Okay first off I own nothing, second off this story idea was given to me by Phillepa. And i have this to say to her...


this story might take me a little longer to get out, cuz i am already working on an Inuyasha fic, so please give me time.


"Erg...." Kuwabara rest his head against the toilet bowl. He'd been wretching all week. He closed his eyes, and wiped the sweat. 'God, I must be sick...' He thought as he flushed his puke away. Yusuke peeked in the bathroom, looking at his husband.

Yes, husband.

The two had gotten married about three months ago. Keiko never showed up, she seemed to think it was her that should be in Kuwabara's place. Yes, Yusuke thought he loved her, but every time he tried to ask her out, Keiko would tell him he was a pervert. That he didn't understand, he never acted disgusting, he just asked her out.

Kuwabara tried to help him out, when they discovered she had grown into the type of girl he thought love was a one night stand. There's a saying that the innocent girls aren't so innocent. It doesn't mean all girls are like that, it just so happened that Keiko turned out to be one of them.

Yusuke was crushed, and Kuwabara was there for him. Kuwabara always helped him, and understood about unrequited love. Yusuke found out four months later, that Kuwabara was in love with him, and had been for several years. Since before he joined the Rekai.

Yusuke was confused, he had no idea about his feelings. He was also confused at to why, if Kuwabara loved him, would he try to help him woo Keiko. The more Yusuke thought about it, the more Yusuke began to notice something had been stirring inside of him. Feeling of love directed towards Kuwabara.

The day Yusuke was going to approach Kuwabara, Keiko appeared saying she loved to go out with him now. Kuwabara had plastered on a fake smile, and pat Yusuke's back. Yusuke realized that his best friend wanted him to be happy, and had put his own feelings aside to help him. No one had ever done that for Yusuke before.

He declined Keiko's offer, and kissed Kuwabara right in front of her. She stormed off, and soon the entire school new of Kuwabara's relationship with Yusuke. Those two years left in High school were tough for them, but more people understood than the two thought. Kuwabara's friends understood, and to them Kuwabara was still Kuwabara. Their leader, friend, protector, and idol. Surprisingly even teachers understood.

Hiei and Kurama understood, they'd been going out for a couple years already. Koenma didn't give a hoot, he just thought it was about time. He'd figured it out a long time ago. Boeton was celebrating, and Shizuru, to much surprise, was celebrating too. Genkai didn't care who Yusuke loved, She was fine with it.

Things were good. After high school, Yusuke proposed, and Kuwabara accepted. The two held their wedding in spirit world, and moved into Yusuke's territory. The two couldn't be happier, but now, Kuwabara was throwing up, and had been doing so for a week.


"Yeah..." Kuwabara murmured resting slumped against the toilet. "Lets go see Koenma, maybe he can help us out...this can't be any normal sickness." Yusuke pulled his lover up, starring into his friend's eyes. on." Kuwabara smiled, "Okay...I'll come, I'll come."

Before the two knew it they were in spirit world and to their surprise, Kurama and Hiei were already there. "Kuwabara, Yusuke have you heard?!" Boeton squealed clasping Yusuke's hands.

"Uh...heard what?"

"KURAMA'S PREGNANT!" She began to jump up and down, while the two astonished men looked over at Kurama, who smile proudly. Hiei's face was turned away, and bright red. Boeton began to jump up and down, "He's a month along! I am so happy!!"

"Whoa...wait...how is that possible?!" Yusuke sputtered.

"I can answer that," Koenma appeared from behind his chair. "The demon world is a very odd place. Same sex marriages are common, because every sex is fertile, and that's because their body is so complex."

Yusuke turned bright red, "Even me?" Koenma nodded. "Oh my God..." Yusuke and Kuwabara exchanged worried glances, "What about Kuwabara?" The group looked at them, "Pardon?" Yusuke pointed at Kuwabara, "You said at out wedding me and Kuwabara became bonded, that he would age with me, and die with me, does that mean he could get pregnant?"

Koenma rubbed his chin, "Yes, and it's even more likely do to his spirit awareness, because that ability also makes his body complex, leaving the possibility of him becoming fertile do to your marriage." Hiei looked at the two, eyebrow raised, "Why?"

Before another word was said, Kuwabara rushed out of the room, and the sound of him getting sick filled the room. Kurama's mouth hung open, and Hiei's eyes couldn't possibly get wider. Koenma's pacifier fell from his mouth, and Yusuke sat down, shocked. Boeton stood frozen.

Suddenly she began jumping up and down, "OH MY GOD WE'RE GONNA HAVE ANOTHER BABY!!"


Interesting prologue ne?

So Kurama is Pregnant...and now Kuwabara. Now come the hard part. Kurama is a demon, and is built to handle births, but what about Kuwabara? How will he be able to handle a birth?