Red Rose- thank you all so much for the reviews!

Black Rose- shut up! I ordered 10 reviews...this is only 7!

Red Rose- well I didn't and I am happy with how many we got, besides this is mostly my story and you can't boss me around this time

Black rose- feeling powerful are we? Now when did this little change of attitude come along?

Red Rose- I have all your C.D.s and if you get angry I will be forced to destroy them!

Black Rose- damn, moving along then...

Red Rose- That's the spirit!

Fallen Pheonix- thank you so very, very much for the many reviews, I feel so happy! I'm glad you liked it so much! Well I didn't get 10 but close enough! So here's an update ! Hope you like it!

rufus008- thank you very much for your review. Yeah I cant believe max nearly died too I was so worried for him...maybe I shouldn't say that...I am the one writing this.

Beckeh- thank you for the review! I'm happy you like it! Here's an update for you!

"Dude, I think I'm gonna pass out, I'm so hungry" Tyson rubbed his stomach.

"All you think about is food Tyson!" Hillary yelled.

"Hey, we didn't have lunch and it's way past dinner. I'm sure you're hungry too!" Tyson shot back and pointed to the clock on the wall that said it was almost nine.

Hillary's stomach answered with a low rumble. "Alright, but I don't think we should leave max here alone" She looked over at Max, fast asleep on the cabin bed. He was breathing steadily with the sheets protectively surrounding him and Hillary thought about how cute he looked.

"I'm not hungry, I'll stay here" Kai said with his eyes closed and arms crossed, leaning up against a wall.

"Jeez, Kai, you're so's your loss" Tyson waved and ran out of the room, escaping Kai's harsh glare.

"Riiight, we'll bring you back some bread or something like that, Kai" Ray said and smiled as he walked out of the door.

"Yeah, that, see ya, Kai!" Hillary said as she left, accompanied by Kenny.

Kai sat back and closed his eyes, thinking about earlier that day. This place is weird and I still don't get how in the hell Max could just go down like that...and he was so heavy, I know I could have normally been able to pull him up myself...maybe I'm thinking about this too much, maybe I should relax...

"I'll have this, and this, and this" Tyson was walking down the rows of food in the buffet "man, this looks good!"

"It is, the most delicious fried chicken there is!" someone said from the other side of the buffet.

Tyson looked up "Well if it's that good, I'll just need to have some!"

"Yeah me too, and if you like this chicken, you absolutely must try the roast!" The guy said.

"Oh, man, I have! Food is great!" Tyson laughed.

"Tell me about it"

"Hey, you wanna come eat with me and my friends?" Tyson asked.

"You sure? I'd love to!"

"Yeah! Follow me!" the two walked off to the table where Ray, Hillary and Kenny were eating.

They walked into the lavishly decorated dining hall. There carpet was a deep red and the walls were a pale ping with white stripes. It was brightly lit with many chandeliers and there was a view of the dark ocean from the large windows in the front. Tyson sat down at the long table his friends were at while the man from the buffet sat right next to him.

"Hey, guys this is...ummm dude! What's your name?"

"My name is Jack, Jack Wiley" he smiled. He looked around 17 and had short bleached blond hair that was spiked straight up. He was wearing a black T-shirt that had a red dragon surrounded by fire on his back and blue jeans.

"Hi, Jack, I'm Tyson...uh what? You want something?" Tyson looked confused when Jack stuck his hand out to him.

"No, no, I want to shake your hand." Jack said and took Tyson's hand and shook it.

"Well, my name's Ray Kon, nice to meet you" Ray stood up and shook Jack's hand.

"Nice to meet you too." He smiled.

"And I'm Kenny" Kenny stood up and shook Jack's hand also.

"Hello, Kenny...And who might this lovely lady be?" Jack too Hillary's hand.

"Oh, I'm Hillary" she blushed.

"Hillary, that's a nice name" Jack bent down an kissed her hand, which made her blush even more.

"Hey, what was that for??" Tyson asked.

"That's what you're supposed do when you meet a lady" jack answered.

Mars walked down the dark hall, hands in her pockets, humming a Linkin Park tune to herself. You'd think it would kill somebody to put some lights up in here... she continued walking into the depths of the hall.

She quickly turned around, thinking she heard something. She didn't see any thing and continued on in silence until she turned around again, swearing something was there. She stopped for a second to regain her cool, then started walking again.

A cold shiver went up her spine and she whirled around again to be greeted with nothing. Mars clenched her teeth and went on damn, this place is screwing with me... She rubbed her arms, noticing that it was steadily getting colder, and her being in a T-shirt and skirt didn't help keep her warm.

