Author's excuses as of July 20th, 2004: Sorry everyone, I haven't been able to do much more than dabble in writing... Just this little piece and the incomplete HoM cookies I've posted at DeviantArt. Too braindead to think about pulling plots together. Any free time I have is usually eaten by fanart. Most of the time I manage to do a pic a day, unless I've got a deadline to meet. :P
Hey, I've been drawing since I was 5. I've only been writing since I was 12.

Final exams are a little more than a week away. I've got a 15 page Canadian agriculture paper due on Monday and a English critical essay due Thursday. Not to mention that geography assignment due Friday... grimaces I'm so seriously screwed. Screwed screwed screwed...

Disclaimer: My mind is like a open book. Read it.

Summary: A series of crossover vignettes in which Bakura meets some extraordinary people with common interests. Bakura's age fluctuates, so sometimes he's a teen and sometimes he's all grown up. XD Crossover universes could be considered AU. If anyone wants to expand on the chapters and make their own fic, they're more than welcome to adopt my little plot bunnies.

By Lizeth Hallington

Chapter 1 - The Pickpocket

Chapter pic: ww w.devian tart.c om/deviation/8951827

"Bastard!" Bakura snapped as a small body barrelled into his, knocking him out of his lazy contemplation.

"Sorry mister!" rambled the interloper, and wriggled around and away and into the waiting crowd...

"Hold it."

...Or would have if not for the hand that had almost casually snatched his long rope of hair.

"Ow! Owowowow! Leggo!"

Bakura eyed his catch, blatantly ignoring the kid who squawked and squirmed loudly in protest. Lips upturning slightly, the amber-eyed albino tucked the brat under his arm and languidly strolled towards an empty alcove.

"Hey! Kidnapping!" the boy yelled, kicking his legs uselessly.

"Urusai. You don't really want to alert the 'proper authorities', now do you?" Bakura drawled, setting the kid down on steady concrete.

"Don't know what you're talkin' about mister, now better leave me alone or-"

"My wallet," Bakura interrupted.


"I want my wallet back, brat," Bakura scowled, hand outstretched expectantly.

The boy looked up at him with the most comically wide-eyed innocent expression that Bakura had to suppress a bark of laughter.

"I've seen that look too often for it to work," Bakura snorted, "Now, all I want is my wallet back."

The boy's expression grew mulish.

"Che," Bakura spat, smirking. "Fine then, how about a trade?"

"What sort of trade?" the boy asked, head tilted to the side. Gone was the wide-eyed innocence and in its place was careful calculation.

Bakura's smirk grew wider. "You give me my wallet back, and I'll give you this..."

From the albino's hand dangled a delicate silver chain, weighed down by a simple silver cross.

The kid's eyes widened as he automatically reached for his throat, and found the object of his search indeed absent.

"That's mine!" he protested, grabbing for the cross, only to have it lifted up beyond his reach.

"Ah-ah-ah... Wallet first."

The kid glared.

Bakura held his hand out expectantly.

With an angry huff, the boy drew out a plain black wallet and tossed it rebelliously. Bakura caught it expertly.

"Now gimme-"

"Hold up," Bakura commanded, wallet pressed against the boy's forehead to keep him down as he jumped for his necklace. "How 'bout the contents of my wallet too."

Drawing back, the boy scowled, which somehow was more cute than frightening, brown bangs bristling and cheeks puffing in anger.

Bakura arched an eyebrow, swinging the silver chain just out of the boy's reach.

"Alright, fine!" the kid grumbled, and slapped a wad of bills, in Bakura's hand, "Didn't want your money anyway!"

"Right," Bakura drawled, and rubbed his knuckles against the kid's hair.

"Give it!"

Leaning down, the white-haired thief carefully clasped the silver chain around Duo's neck. Instantly, the kid drew back and stuffed the necklace protectively under his shirt, glaring all the while.

Dark amber met cloudy violet appraisingly. "You're good brat, but I'm better."

Duo frowned, and didn't speak, eyes wandering instead off Bakura's face and to a point behind him before widening hopefully.



Faster than most people could follow, the boy had plucked the bills from Bakura's loose fingers and darted away as fast has his little legs could carry him, cackling. Just before he disappeared from sight, the pick-pocket turned, puffed his little chest and blew a loud, pink raspberry.

Bakura stood silently in the alcove, watching the crowd ebb and flow mindlessly, concealing the kid's tracks. Eventually he bent to pick up his wallet, which had been knocked out of his hand when the kid grabbed the bills, and casually dusted it off.

/You let him get away with that,/ Ryou said laughingly. /Neither of us sensed anyone behind us./

A slow, careless shrug. /Whatever. Call it an investment./


Bakura resisted the urge to twitch. His host had been growing far too bold lately-

/Yami, you're smiling./

"Che!" Bakura spat, and tucked his empty wallet into his trench coat with more violence than necessary. /Ahou. You don't know what you're talking about./


Liz: Rampaging plot bunny in need of a loving home and a firm hand. Cost of adoption is absolutely free. That's right folks, free-

Bakura: No. No way in hell are you saddling me with a mini-shinigami-

ominously loud crashes and breaking glass in the background

Duo: ... innocent violet-eyed puppy dog eyes

Bakura: twitch Kono... gaki... ... ... lunges

Duo: Wa! runs

Liz: ; Boosterandrabiesshotsincluded. Costofmantenance-

more crashes

Liz: You're on your own.