Disclaimer: I own any Harry Potter characters. tear I wish I did though...lol I'm gay!

Summary: It's Harry's fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and he's very excited to get back to the school. But Dumbledore tells them that the Dark Lord had risen again and they need to be away from Hogwarts. So the children have to be scattered around different muggle schools in order to be safe. The teachers also have their own responsibilities, which means they can't teach any magic at the time, so all the children will have to learn school as muggles. Please note that this plot was made before OOTP came out but I decided to include Luna Lovegood in this and take some stuff from the book.

Muggle School

Chapter Two: At the Grangers

Once breakfast in the Great Hall was over, students and teachers bid their good byes and Dumbledore said, "On the train I strongly recommend that you stay near each other so no one will be lost. Follow the parents and please try to be on your best behavior. Good luck to you all and we hope you enjoy this experience." With that everyone headed for the Hogwarts Express.

"Stay in the same house as Malfoy, that's going to be a nightmare," Ron scowled as they reached an empty compartment with Luna and Ginny. Draco and Pansy sat in a compartment next to theirs.

"Oh I don't think it will be that bad," Luna said in her dreamy voice.

"Not that bad? 'Mione this guy's going to be living at your house, what do you think?" he asked angrily.

"Ron, honestly, just forget it," she mumbled from behind her book.

Ron was about to say something when the compartment door slid open. In front of it was Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkingston. "Move over, we're coming in," he said as he and Pansy brought their things in.

"Why?" Harry asked angrily, knowing that he would run his mouth the whole train ride.

"Because, we got kicked out of our by some bloody seventh years," Pansy shrieked angrily.

"Fine," they said as they moved so Draco and Pansy could squeeze in.

"So, any of you know what muggle school's like?" Draco asked, looking interested.

"I thought you didn't like muggles, Malfoy," Ron spat.

"Well, if it's easy then it'll be fun, since we get out of doing our O.W.Ls," he said.

"Well we get exams and stuff there, that's all," Hermione mumbled behind her book again.

"Are they hard?" he asked.

"Malfoy, just because I'm a muggle-born doesn't mean I know everything," she snapped as she closed the book.

"I was just asking, Granger, no need to get all hiked up about it," he said as he remained quiet. Malfoy didn't seem like he was going to be an annoying git this year. Maybe it was because Harry called him a ferret or that he just wanted to get along.

"Do you guys know what happens around a muggle school?" Ginny asked, breaking the silence.

"Well I think we get four classes and a time for lunch," Hermione replied.

"Do we wear uniforms?" Pansy asked.

"Yeah," Harry said joining in the conversation.

"Do you guys think the teachers there a nice?" Ron asked.

"They better be," Draco mumbled.

"I've always wanted to go to a muggle school," Luna said as she looked out the window.

They talked for a while about what would take place in a muggle school, even Draco and Pansy in the conversation, and Ron not wining that he had to live with two Slytherins. When they heard a whistle blow they all stood up and saw they were there. The picked up their things and headed out the door.

When Hermione spotted her father she ran to him and gave him a hug. "Alright guys the van's outside, let's get going," Mr. Granger smiled as he lead the way.

"What the hell's a van?" Draco asked quietly making Mr. Granger laugh as he heard this.

When they got outside they saw a dark blue van, with eight seats in it and jumped in. "So this is a van, huh," Draco said as Mr. Granger started the car.

When they arrived at the house, it looked small, but once inside, Hermione knew that Dumbledore had definitely enlarged it. The small kitchen was now huge, the Living room was enormous, and the hall way was wider.

"Alright you guys can put your things upstairs while we get dinner ready," Mr. Granger said as he joined his wife in the kitchen.

"Wait, how do they know which room they're in?" Hermione asked.

"Don't worry, their names are on the door. Oh, and Hermione, dear, you'll have to share rooms with Pansy," he said as they headed up the stairs.

"So, Granger, is your room nice?" Pansy asked with a laugh.

"I think it is, but I don't know abut your taste, Parkingston," Hermione said in a sweet voice. She honestly wanted to get along with them because, they were after all in her house and she didn't want anything bad to happen in front of her parents, since they were muggles.

