No One is Perfect

Written by: Queen of Fantasy

Prologue- Met for the First Time

"What is this?" Mr. Garcia shouted at me. My ears were going to be deaf if he continued like this. I looked down on my desk. There was the essay I wrote last week. Mr. Garcia motioned me to read it. I looked at him weirdly. I read the whole essay with a bored tone. I hated it when teachers held me back like this.

"That is utter rubbish. Don't you know that this essay will affect your marks to get to college? You're the leader of the G.O. and you give me this? I expect you to do an extra credit. Meet me, along with some others who owed me, at the field by tomorrow at 1.00 pm sharp," He snapped at me, emphasizing the word 'sharp'. I know what sharp meant. I snorted. I left without saying a word.

The next day, it was fairly normal. School had ended at 12.30 so I decided to hang out with Jessica, my girlfriend. We were drinking smoothie at the smoothie shop when I remembered something. Holy crap. I forgot about the extra credit! I looked at my watch which showed that it was already 1.05 pm. I ran out of the smoothie shop, leaving a stunned Jessica. Well, I could give her a call tonight and apologise for the outburst.

"Kai Hiwatari, Kai Hiwatari. I repeat Kai Hiwatari. Where the hell is Hiwatari?" I could hear Mr. Garcia screaming his head off for me. Finally, I reached him and panted. He just glared at me and the other students just snickered.

"Here.... I am...sorry...." I managed to say while gasping for air. He gave me this clipboard and a few descriptions. There was a picture too. I went in line and met with Johnny, my rival. I just gritted my teeth while he was still snickering.

" There will be a few students from Jordan Academy visiting us. These students are...different so I expect you all to behave yourself. Please be patient with them. They are...well...let's just say that they are not as normal as us. You all are to guide them with basic forms of exercise. This will continue for one whole month. If I heard any complain about hurting them physically or emotionally, you and your parents will have to see me personally. Clear?" He lectured us. Did he mean we have to serve some 'abnormal' people? I groaned.

We all took out the picture of our 'friends'. I took a peek at Johnny's 'friend' of the month and saw a girl with bugs teeth and large blue eyes. She has an unusual colour for her hair. Purple? Some of the girls there just scrunched up their noses when they saw the pictures and descriptions. I took out mine and saw a girl with black raven hair and dull black eyes. She looked somewhat different. Yea, different from normal. I rolled my eyes. Her name was...'Darling'? What kind of name was that? I'm not going to call anyone 'Darling'.

" Umm...Mr. Garcia! I can't call her 'Darling'. It's...inappropriate," I scratched my head. He just raised his eyebrow. Then replied, "They can understand you so ask her what she wants to be called then." I swore I could see him smirking.

Finally, a line of buses arrived. Okay, maybe this was not a good idea. I should have done a good job out of the essay. I sighed. There was no way turning back now. Then, the door of the buses opened and a few people staggered their way to their mentors. The girl that matches the description and looks like from the picture wheeled towards me. What? I thought she could stand right? She was on a wheelchair and needed some help in coming down from the bus. I looked at Johnny who was looking frightened.

"I'm sorry you have to be like that! I'm sorry God chose you that way! I'm sorry! I can't do this!" One of the girls screamed like a lunatic and ran out of the field. Maybe she had a phobia. Johnny was paler than usual. So, finally I knew what Johnny is scared of.

Reaching me, I pushed Darling's wheelchair to the other side of the field. I ran through her description and all the info about her. They say that she could stand. Maybe she just needed help in standing. I pulled her up gently and showed her how to kick the ball. I felt pity for her. Maybe 'Darling' is a nice name after all. She tried to get her leg to kick the ball.

The moment she kicked, she fell on me. I caught her and fell on the grass. It was an awkward position. My face flushed as I was holding her in a, what Robert would say, uncouth manner. Just when I thought luckily no one was passing by, Mcgregor came.

"Ooooo...Lovebirds eh? Good luck with the retarded girl!" He laughed and laughed while walking away. He then tripped on a rock and fell on Mr. Garcia. I laughed.

"Soooo.......Gay lovebirds eh? Good luck with the old chump!" I said. Johnny just glared at me as I choked with laughter. Darling just stared at me as if I'm crazy. I smiled and helped her on her wheelchair. Then, the weird thing happened.

"K...K...Ka..Kai..." She tried to say my name. She looked deep into my eyes as if she could read me like a book. She repeated my name over and over again. It was spooky. Her voice make it sound more scary as if a ghost was calling my name. She wanted to tell me something. She tried to reach out for me but suddenly, I felt scared. I don't know why but my nerve system seemed to go hysterical.

I couldn't take it anymore. She was weird. I screamed, " Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!"

QOF: If you're wondering, G.O. means 'Gifted Olympiads'. I invented it so I don't think there's such a thing. Anyway, only gifted students are qualified to enter the group. Kai is the leader because he's the smartest, the coolest, the most talented and know the rest but too bad he won't use his brain for something useful. I got this idea from a movie called 'Pumpkin'. I changed the story to 'No One is Perfect'. I love it. When you watched it, you will be in a verge of tears. So I don't own the plot or the idea..........maybe some scenes. But I DO own some of the characters and the words. Okay, please Read and Review!