I finally decided to start posting a new story. This idea came to me just 2 days ago, but I really like the idea so I decided to start writing it right away. I'll still be updating my other story, so don't worry about that. But this story is a little different because it won't be humor. It will also be AU, and I borrowed the plot from the greatest book of all time, Battle Royale by Koushun Takami. I recommend to everyone out there.

Ok, I'll put this right up front. This story is R. Got it? Don't like R-rated stuff, don't read it. And it is R for the cursing and the violence. I don't write sex scenes so don't worry about that one. So, if you don't like an abundance of cursing at times or violence and gore, you have been warned, it will be in this story.

Disclaimer-I don't own any characters from Inuyasha or the plot and ideas of Battle Royale. But I sure wish I was that creative to have come up with Battle Royale!

The Reluctant Gladiators


A man with jet-black hair sat typing on an old wooden desk. His fingers flew across the keyboard as his eyes squinted in concentration. It was going on midnight but he could not go home until he finished his work. Thankfully it was almost done.

He leaned back in his chair and stretched his arms out behind him. He let out a big sigh but abruptly sat back up when the door to his office opened. He turned to see his boss standing in the doorway.

His boss Kazuhiko, the man never figured out his last name, was a big. He was pushing 6 ½ feet, which was tall for a Japanese man and well over 200 pounds, but he had no excess fat. He was all muscle. He towered over almost everyone but then that fit his personality. Kazuhiko also had jet-black hair but it was flecked with specks of gray. His face was rough, in fact Kazuhiko almost never smiled. And his eyes were cold, almost bordering on evil. When Kazuhiko walked into a room you knew it immediately, and if he ever looked at you his eyes would be stuck in your mind forever.

"Have you finished yet Hiroki?" asked Kazuhiko in a cool, calculating voice.

Hiroki nervously gulped and stood up. But he was obviously frightened, his movements were abrupt and when he stood up his chair clattered to the ground.

"Ye-Yes sir," said Hiroki, his voice shaking and his fists clenched so tight his knuckles were turning white.

"Good, good. So who are the lucky candidates this year?" he asked, his face breaking into an evil grin. That was the only time Kazuhiko ever smiled, when someone was getting hurt or he was planning on someone getting hurt.

At the sight of Kazuhiko's smirk something inside of Hiroki snapped. He looked at the computer screen and realized what he was doing, what he was helping Kazuhiko accomplish. Suddenly he hated himself as much as he hated Kazuhiko.

"S-Sir, must we continue this madness? Why must we do this year after year?" asked Hiroki, attempting to keep his voice from cracking but failing miserably. Just the sight of Kazuhiko was enough to break him into a cold sweat. And now he was attempting to stand up to him? He was insane.

"Are you questioning me Hiroki?" asked Kazuhiko coolly.

"No…no sir!" answered Hiroki quickly. "But…"

"Hm? But what?" inquired Kazuhiko, his eyes narrowing at the bumbling employee in front of him. But it did please him to see Hiroki's knees quivering; he liked it when his employees feared him. It gave him a power surge. And the smart ones did fear him; they realized the consequences of not fearing him. But it appeared that Hiroki was getting over his fear. That was too bad for him.

"My…my son. He was picked last year. He died. Must we tear more families apart?" asked Hiroki, tears forming in the corner of his eyes. When he thought of his son, and the fear he must have gone through, his heart broke. And what made it even worse was that Hiroki helped to send him there. His son didn't know that but his wife did. When she realized what Hiroki had done she divorced him. He never told her that he had to or else she would have died as well. And he knew why he didn't tell her. She would have preferred to die than allow her son to be taken from her and die a frightening death. But Hiroki failed to see that until it was too late. And everynight since then he had gone home and drank himself to sleep. But he vowed to finally stand up to Kazuhiko, even though that mostly meant his death. But he no longer cared; death would be better than helping the monster in front of him.

"And what did I tell you about that Hiroki?"

"I don't care!" shouted Hiroki. "I can't stand by any longer and watch innocent kids die!"

"Tell me, if they were innocent why would they raise a weapon against their classmates?"

"You leave them no choice," sobbed Hiroki, "Kill or be killed, those are their only options. What the hell do you expect them to do?" Hiroki slammed his fist down on the desk.

Kazuhiko moved his right hand to the holster hidden under his suit jacket. In his rage and grief Hiroki failed to see that movement.

"Why? Why?" screamed Hiroku again and again.

"I told you before," said Kazuhiko, "the government told us to." And with that said Kazuhiko pulled out his pistol and fired two times into Hiroki's chest.

Hiroki stumbled backwards and tripped over his chair. He flew into his desk and as he slid to the ground he stared at the two holes in his chest in disbelief. When he realized who, and why, had shot him he raised his eyes to meet Kazuhiko's gaze. Kazuhiko stared at his dying employee, no expression in his eyes at all. Hiroki stared at him, hate filling his eyes. "Fuck you Kazuhiko. You'll fucking rot in hell. Fuck...you," he gasped out, blood spilling out of his mouth. Then he shuddered once and was silent.

Kazuhiko put the safety back on his pistol and slid it back into his holster. He walked up to the computer and kicked Hiroki's bodyout of the way. Then through the blood specked monitor he read out loud the words on the screen.

"Shikon High. At last, the new candidates for this years Battle Royale."


This chapter was really short, but that's why it was the prologue. The next chapters will be much longer, I promise. But next chapter we get to meet the class of Shikon High (I'm sure you know who will be in it).