Disclaimer: YYH belongs to Yoshihiro Togashi. The only thing I do own is this story and the OC's. As always, flames are encouraged as long as you tell me why you chose to flame.

Just as the man had said, Kurama found himself thrown headfirst into a career. And, just as he expected, the life of a celebrity was more tiring rather than glorious. For the next few weeks he had been forced to record several songs and memorize it. It wasn't just the vocal parts he had to memorize, but since he could also play the guitar, he had to also memorize each note. But the good thing was that he wasn't alone. Ren and Tobi were also by his side. The man who hired Kurama also hired the boys, making a new boy band.

Two months after the recordings, he found himself preparing to perform a small concert at a nearby park. To his amazement, there was an extensive group of people attending it. Nearly the entire crowd was, of course, made up of screaming fan girls.

"Hey, Minamino, hope you enjoy playing today," Ren called, running towards his redheaded friend.

"Thank you." Kurama took a deep breath to steady his nerves. "There's quite a few people out there…" he murmured in an attempt to start a conversation to distract his fears.

"Yeah. No need to thank me."

"I beg your pardon?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I saw the flyers that went out. All I did was post them in places that girls would see. I even bribed Tobi into putting one in the girls bathroom to make sure girls would come!" Ren winked. "I don't think quite as many girls would have come if he hadn't have done that. I'm surprised that so many girls are here though." He looked out at the crowd. "Yep. There isn't even half this number of girls at school. They must have got their cousins and everyone else to come."

"I see." He didn't know what else to day. What else was there to say?

"I even charged each one of these girls five bucks." Ren flashed him a broad grin. "I think you've got over a thousand bucks here. Don't worry, you'll get half, don't worry. What are you waiting for? Get your ass out there! Play some music!" He ran to the microphone. "Attention people, the performance is about to begin. Put your hands together for Suichi Minamino…and the other guys who play back up!"

This was part of Ren's joke. He knew the girls were here only for Kurama, but he didn't care. He was making money and he got to play as much as he wanted to. Tobi liked it because he got to test out the songs he wrote for his crush.

The crowd immediately went crazy at Kurama's human name.. Kurama blinked and hurried to strap his guitar on. He turned to see if Ren had taken his place at the bass guitar and if Tobi was ready with his drums. They all nodded.

Ren cleared his throat and spoke into the microphone before him. "This first song is by Linkin Park. It's called 'Pushing Me Away.' Sing along alright?"

Kurama began to play a few notes, launching the band into the song. He smiled down at the crowd, winning an ear-piercing scream in response. Ren started the song off. "When I look into your eyes there's nothing there to see…nothing but my own mistakes staring back at me."

Kurama took over after they played some chords and Tobi tapped out a fairly difficult drum rhythm. "I've lied to you. This is the last smile that I'll fake for the sake of being with you."

Tobi began to rap while he continued to play. "Everything falls apart even the people who never frown eventually break down. Everything has to end. You'll soon find we're out of time to watch it all unwind."

"For the sake of being with you," Kurama sang.

"Everything falls apart, even the people who never frown eventually break down," Tobi shot back.

Then Kurama and Ren sang together. "The sacrifice is never knowing why I stay when you just push away, no matter what you see you're still so blind to me."

Ren began to sing the next part. "I've tried like you to do everything you wanted to. This is the last time I'll take the blame for the sake of being with you."

The song went on. During the song, only a few people were heard singing along. The rest of the group (the girls) had their eyes wide, staring at Kurama in a rapt, dreamy eyed expression. Rather than singing with the song, the girls preferred to hear Kurama's beautiful singing voice.

When the song was over, everyone erupted into screams again. Kurama bowed, flushing as he did so. So much attention was very flattering.

The next couple of songs were by other artists. The crowd seemed to love it all.

"Thank you for coming to this," Kurama said after the concert was done.

"WE LOVE YOU SUICHI!!!" the girls screamed.

"CALL ME!" another one called.

The teen flushed again. He bowed and got off the stage.

"That was awesome!" Tobi exclaimed. He shoved his drumsticks in his back pocket. "They loved us!"

"I think they loved Minamino more than us, but hey, we're pretty close to rich!" Ren looked to Kurama. "We should play more often."

"I'd prefer if we played our own songs," Kurama admitted. "I don't feel right playing someone else's works."

"Yeah, but the songs the manager gave us suck major donkey balls. Why don't you write a song? We'll play it. We played Tobi's and you know how bad that song was."

"Hey! Watch it!"

"What could I possibly write about?!" Kurama turned around, looking to see something that could strike imagination into him. Nothing. He looked at the crowd. He sighed. If only Botan was there. He wanted to know what she thought of his performance. 'Maybe I can write a song for Botan? But…if she never listens to these performances, how will she know about the song?'

He smiled at the thought of her. 'I'll give her a copy of the song whenever I write,' he decided.

Kurama stretched out on couch that he had in his room. He was exhausted. The life of a teen-idol was very tiring. It gave him pride to be able to support his mother with so much money, but it wasn't a personal gain. He had yet to attract Botan's attention. He sighed and folded his fingers behind his head. He closed his emerald eyes, thinking of the one girl he wanted as a mate.

"She'll never notice me," he murmured at last. "I would be very surprised if she knew my name. I want her to look past what everyone sees…past these lies I tell everyone to protect myself." He opened his eyes. Botan's face swam before his eyes, and he smiled. "I must be obsessed…" He sat up.

"Perhaps I'm obsessed enough to write a song based on these feelings…" he mused. He got up and rummaged through his desk for a clean sheet of paper and a pen that would write.

