This is the last chapter of the story! If I get 80+ reviews I will consider a sequal.

Replying to the anonymous reviewer "Nobody" Thank-you for your critizam, and no I do not delete my reviews, I do not use a program that supports spellcheck to write my stories because I am lazy as you said, and in later stories (because this one is almost finished) I will try to "show" my readers what I talk about rather than "tell" as you said. You are probaly one of the best reviewers that I have had, and will help me become a better writer in the long run because most of the reason I write (in the summer that is) is to help me stay at least at level in school writing, which you see now is still quite low compared to profesional books. My story also seems rushed because I usually AM rushed by someone coughStephcough I really don't put much thought into what I write, writing is actually my secound worst subject (spelling is my actual worst) and I will try to improve so I can get less reviews that are so helpful, meaning that I have become a better writer.


Knowing that they where engaged TK and Kari started out on their lifetime together, from that one moment that they heard about the arrangement. They went to every school dance together, they went on dates every couple weeks, and they even acted like normal sweethearts although no one really knew about their engagement except their friends. Sure, Yolei "Queen of Gossip" did spread the word, but after about a year most people forgot about it - or really did think that is was just another rumor started by the Queen. Little did they know that it was really true. But while it was circlulating TK and Kari didn't really show any PDA's in public, sure they went to all the dances together, and went on dates but it was really the same as before because they did all those things as "friends". In fact both TK and Kari got asked on many many dates in their days, all which they turned down... the people who they turned down knew for sure that they where engaged for TK or Kari had told them, but they had to promese that they wouldn't tell anyone else.

Later on when TK's hormones REALLY started to kick in, you couldn't keep them apart. You could compare him to any teritoral animal, maybe a lion- anything and anyone that came withen his rader of Kari would be really really sad. Of course faimly member where alowed into the bubble, although not for very long. He really was protective, more so then Tai, and that is really saying something. Sooner or later they became attached at the mouth, it was only for a short period though because they kept on being busted, and not to mention they would constently be running out of air... But that is about as far as they got through their hormonal period, well because they didn't feel right going much farther then that, due to their brothers' close watch on the both of them.

In high school they where the "hot cuple" of the school for 2 years in a row, and they won the title of prom King/Queen... Mostly because of their high social status, TK with his star basketball role and rockstar brother, and Kari with her hot body and Soccer star brother. They where literaly ruling the school by senior year, although to all their "real" friends they where still just little hope and light. They didn't really change all that much through the high school day except for how they looked and acted- yes I said acted not where ACTED. They where actually the same people with an older mask held up to their heads, when alone with family and true friends they where still the little 8 year olds they where.


That last paragraph was total scat the real truth is that they where the normal avarage teens in high school, no diffrent from everyone else except that they where engaged.

When they got married Matt was the best man and Sora was best woman. Davis cooled off and give his blessings. And Tai and Matt danced like Genma and Soun... They honey mooned and where married for the rest of their lives. They had 2 children, Anthony and Naru. Naru looked lik eher mom when she was younger, brown hair and large brown eyes. Anthony had blonde hair like his father and cristal blue eyes. They where a happy little family and worked as any other would, together.

Eventually Ken and Yolei got together just as Sora and Tai did. Matt went out with too many girls to count over the years, Izzy just as Joe just went out with a couple of their own type- nerdy ones, but they where all sweet in their own ways. Davis had his world wide noodle stand to worry about, so he didn't have much time for girls, although the occasional one who loved noodles, and was an expert cook did eventually come along. So all in all the digidestend the destend to live their lives as it was written, in harmony!(hah! I used my vocab. word as the last one!)

The End

A/N- Story is now over, considering doing a sequal, but not likely... Detcated to Steph. for being the most avid reader... and Thank-You to all of my readers (with postive comments that is) who reviewed.. and to those with the negitive ones that help, also thank you!