"Well, I'll just see if it is," she said in a kinder voice.

When they were in the hallway, upstairs, they saw three doors. One was Mr. and Mrs. Granger's room that was on the end of the hallway. There were one door on each side of the hallway, one of them had a label that said, Harry, Ronald, Draco. On the other door, it had a label that said, Ginny, Luna.

They proceeded in their rooms and then looked at each others rooms, after putting their trunks in. In Harry, Ron's and Draco's room, there were three beds, two with red and gold bed covers and pillows, and one with green and silver. The walls were a dark green and golden border.

In Ginny's and Luna's room, there were two beds, one with red and gold bed covers and pillows, and the other with blue and silver. Their walls were a light blue with a golden border. Their room was a bit smaller than Harry's, Ron's and Draco's room, since there were only two of them.

After they looked at each others rooms Hermione realized that hers and Pansy's things were still in the hallway. "Granger, where is our room?" Pansy asked looking worried, since there were only three rooms that she could see.

"Oh, right, come on," she said as she and Pansy went to pick there things up.

"Are you sure you even have a room because all I see is three rooms around here, except for the loos.

"Honestly, Parkingston, just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it's not there," Hermione said she pushed a wall on the other end of the hallway, across her parents room, and reviled stairs going up.

"You guys have three floors?" Luna asked in awe, as they all proceeded up the stairs.

"It's the attic," Hermione replied.

"Oh," Luna said as they finally stood in front of a door.

Hermione opened the door and entered. She put her things down and said, "Ummm, Parkingston, your bed is over there." She pointed on the other side of the room, as Pansy and the others looked around the room in awe.

Hermione's room was bigger than Harry's, Ron's, and Draco's room, considering it was an attic. Her walls were a dark red with a black ceiling. Her bed had red and black bed covers and pillows. There were three bookshelves along the walls, full of books and posters on the other side. She had a sterio on the end of her bed and two piled of CDs on the floor. Her room was simple but nice. On Pansy's side there were there was a bed that looked just like Draco's and it was across from Hermione's bed.

"Come on you guys let's have some lunch," Mrs. Granger bellowed up the attic stairs. Pansy and Hermione put their things down as they all ran down the stairs. In the kitchen Hermione found that there was a new table because her old one only had three seats. Once they were all settled the phone rang making Pansy shoot up from her seat.

"What are you doing?" Draco asked confused.

"I've heard about these, they let out a noise when there's fire!" she shrieked.

"Oh, don't worry, that's just a telephone," Hermione said as she walked over and picked it up.

"Telephone?" Pansy asked.

"What the bloody hell is that?" Draco asked stubbornly.

"It's when you talk to people," Ron said proudly. "I've used one once but Harry's uncle hang up on me because I was screaming," he laughed.

"Oh," the two Slytherins said, still confused.

After dinner they all unpacked. After putting their things away Mrs. Granger told them to meet her in the attic. Once they were all in the attic, they sat in a circle because Mrs. Granger brought in a bag full of their school things.

"Now you all know that your first day of school starts tomorrow. I have brought different things here that you will be needing, including your timetables," she said as she took out pens.

"What are those?" Ginny asked. All their faces were confused, except Hermione's and Harry's.

"These are pens. You use them to write," she explained as she took out a piece of paper and wrote with it. They were all impressed on how the 'pen' worked. "There are different colours that pens come in. But your Headmaster has told me that the school prefers blue, black, and red," she said as she wrote with each of them making Pansy shriek with excitement.

She handed each of them a pack of pens with four black pens, four blue pens, and four red pens in them. "Now this is a pencil....." Mrs. Granger explained the different types of school supplies to them and how they are to be used. She then handed out their uniforms and went to bed.

A/n: Sorry it took so long for me to update, I was kind of busy. Well I hope you liked this chapter and please review! Thanks!

Nicoletta: thanks for reviewing and also thanks for being my first reviewer!

hoshi-tachi: LOL 'pig-boy' I like that! Thanks for the review!

Hola-Amigo: thanks and there, lol, I continued.

Phoenix20043: there I got chapter two done! Lol thanks=)