AN: This is the very last chapter. It's sad isn't it? But not to worry, we are going to attempt a sequel, perhaps. It isn't going very well...

The Thief of the Card

-The Last Chapter –

"What do you mean?" Yugi asked, more confused then ever before in his life, apart from the time when he got lost in the chocolate factory. Luckily, a weirdo in a tall purple hat rescued him.

"It's too late to explain who it is, we got to get to your school, NOW!" Yami said, dragging Yugi out of bed.

"But...but...but" Yugi started.

"My name is not Bert, Yugi!" Yami said. This reminded Yugi of what he said at Marik's place, knowing that he may as well give in. He wasn't going to get much sleep tonight.

"Why do I have to go to school? It's a weekend!" Complained Yugi as he and Yami walked in the dark towards Yugi's school.

"Because of two reasons, 1) you made me go everywhere without a choice and 2) I don't know how to get to the roof of your school." Yami said as if it was obvious.

"Who would be at school at 11 o'clock tonight?" Yugi said, rubbing some sleep out of his eyes.

"Not 11 o'clock, but midnight." Yami said, making Yugi even more confused. Yugi – for a reason I'd probably rather not know – knew exactly how to get to the roof. They arrived at the door that led to the roof.

"So, what exactly is going to be on the roof?" Yugi questioned nervously.

"Isn't it obvious, the thief." Yami said, with no fear evident in his voice. The door slowly opened.

"Hi Yugi!" A small boy with jet black hair was waving at them from outside.

"Well, what are you waiting for Yugi? Walk out there." Yami said anxiously.

"I can't – the door is still moving in slow motion." Yugi said frowning. As he said that, the door opened but only enough so that Yugi could walk through.

"Well, I have to wait 20 more seconds before I can walk through." Yami said bitterly, he really hated slow motion.

"MOKUBA!" Yami could hear Yugi scream from outside. "What are you doing here?"

"You know, the usual – some evil guy is gonna try to kidnap me in about..." and before Mokuba could finish a weird evil dude in a helicopter grabbed him in a net and flew off with him.

"Finally! Did I miss anything?" Yami said after the door had finally opened.

"Oh, the usual – Mokuba just got kidnapped by an evil dude in a helicopter." Yugi said nonchalantly.

"Oh..." Yami said, wondering if he was the only one who found this odd.

"So, you finally came." A deep voice said.

"AHHH! Where did that come from?" Yugi screamed looking around wildly. Yami pointed to the dark shadow realm shaped cloud that was hovering above them.

"Duh, it came from that." Yami said, once again wondering how anyone could miss that thing. It was bigger than a bloody elephant, even bigger than the one in the tutu.

"Ooooooooooooooo...I get it now..." Yugi said very brightly. The cloud thing was getting closer when suddenly – horror of horrors – it landed right on top of poor Yugi.

"There goes my side-kick." Yami said to himself. All that could be seen of Yugi was his ruby red slippers.

"Guess it just goes to show that there's no place like home and also that Yugi has no fashion sense. Those shoes totally clashed with his hair." But before Yami could continue to ponder Yugi's dreadful fashion sense, the cloud began to surround him.

"Now I have you right where I want you!" A weird high-pitched voice shouted from the helicopter that contained Mokuba. Suddenly it disappeared as a person started to walk out from the shadows.

"Hello old friend...or should I say... Pharaoh?" The dark figure asked him.

"Identify yourself." Yami said, looking at the shadowed body.

"I thought you solved the mystery, Atem Holmes. You know me very well..." Yami could hear him snickering softly.

"You aren't the Joey I know." Yami accused.

"Of course not, I'm nothing like that pathetic fool! But I needed help to take what I rightfully deserved."

"Come out of the shadows." Yami demanded.

"Fine." The figure stepped out of the shadows.

His blond hair was like Joey's but with a few more spikes than usual, as if he had used too much hair gel. His eyes were the same brown as Joey's except they had glints of red. He was wearing a dark green cape that had a collar that covered some of his face, but other than that, the rest of his clothes were what Joey normally wore. What really was scary though was the evil smirk that was on his face, peering from behind his cape, staring at Yami. Yami shivered.

"Who are you and what have you done with the real Joey?!" Yami commanded.

"Haven't I said it enough? I am Joey, well, technically." He sneered.

"Then what are you doing?" The blonde grinned.

"You'll see." Then he brought forth Kaiba's three Blue Eyes White Dragons Cards. Darkness surrounded him as he held the cards up.

"I summon The Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon!" The blonde roared. The shadows took a form of a dragon with three heads. "And then I take this..." He looked Yami in the eye knowingly and held up a card.

"Immortal Soul!" As he bellowed this the millennium necklace, eye and rod appeared.

"You see Atem; during your reign in Egypt you promised me a millennium item and yet..." The blonde projected a memory into Yami's mind.

There were two boys in the stone room but neither of them was the Pharaoh. One was blonde and the other was the high priest.