There was something swelling up inside her, her fear, making her breathing shaky. She tried to swallow the lump inside her down, but it just kept growing. Before she knew it, her legs were shaking and she fell to her knees, the fear inside her still growing.

Mars looked around and desperately tried to scream, but fining that she couldn't even let out a yelp. Her fear was crawling up, becoming pure terror, and in a panic, tried to shake herself out the fright she was in. The fear and panic seemed to claw at her lungs, choking her as her breathing became shorter and shakier.

As one last effort to call for help, she was finally able to let out a blood curdling scream with everything she had left in her and passed out, seeing one last, dark image of someone, a man, smiling down at her.

"Really? I love to beyblade, I'm not that good though...I'm sure I could be better if I practiced, but I'm always preoccupied with something else" Jack said, walking down the hall.

"Here's our rooms, thank you for walking us here, Jack" Hillary said.

"Hey, no problem, you guys are really cool"

"Awww I know that!" Tyson laughed.

"Heh heh heh, I guess you should." Jack said.

There was a click at one of the doors and it opened a little bit.

"Hey, Kai wants to come out? Here, here, Kai don't worry, Jack wont bite!" Tyson teased.

The door suddenly swung open to reveal a dark room with Kai and Max standing in the doorway with their heads bowed and eyes closed.

"Max??? Kai what's Max doing up? ...Hello? Is anyone in there?" Tyson asked.

Kai and Max slowly opened their now glowing, pure white eyes, then jumped out of the room. Max ran around and held slammed Jack up on the wall, squeezing his throat and let go as Kai walked up. Jack was lying on the floor, holding his throat as Kai kicked his stomach, then walked up to him and sat him up by pulling on his hair.

Kai then spoke in a demented voice between his own and a small boy's "Jack, you must leave here now, the anger you one here was involved with what happened long ago"

Max spoke up, his voice was a cross between his own and a small girl's "Everyone knows what happened that day was awful, and maybe some things could have been different but the fact is that not you or anybody else can change anything about it.

"Kai? Max? What are you talking about? Why did you hurt jack? What the hell is going on here?!" Ray shouted as he tried to pull Jack away from Kai.

"I am normally a nice, peaceful person, but you cannot interfere" Kai said as he smacked Ray into the wall.

"What did you do that for? What's wrong with you?!" Tyson yelled

"Shut up, or you're next" Kai snapped at him.

"I cant hold on much longer, big brother" Max said.

"Alright I'll leave with you...just wait a minute" Kai said and turned back to Jack "I know what you did with that girl, you try something like that again, and I will have no mercy." Kai grabbed a hold of Jack's jaw and slammed his head into the wall, then dropped to the floor unconscious. Max immediately followed and fell into Hillary's arms totally limp.

Ray stood up and rubbed the back of his head "Well, Jack, do you know anything about that?"

Jack was holding his stomach and was leaning up against the wall "No, I have no idea..."

A young woman about 20 tiredly walked up the stairs to the top deck in her baby blue tank top and white pajama pants. She stopped and yawned then headed on. The sun was rising, the bright yellow orb on the horizon painting the sky colors of red and orange. Why does mom want a picture of a sunrise? It's way to early for this, I wonder if she would know the difference between a sunrise and sunset...a sunset would be easier to take a picture of... she thought.

The woman mad it to the top deck with her eyes half open and looked at the horizon now what is that saying...ummm Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Red sky at morning...something about a warning...or is it blue sky? Damned if I know...

She fingered her camera and headed over to the railing until she suddenly slipped and fell foreword. She rubbed her nose and looked at her camera, relieved that it hadn't broken, then felt something drip on her back. She turned over and looked up, her eyes widened as she tried to scream.

Another drip fell right between her eyes and she screamed and backed away, her whole front was covered in blood. she screamed again and some of the crew came up to find a young girl dressed in a green shirt and black skirt hanging in a noose from the wire that ran across the two fake smokestacks, dripping blood.

And that's it for this chappie...I'm really tired right now...

Black Rose- then go sleep, forever

Red rose- I can't do that silly, I've got a lot more great ideas

Black rose- then you can just tell me and I'll write the fic for you

Red rose- really? That sounds great! I could use a rest!

Black Rose- yeeesssss (evil laugh)

Red Rose- alright-y then, Please review!

Black rose- and I would like to warn anyone that I expect some of the later chapters, and some chapters coming up, maybe, to be really gore-y like people hanging by their wrists on meat hooks

Red rose- Meat hooks? How in the world would we be able to fit that in?

Black rose- I don't know, but I like the idea

Red Rose- Alrighty then, I'll say it again, please review!