In spirit world Kuwabara and Yusuke helped Boeton pick out the fabric for a wedding dress. Kurama was discussing plans with Koenma for how it should be organized. Kuwabara smiled back at Hiei who held Kira, rocking her gently as the baby tried to sleep.

Kuwabara winced as he felt a tiny bit of pain in him. "Are you okay?" Yusuke asked concerned knowing his husband was due to have their child soon. The others looked at him anxiously and Kuwabara blushed, "I'm-"

Kuwabara froze, body trembling. "Ohmigod." He stumbled and Yusuke grabbed him quickly. Kira's tiny eyes snapped open and she sat striate up. Surprised by her actions he followed his baby's gaze to Kuwabara. "Kuwabara?! Kuwa! Kuwa!" Yusuke cried as Kuwabara's whole face flushed. "I's time."

Koenma grabbed his hair, "Oh hell...No time to get him to Genkai's!" He turned to Boeton, "Hurry go fetch Yukina, and Genkai!" She nodded and he turned to Kurama and Hiei, "Go put Kira down in the next room, there's a crib-"Hiei raised a brow, "Why is there a crib?" Koenma blushed, "Well me and Boeton are planning on a fam-"

"THERE IS NO TIME! GET WATER AND BLANKETS!" Yusuke shouted impatiently, as Kuwabara moaned with pain, his stomach beginning to glow. "Right!" In several directions the remain three ran, Koenma muttering about a baby being born in his office.

Yusuke stroked Kuwabara's pale face, kissing his brow, knowing this was the moement of truth. But...maybe everything was going to be okay. Something of the vision had already changed. They weren't at Genkai's, they where at spirit world. "Yusuk..." Kuwabara gasped tears in his eyes, as his whole body began to glow. Yusuke shushed him, "Shh...just remember what Koenma told us...use your spirit energy to help guide the baby out." Kuwabara panted nodding his head, and closed his eyes with pain.

The others returned and soon, Kuwabara was laying on the covers. He cried out in agony as he glowed brighter. "We're getting there...hold on Kuwabara..." Koenma said franticlly, "Hurry Boeton...we really need Genkai!" Kurama and Hiei were already getting ready to transfer some of their energy if....

If something went wrong.

Kuwabara cried out in pain again,a nd angrily shouted, "I SWEAR YUSUKE IF YOU TOUCH ME AGAIN YOU WILL DIE!" Yusuke nodded nervously, "I understand. I'll have the next one okay?"


Kuwabara gasped and the group got alarmed as the light dulled. "Oh no...what's that mean!?" Koenma looked dead at Yusuke, "Means we need Gankai now!"

For the next 40 minutes the light emitting from Kuwabara's stomach would intensify, or grow dull. He no longer cried out, but panted heavilly throwing curses towards Yusuke, or the others. Other times he would whisper something lovingly to Yusuke. Yusuke joked that Kuwabara was going through the ultimate mood swing.

As Kuwabara began to shudder, and the light dull, Yukina and Gnekai came running in. "Oh no..." Genkai mumbled, rushing to his side, and placing her hands over his head, "Yukina help me!" Yukina copied her and both began to chant something very softly. The light grew bright again, and stayed at that steady beat.

Genkai sighed, "I need you all to leave, things will start to get dangerouse."

"WHAT?" Yusuke cried outraged. "Look Yusuke...Kuwabara is having his first child, his power is going to start flying around. As is the baby's. It's safer this way. If we are in danger of losing him we will send for one of you to help him. Go...Kuwabara's and the baby's power could destroy you all by mistake."

"But then you..."

Gnekai smirked, "Go on...better me or Yukina then everyone." Hiei held tightly to his sister for a breif moment, before he and the others turned leaving the room. Yusuke stayed behind, wrestling with his emotions. "GO..." A harsh tired whisper escaped Kuwabara's lips. He smiled at Yusuke exhausted. "Please..." Yusuke nodded and tenderly kissed his lover on the head before leaving.

Hours ticked by, and Yusuke was a wreck waiting outside. Yukina had shown up two hours ago to tell them that the glowing orb which held the baby had finally appeared, and the worst was soon becoming over.

Yusuke's hair was a mess from constant pulling, his eyes tired, and frantic. Kurama bounced his knee holding his hands tightly. Hiei was inside with Kuwabara. Genkai had called for him to help donate energy to Kuwabara.

"It will be okay Yusuke." Kurama encouraged. Yusuke looked at him, eyes filled with desperation. He wanted to believe that so bad. Koenma squeezed Yusuke's shoulder, "It'll be all has to just has to be!"

Yukina appeared eyes wide, "KURAMA!" Without having to say another words, Kurama followed Yukina into the room. Yusuke felt tears fill his eyes, and he covered his face, "Please...Please..." He begged softly. He didn't know who he begged, and he didn't care. He just wanted Kuwabara, and the baby to be all right.