As he did so, verses of a song floated into his head. He was desperate to write out these things. He couldn't express himself to Botan in any other way. He felt it would be embarrassing to go to her face and tell her these things.

'Her head is in the clouds, and she's got sparkling violet eyes… ' he thought. He scribbled these on a sheet of paper. He would write out possible verses and piece the better ones together. 'If you go beyond my looks and just look past my lies… you'll see she sets my heart on fire and I just can't look away…and you'll see my love for her just gets stronger everyday…'

He stared at the first verse, chewing dubiously at a pencil. It would do. It suited him just fine. For the remainder of the day, he scribbled verses for this song. He wrote out a chorus, stared at it, and scratched it out. He worked on another one. When midnight hit, he gazed at the paper. He couldn't decide how the final verse would go. He chewed fervently on his pencil. He realized what he was doing and grimaced. If he didn't watch out, it would become a disgusting habit. He threw the pencil away before laying his exhausted mind and body to rest.

Kurama dashed out the door with his things slung haphazardly into a backpack. Botan had invited him to help her decorate for an anniversary of some sort.

"Kurama! So nice to see you!" Botan hugged the teen in greeting and watched as he took off his shoes. "I'm so glad you came to help. This means so much to me!"

"Thank you for inviting me," Kurama murmured, flustered.

They put streamers, balloons and other things up. When Kurama strung the banner up, he read what it said. "Happy Three Months!"

"Three months? For an anniversary?" Kurama asked.

"It's been three months." Botan blushed. "I'm surprised we've been able to last so long, especially with my hectic schedule with Lord Koenma."

The emerald eyes gazed blankly at her. "I'm afraid I don't understand a bit of this."

As if on cue, the doorbell rang.

"That must be Ian!" She dashed off the answer the door. "Ian! You're right on time!"

Kurama glanced over, seeing who it was. The teen that went by the name 'Ian' had thick black curls that framed a delicate but handsome face. His blue eyes reflected only chaste love for the deity before him.

"Ian…?" Kurama formed these syllables. His Youko side took over momentarily, causing anger to taint his usual stoic reserve. "Who is this?" Kurama asked, all but screaming at the ferry girl.

"This is my boyfriend, Ian. We've been together for three days as of today." She hugged the teen and flushed. "Ian, this is Kur—Suichi!"


"No, just Suichi," Kurama corrected. He hid his surprise and shame at being madly in love with a girl who was taken. He held out a hand. "Its nice to meet you. I-I'm afraid I must be going. I have rehearsals to attend to."

"Oh…well…thanks again Suichi," Botan said softly. Part of her screamed at her to have a reason to have Kurama stay, but there wasn't anything she could think of. "Have fun and tell me how it goes, ok?"

"Rehersals? You're in a band?" Ian asked in surprise.

"Yes. We performed a few days ago."

"Really?" Ian immediately smiled. "You guys rock! When are you planning on play again?"

Kurama smiled politely. "Thank you…and I'm not sure of the exact date." He said good-bye and went out the door. He wasn't going to form a close relationship with this human who had taken Botan from him.

Wow! That's a lot of reviewers! Thanks! Oh, the song you see Kurama working on was written by KuramaandHiei4ever! The entire song will be shown soon. Thanks to KuramaandHiei4ever for writing such a good song.

Volpone: You're my very first reviewer ever! Thanks for reviewing! Well, you're just gonna have to wait to see when exactly Kurone comes it. But he will come. Don't worry. Glad you like it so far!

Botan and Kurama lover:Glad you enjoy it! Would you really write a song for me? Thanks! If you have one, I'd be honored if you emailed it to me. I'll even mention you so don't worry. Thanks for the review!

KuramaandHiei4ever: You thought Kurama was gay in the last chapter?! O.O Well he's not. I mentioned part of your song! Do you feel special?

Lady of Roses: Hot teen idol, eh? Lol. Maybe it will change her mind. We're just gonna have to see, won't we?

Ame no Kodomo: Botan won't get too jealous just yet, but it'll hit her soon.

Miyako14: Thanks! You're always there to review my fics and it means a lot to me!

Candy Candy Chan: Thanks! Yep, love triangles are fun…as long as it's well written. I've seen a lot that sucks. Hopefully mine isn't one that sucks.

Cwolf2: Thanks for the review! Glad you find it interesting!

Animegirl007: Well I updated! And it's gonna be hard for Kurama to notice Botan, especially when she's got a boyfriend, right?

Fire Rose: Thanks so much! I wish he was real too!

Mourning Fox: Well here's another chapter so you can see if you like it or hate it some more!

Dragonbabe: Hiei might not show up for a while. Sorry to disappoint you!

Aurora-cool: Kuronue will show up in a few more chapters or so. I'm not really sure yet. Glad you enjoy!

Kittykat: Thanks!

Xen the Wonder Dog: Thanks for the suggestions. I'll do that! You like all my stories? ::Blush:: thanks, but your fics are better by a long shot.

Sakurasango: A crime you say? Well that can't happen! Here's a new chapter!

Soul of Emerald: lol. Yeah. Good point. Thanks for the review.

Kuwa's Killer: I can't write songs. So I got someone better to write one for me! KuramaandHiei4ever!

Kitsune KeNsHiN: Yeah, Kurama is kinda a teen idol isn't he? Thanks for the review!

Keeper: Thanks! ::blush:: You flatter me.

Elemental: I finally updated! No need to fret so much anymore!

DeityofRoses: Thanks so much! ::Blush:: I appreciate it!

Thanks for reviewing! Keep it up!