"I am not a mutt!" The blonde yelled indignantly, shaking his fist at the high priest. But the brunette only laughed.

"You're pathetic fool, not even worth being called a human – thus being called a mutt." He smirked knowing that this would only anger the blonde more. The boy drew a sword from his side and ran it right up in front of the priests face.

"Want to say that again?" He growled menacingly.

"You have no right to live in the same palace as the Pharaoh," The priest said through clenched teeth. The blonde went to swing the sword at him, only mocking to kill him but the high priest took no chances. He knew that the mutt was capable of killing. He muttered a spell under his breath.

"Unt alir de stait." Suddenly the sword was in his hand, in attack position.

A look of horror appeared on the priest's face. Unfortunately for the blonde who had been in the wrong place at the wrong time, the silver blade of the sword had gone straight into his chest – right where his heart was supposed to be. Blood was dripping from the wound...

"He killed me Atem! Your high priest killed me. And what did you do about it? Nothing." He accused Yami with anger dripping from his voice. "He was the one who got a millennium item and left me with nothing – and I was your best friend!" Yami stood in shock.

"I..." Yami stumbled, looking for words.

"Now is not the time for any apologizes. Now is the time for me to get what I rightfully deserve!" He shouted. The clouds covering the moon suddenly – and conveniently – moved away from the full moon. Light shown down upon them, and then...

Lighting stuck.

It was instantaneous, if Yami had blinked he would have missed the whole thing – luckily spirits don't have to blink. The lighting went into the card and suddenly Joey fainted and a golden object clattered to the floor.

It was the millennium key.

"Pharaoh," Yami turned around to see Shadi standing behind him.

"What just happened?" Yami asked.

"Jahi's back." Shadi said simply but Yami understood what he meant. Jahi was the Pharaoh's best friend back in Egypt.

"It wasn't my fault." Yami said as an excuse. "I never knew he died."

"You were locked into the Millennium puzzle that very night. Of course, your friend's ghost couldn't rest because he wasn't able to be preserved with his best friend. Thus this incident had to occur." Shadi explained.

"So what just happened to Jahi?" Yami asked as Yugi suddenly appeared from the now disappearing black shadow.

"What did I miss?" Yami and Shadi both ignored him.

"Jahi's is now immortal and his spirit..." Shadi looked over to the millennium key that lay on the floor. "His spirit is now locked into the Millennium key." He said solemnly. "And that was my favourite Millennium item too."

"So what are you going to do with the key?"

"I assume that since the spirit choose Joey to help him that Joey might..." Shadi trailed off.

"Cool! Joey has a Yami?" Yugi squealed in excitement. "I knew I missed a lot by being unconscious for so long!"

"I'm hungry." A starry-eyed Joey had just woken up from being fainted. Shadi walked over to him and picked up the Millennium Key.

"Inside this is a spirit, he is now under your guardianship." Shadi handed the key to Joey.

"What? Not another 5000 year old spirit!" Joey complained. He looked at the key in his hand when suddenly it glowed. A blonde boy appeared in front of him.

"I HEARD THAT!" Jahi yelled at his new Hikari.

"Ah, seeing the beginning of a beautiful Yamiship." Yugi said wiping a tear from his eye.

"Well actually, that was when the crimes started...just like when you would black out before you knew about me." Yami said slightly scared. "The Yami can kind of...take over the body..."

"AND ALL THAT TIME I THOUGHT I WAS FAINTING PRONE!" Yugi began chasing Yami in circles.

"Well, that clears everything up. The mystery is solved; Jahi is taken care of, now I can get back to my vacation." Shadi takes out a pair of sunglasses and disappears in a cloud of purple smoke.

"Don't you need to bring the helicopter back, Jahi? We need Mokuba to be kidnapped!" Mokuba's kidnapper said.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that..." Suddenly a helicopter appeared over on a far away building. You could hear Mokuba screaming something about how he was getting to old for this.

"I'm hungry." Joey and Jahi said in unison.

- End of Story -

There was no repeating word but review anyway! Oh yeah, We call the thing Shadi carrys around the millennium key.

Disclaimer: We don't own Yu-Gi-Oh, Finding Nemo, Sherlock Holmes, Blues Clues,
Tomato Sauce, Lord of the Rings, The Wizard of Oz, Shreck, Puff the Magic Dragon, Cheese puffs, Cream puffs, X-files, Britney Spears, Kylie Minogue, Avril Lavigne, Star Wars, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and Twister.

(A challenge to all you readers: Can you find all the places where we either used these things or had a take off from them...?)

But we do own Bert, Jahi, the Ritual, The card 'Immortal Soul'(this card was made up for the story, so don't go looking for it in shops), the talking wall, the loony bin, the plot, the obsession of Tomato sauce (inspired by one of the authors love of it, she ate a whole bottle once.) couch eating, and the non-existent fire.

1 thing that was not in the story but we own is Tomac, rice and tomato sauce mixed together (yum).