of newsies shouting out headlines was music to my ears and the people running about were magic to my eyes.

I decided to postpone packing and took a walk. I made sure to notice all the street names so I didn't get lost.I was walking down Duane st. when I saw a familiar boy. I try to put a name with the face, but I was too far away. Then, I locked eyes with him. He looks confused at first and then realization dawned on me.

It was Scott!

"Scott!" I yelled running over towards him.

"Bailey? He questioned as he stood up.