Hours went by and then Yukina emerged, looking pale and sick. Boeton, Koenam, and Yusuke sat up, eyes wide, and filled with fear. She said naught a word, but just pushed the door open. As Yusuke entered to room, the wail of a baby filled his ears. He first spotted, Kurama and Hiei panting on the ground, drained of energy, and then Genkai wiping her hands on a towel.

Tears fell down his eyes as he gazed at Kuwabara. With help Kuwabara was resting against the wall, holding something in his arms. Kuwabara was sweaty, and seemed much smaller now, and obviously worn out. Yusuke walked slowly forward, stopping just in front of the man.

Kuwabara looked up and smiled, tears in his own eyes, "Come meet Josh." Yusuke said no words, and eased over to Kuwabara to look at the small baby in his arms. He stroked the baby's cheeks, and with his other arm, wrapped it around Kuwabara. "Josh..." he whispered eyes spilling over. He turned to look at Kuwabara who was smiling at their son. He caught Yusuke's gaze, and smiled at him.

Yusuke laughed, tears falling down his face, and kIssed Kuwabara happily, as Boeton cheered, yelling, "WELCOME TO THE WORLD JOSH!"


At Genkai's home, Kurama, Hiei, Koenma, Boeton, Yusuke and Kuwabara payed their friends a visit. Yukina had married and had a son with an ice demon called Jetro, and as for Boeton and Koenma, they had a son named Enma who was 14 now. He had his mom's hair but his dad's fetures. Boeton also had twin girls, Mei and Rei, both with brown hair and pink eyes; they were 4.

Yukina's 15 year old son, Fuyu looked out across the porch and into the yard, and alarmed cried, "JOSH!" Kuwabara and Yusuke turned their heads, and their jaws dropped. "Not again..."

"JOSH!" Kuwabara yelled, as once again he found Josh strangling Cassie. Josh was 16 years old now. He could have been Yusuke's double if it wasn't for the blue eyes and white hair. He was a very powerful young man, a Rekai now, and stronger than Yusuke had ever been. The boy sighed releasing his friend who glared at him angrilly.

Cassie was his best friend. She was 15 with long braided black her and black eyes, she had American heritage. When her mother had her at 15, the unprepared girl tried to drown her in the school bathroom, but another classmate had walked in and saved her. Cassie was sent to live with her uncle in Japan for 3 months, but he died and then she had to live at an orphanage/church, until she was recently adopted.

She and Josh had met when he was 7. They'd been friends ever since, and when it was discovered she could release her energy just as you would release a bomb from a bazooka, not to mention a high amount of spirit awareness she joined Josh as a Rekai.

They weren't the only ones in the group. Kira had grown to be a beatiuful young woman, resembling her mother very much. Though she loved Kurama, she did not appreciate the stalkers, and wore her hair gelled up, spiked like her fathers. She had a younger brother Yatsuo, who was barely a year younger than her. They could have been twins.

Yatsuo had red eyes, and natural spiked black hair, but with a red streak in it. He was sweet and kind, much like his mother, while Kira held her father's gruff attitude. They had one younger brother who was almost 6 now, and he had long black hair and green eyes. A little beast, as Kurama liked to call him. His names was Guard.

Josh had 5 younger brothers and sisters, (Chiro, Lin, Kain, Anuun, and Seth) and Kuwabara was exspecting to have another, who would be called Mai. Kuwabara smiled sheepishly at his son, and moved aside to let Yukina's son by. He was leading the last Member on Josh's team, who stoodat 6"9, and was Cassie's knew guardien. He was more like a brother than a father, thuogh he was about 1700 years old. He was a wolf demon, compleate with silver eyes, black hair, a silver tail and silver ears. His name was Mugon.

Cassie had been delighted to adopted by him, loving wolves. Whwn she saw him a large grin spread across her face. She got up and ran up to the silent figure. She bowed respectfully, beaming up at him. Though the tall demon's handsome face bore no emotion, his eyes danced happily as he looked down at Cassie, and behind him his tail wagged. He placed a hand on her hair ruffling it.

Then he turned to Josh, messing with his hair too, "Happy birthday brat." Josh glared at him, when he felt arms wrap around him. Kuwabara pecked his son on the cheek, the teen blushing embarrassed. "Aw mom...." He smiled and hugged Yusuke who apporached as well. He snickered as he teased his dad once again, about being a head taller than him. Josh was almost as tall as Kuwabara now.

"Ha ha...go on...go have fun." Josh smiled, kissed his parents on their cheeks and dragged Cassie off kicking and sreaming. Yatsuo and Kira followed, Mugon growling out, "DON'T KILL CASSIE!" Following after, Fuyu bringing up the rear. Kuwabara watched them go off, and looked down at Yusuke when he felt a hand slip in his own. He smiled at his husband, who placed a hand on Kuwabara's stomach. They were having a girl this time around. "Two girls, soon to be three girls, and 4 boys...we've come a long way." Kuwabara smiled, "Yes...we have."



"Your still going to have the next one if your thinking of another one."



well thats all folks. no spell check...() sorry it died. I'll fix it.
Hiei: She'll fix it to only have it die again later.
Kuwabara: True...