Title: Fe'nos tol

Rating: PG13.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything! Happy now???

Summary: After a little job that Max and Alec pulled off, their lives will be changed forever! M/A all the way!

A/N Sorry it took me sooooooooooo long to update, and this is kind of short, because my muse of inspiration left me. But I promise I'll do better in the next chapter. 

Chapter 5

The black SUV parked out side of a penthouse, and three people stepped out of the vehicle. It was Max, Alec and the priestess.

(The penthouse)

"This is where you used to live" The priestess named Kali said as she opened the door and the three of them walked inside.

"How could we afford this place?" Max asked as she walked around a huge lounge or family room.

"This was a wedding present, from all of us." Kali answered with a smile.

At that Max stopped in her tracks and looked bluntly at Alec.

"So…. how long have we been married for?" Alec asked Kali, who was looking at Max.

"You've been married for a year and a half, but were together since you got out of Manticore. You were in love, and when Max told you that she was pregnant, and that she wanted to keep the baby, I've never seen you so happy, both of you were happy together, until the 'Eyes Only' decided to destroy what you had, by setting the rest of Manticore soldiers against you, by telling them that you were the traitors to kill you and the baby." She said as she glanced at Max searching for any emotions in her eyes, but didn't see any, so she went on with the story.

"The High priest propably didn't tell you, but the 'Eyes Only' didn't want to kill Max, he wanted to erase her memory of who she was, so she wouldn't remember us-her family and you, Alec" Kali said as she looked at Alec who was leaning on the side of a lounge.

"Did I love that 'Eyes only' guy?" As much as Max didn't want to ask, she knew she had to know.

"Maybe you did, before he turned your so called Manticore family against you, and until you met Alec." Kali answered Max's question.

For a split second Alec closed his eyes, and saw some images flash in his mind. He saw himself being strapped down to something that looked like a hospital bed, screaming while being tortured by Manticore's red laser beam. The flash back finished as soon as he opened his eyes.

"Alec, what did you see?" Kali asked Alec who was confused by the memory.

"I don't know… I saw myself strapped down and tortured… I was screaming and that red laser beam was aimed right in my eye… That was all." He said as he stared blankly at the wall.

"What you saw was your past at Manticore about three or four years ago. They used those lasers to brainwash you, make you follow and not question the orders you were given." The priestess explained.

"So, what do we do now?" Max asked, as she headed over to the fridge to get some food, because the last time she ate was in the hospital.

"Well it's up to you, because I should be going anyway. I'll visit you in the morning, and then I can give you a tour around our new secret facility. Perhaps even drive around San-Francisco, maybe that will bring back some memories." Kali said as she waived goodbye and walked out of the penthouse.

"So…." Alec started, but he didn't know what to say to his ehh 'wife'

"So… are you hungry?" Max asked with a smile.

"Yeah, I'd love to eat something" He said as he made followed Max into the kitchen.


Kali walked into an empty dark room.

"I think that the plan has worked." She called out into the darkness, as her words echoed.

"Very good! We will soon be ready to activate the second stage of our plan." The masculine voice called out in to the darkness. His back to the priestess looking out the window at the shooting stars.


I AM SO SORRY!!! I no I haven't updated in like………. Ah……..ages……..

But here's the fifth chapter, pliz review and give me any ideas that you have, because my mind's totally blank!!!! LOL