A shrill scream of a newborn echoed around the quarters. The
birth of a certain prince had commenced. The mother looked down upon
her bundle. Her once hard features, seemed to adopt a softened
expression Wrapped in silken garments, was her child; a part of her very
own being. Among her riling thoughts one surfaced suddenly.
A wave of sadness washed over her very soul. She would hardly
see him, if at all. Young princes' upbringing lies mostly with the king,
tutors, and trainers; ever rarely a queen. Speaking of her majesty, what
would he think of his newborn heir? All he would pay care to would be
his power.
The baby quieted from his senseless cry. The queen glanced at him.
A slight smile formed on her roughened lips. And the mother surveyed
her babe. Rather pale skin, but it gave hints to a later tan tint. Dark,
large eyes that glanced around in wonder and question. So innocent…
The lady lightly pushed the swaddle off his head, revealing a small, black
tuft of hair.
::Even I can plainly see you will partake your father's image, my son.
And for your sake, I pray strength and power to you…::
* * * * * * * * * * *
A small, tender, newborn child lay in his royal crib sleeping soundly. His breathing suddenly quickened. Almost instantly, he awoke to a strange thickening in the air around. Confusion wrote an expression on his baby face.
Silence…. Then…
"WAAAAAAAH!" loudness arose from his throat.
Silence once again….all bawling ceased.
A caped figure moved closer. Slowly, a gloved hand reached into the decked crib. The poor prince felt himself rising out of his bed place. Higher and higher…although very tiny, the baby panicked.
"WAAAAAAAAH! 'sob' 'hick' WAA-AAAH!"
Now the newborn was dangling by a single foot in mid-air. The hold on his left foot was rather tight, and it hurt! Kicking, waving his arms, and screaming, he was rotated and lifted even higher. He found himself now eye to eye with…someone. A cold face with mirroring eyes.
"Scrawny. And excessively loud," the visitor spoke in an annoyed tone.
A desperate pound to the face was delivered instinctively by the infant. A rather strong punch it was, for it would have probably wounded a normal being. But Saiyajins are far from ordinary…
"Da!" the infant gurgled.
"Hmm...There was slight power in your 'attack'," the king chuckled.
"Maybe you will amount into something, tiny Ouji (Prince)," he whispered. "Maybe…"
* * * * * * * * * * *
And so it was, that only a week later, "Potential Power Testing" results arrived.
"My King!" a counselor shouted. "These—these…results.." he was absolutely breathless. "They—'huff' take them, please!"
The King glanced over the sheet. His stone features twisted into a mix of confusion, happiness, pride, and amazement. (All of which were scarcely seen on his majesty.)
:: Elite potential… possibly Super Elite. We'll see…how far will he go…We'll see, my heir… ::
* * * * * * * * * * *
Three weeks later, a minor ceremony was held. The "Hibun" or "Kenji" (Inscription ) ceremony. Basically a crowning or recognition of the young prince's birthright. Bejita Ouji (Prince Bejita) was presently to have the seal planted on his right upper thigh. It was to be printed rather largely, for the prince would surely grow.
A marking was first painted on to ensure no errors. Now came the painful part…Small Bejita's pupils enlarged as they settled on a sharp and shiny object. Alarm bells sounded in his head. It meant trouble. Pain engulfed the four-week-old as the knife plunged into his leg… tracing the paint…
"WAAAAAA-AAAH! AAAAH!" *ouch* the tormenting was very painful.
The team of doctors and scribes worked diligently, perfectly writing the seal. Next, a tiny piece of coal burned the lines into his skin… The young one only cried more. At last, the process was complete. The tortured baby continued to scream. He would appreciate the sign… For it signified him officially as "Bejita no Ouji, of Vegitasei…"
Author's note: I own nothing, but my opinion. Don't sue me.