Finished, FINALLY! I know I'm posting this a month later then I promised but I've just been so lazy I'm kind of ashamed. Yea so here's the Epilogue, hope you all enjoy it!
Disclaimer: I do not own CB or the final lyric from The Beatles!
In The End
Gray wisps of smoke rose towards the chipping paint on the ceiling as Spike sat bare-chested sprawled across a motel bed smoking a cigarette. Dark charcoal strands of hair could be seen fanned out next to him, attached to a feminine face. Auburn eyes shifted in the direction of the sleeping body as it shifted into a more comfortable position.
How long had things been going on like this for? A week? A month? A year? Spike couldn't even remember anymore. Time had been passing so slowly. So bland, since she had died.
Crimson red lips spitting insults to him in the corridors of the Bebop. Strutting in her scandalous yellow vinyl shorts trying to get his attention but never admitting to it. All it took was a single moment for it all to be gone. Just like everything else in his life. If only he hadn't been distracted. If only Julia had never betrayed him. If only Mars wasn't such a damned planet.
It was all so simple, yet so complicated. It was slow insanity, being alone without ever really being alone. His hand reached out to snub the cigarette as he turned on his side opposite of Electra. Grabbing his wallet he reached and took out slightly tattered photo. It was of Faye, he had taken it of her while she was lounging on the couch, obviously not paying attention to the camera he was holding the distance. She looked to calm, and so utterly unaware of what fate held for her.
Grabbing his Zippo that sat alongside the wallet he flicked it open and watched as it spouted orange flames. He held it under the photo as they licked at the material, slowly disintegrating it.
Just like the dying rose slowly drowning within the puddle on that solemn rainy day, Spike let another past love die the only way he knew how.
Dropping the last smoldering embers to the floor he placed both hands behind his head as he basked in the soft moonlight coming through the dirty window next to their bed. He could hear the soft pattering of the rain outside. Rhythmic and relaxing. Closing his eyes he let the sound most familiar to him slowly ease him into a light sleep.
Are you gonna be in my dreams, tonight?
Gah yay! Extremely short, and weak, I know. But I figured short, sweet & to the point. Personally I think I could have wrote a lot more but I have no will power left. Bittersweet ending which took be two years to finish!
Final reviews, please?
Special thanks to all my reviewers:
FoxFlame, Anime89, Blonde-Existentialist, BlueVixen2071, JellyBelly, SilentAura, James, Chelsky, Candy Perversion, & Mike.