When Inanimate Objects Attack

Author: Victory Goddess

Disclaimer: Forgot to put this, but anyway, I don't own anyone belonging to the WWE, hell, I don't even own Mr. Happy, he's my best friend's Frisbee, and an evil Frisbee at that…

A/N: I'm sorry if this chapter is a little…odd…in any way, but you see, I just got home from work, and I work in a coffee place and after work I binged on Ice Caps, which is a drink filled with caffeine, so yeah, I might be just a tad hyper.

Chapter 2: It's a Miracle

"It's just a stupid Frisbee, Ric." Triple H said, exasperated with his team mate. "It's not out to get you, hell, it can't even move by itself. You've been going on about it for the last half hour and I swear to God that if you mention that fucking Frisbee one more time, I might have to hurt you."

Ric sighed and shook his head as he trailed behind Triple H back to their locker room, why wouldn't they believe him that a Frisbee was out to get him? It wasn't that farfetched.

"Forget about it, Hunter," Batista joined in, "I say we just save his kids the trouble and get him committed to an old folks home ourselves."

"That might just happen unless he gets off of this." Hunter turned his head to glance at Ric. "I mean, c'mon Ric, think about it, Frisbee's don't attack people, people attack people, we just have to figure out who's behind this."

Ric bit his lip to keep from saying anything and looked at Randy who had kept silent about it for the last little bit. If only he could get Randy to say something, he knew that he'd back him up, he was a victim of the evil Frisbee as well.

They turned into their locker room and Triple H immediately plopped himself down on the couch before jumping up again and grabbing his butt. He looked down at the Frisbee he had sat on and picked it up. "The stupid thing has a sharp edge."

"It's where it's broken." Randy said absently, holding up his now bandaged hand. "Remember this? I endured that edge worse then you did."

Triple H laughed. "Yeah but I'm not about to believe that it's out to get me now."

"Oh yeah, tremble Hunter, the evil Frisbee will hunt you down until it gets you." Batista laughed. "This is sad."

"I never said that I thought it was out to get me." Randy insisted.

"You didn't have to, we can see it on your face." Hunter said, less then amused now. "It's a child's toy, for God's sake you two." He turned it over in his and examined it before throwing it at Ric who ducked it and let out a small sound of fright. This made Triple H and Batista burst out laughing.

"Yeah, laugh while you can, he'll get you too." Ric warned them.

"He?" Triple H repeated between laughs. "It has a gender now."

"It always had a gender, 'Mr. Happy', remember?" Ric stated.

"Oh, right, how could I forget?" Triple H rolled his eyes and nudged Batista in the ribs who let out a small chuckle.

Randy sighed and bent over to pick up the toy, straightening, his face turned white. "It's not broken anymore." He stated.

"What?" Ric asked, leaning over to look at the held up Frisbee.

"It's not broken." Randy repeated, turning it over and over in his hands, trying to find the broken part.

"So? That just means some kid came in here while we were gone and switched Frisbee's on us." Triple H reasoned.

"But it stabbed you." Randy stated. "That means that it had to have been broken when you sat on it."

"You're getting as bad as Ric now." Batista said. "Too bad you're too young to be committed to an old folks home."

"We can always get him committed elsewhere." Triple H suggested with a grin. "I'm sure some nice doctors would love to hear your two's theory on the attack of the evil Frisbee."

"Don't make light of the situation." Ric told them seriously, placing his hands on his hips. "We're dealing with a potentially murderous Frisbee here."

Triple H tried to surpress a laugh but failed miserably. He wiped tears out of his eyes as he looked at Ric again. "Thanks Ric, I really needed a good laugh."

"You won't be laughing when he gets to you, non-believer." Ric threatened.

"Hell, Ric, for all I know, you and Randy just set this stupid thing up to try to prank us and now that it's not working you're trying to force it on us." Hunter sat back on the couch. "Just give it up."

"Alright, if you don't want to believe us, we'll go find some people who do." Ric told him stubbornly. "C'mon Randy."

Randy glanced at Triple H and Batista before hesitantly following Ric out, still holding Mr. Happy.