Author: Swythangel Author: Swythangel
Email: [email protected]
Title: Despite Everything
Type: 1/?, Series
Teaser: Two beings fall in forbidden love. Overcoming the barrier of time, they have been granted three chances to find each other again in their reincarnated lives. But twice they have failed. This is their last chance. Will they be able to recognize each other before it is too late?
Rating: PG –13 (to be safe…)
Warnings: Shonen Ai, AU, definitely AU!
Disclaimer: Weiß Kreuz is not mine…will never be mine but damn if that'll stop me from torturing their lives in my fics...
Keywords: once I say it you'll know who this is about…so I'll do it in the next chapters instead :

This is my valentine ficcie offering, the teaser fic I sent last time. Somehow I have a feeling this isn't going to end on Valentine's day though…a well…those are the breaks.
If this fic had a movie tag on it, I'd say this is a feel-good one. You know, overused plotline, sap, etc. etc. But it is Valentine's so you guys will have to excuse the sap ne?
And by the not-so-subtle hints I dropped in this part, you guys should know what the pairing is grin Tell me ne? and I'll give you…er….i dunno…
Ok, nuff said, onto the said ficcie…

Despite Everything
Part 1

I am No one. And I am Anyone. Sometimes I am Someone.

Confused? Don't be. It is only one of dozens of cryptic messages I have learned to espouse through the ages that I have been in this world. If you say it slowly enough, you'll understand what I mean. The phrases are mere truths of who I am, who we all are, under the human veneer.

I am no one. Here, now, floating through limbo, waiting for my last chance. I am a faceless entity waiting for rebirth, waiting until such a time that a body will need a soul. I could become anyone in the world, the possibilities are endless.

The moment I enter the world I become who I am to be. I become Someone. And this time it is my last chance to find *him*, to become *his* someone. My last chance before I lose all memory of what we mean to each other.

Three chances, and the first two gone. If I fail again, we would never be together, ever.

My last chance…I cannot fail.



In the very beginning, I was an angel. We were all angels before we came into this world. I was one of the dominions, 1st order of the 2nd hierarchy. It was an existence fraught with peril and of course, happiness. Who would not be happy? Being with the Divine Being and fulfilling his Great Plan.

And I could have continued with this happiness if not for one simple fact…I fell in love, fell in love with the clumsiest seraphim God had created. He had this bent tweak on his halo from crashing into things so much.

He had crashed into me in our first meeting and I was about to glare at him for doing so when he gave me the sunniest smile in all of the heavens. I didn't stand a chance. He was, in one word, endearing.

Angels weren't allowed to fall in love. But I had…and he had. He being an ambiguous term since angels didn't have gender.

We suffered for a while, each trying to suppress the other's feelings. We were angels, we could not love. But as if some unseen force manipulated us, we kept gravitating towards each other, until at last we could not deny it. Being angels, we honestly told the Divine Being what we were feeling.

Through the divine grace of the Creator we were granted the chance to be together, as mortals. We were sent down to the earth, without our memories, to try and find each other. Three chances, He told us. If we couldn't find each other by then we would never be together.

The other angels told us that if we really loved each other, that love would see us through. But then again, they never really knew how screwed the world was. And how fate seemed to delight in fucking our lives.

Ooops! That's another thing only mortals know about…swearing.


Une: First Sight

I am or was Kiel, the first time I met him, the first time I fell in love as a mortal. It was an age where people were backwards, homophobic, to put it in this new world's terms. A good word, that. It precisely describes the situation and the people then. It was violent too, the countryside being torn by warring lords that the King could not control.

I was born of a noble house, a Duke's son. *I* was homophobic too. Or at least I thought I was. Up until the time I saw him.


No, not the legendary figure of myths and legends. My Tamlin was an ordinary bard, though I would hardly describe him as ordinary. He who stood up to the sullen Duke's son who had almost run over a village child.

I remember it as if it was yesterday. I had been particularly angry with father for ordering me to wed a maid he had handfastened me to. A milk-faced little miss whose only words were "No, My Lord." and "Yes, My lord."

I didn't want to. Who wanted to spend the rest of his life with someone who did that? I was a particularly quiet young man, if I ever did marry her, it would mean hours of staring silently at each other. *Not* the sort of life I wanted for myself. I wanted someone I could talk to. I wanted…something…something I couldn't really describe but it hung heavy in my heart. And it was telling me that *she* wasn't it.

Father had argued that I needed an heir. A preposterous thought since he was hale and healthy. And I told him that. But he didn't listen.

That was why I was careening on the countryside with my horse, the groom miles behind me. I didn't even notice that I was approaching the village, or the little girl who ran across my path.

Only because of my more-than-adequate horsemanship was I able to swerve and avoid her, leaving me to deal with a bucking, rearing Thunder as I tugged sharply at the reins. I had only just gotten the horse under control when the groom arrived.

Being in a not-so-forgiving mood in the first place, it was no wonder I snapped at the girl…

//"Curses! Belike you will watch where you are going next time."

The little girl burst out into tears. I don't blame her really. My glare drove grown men to sweat whenever my eyes fastened on them.

A man, no, a boy really, comes out of the crowd to hug the little girl, glaring at me at the same time.

"Twas your fault, not the girl's. You should have known better. *You* are the one with the horse."

I arched an eyebrow in surprise. Seldom has a man, and a villager, at that, raised his voice at me.

"You cannot address His Lordship like that." My groom tells the boy off, affronted at the disrespect in the boy's voice. "He is the son of the Duke. Show more respect, peasant!"

The boy must have been a stranger, because everyone else in the village knew me and dared not raise their voice like this one has. And even now that the dawning realization of who I am has sunk in, the defiance does not lessen. In fact, his chin juts out all the more.

"Duke's son or not, you shouldn't have shouted at the girl. You should have known better…My Lord."

The smile that comes to my face couldn't be helped. He intrigued me, this man-boy, despite his insolent air. I waved away my sputtering groom.

"What is your name?"


Confusion danced in his clear blue eyes. He had been expecting a fight and I hadn't given it to him.

"Your name, boy. What is your name?"

"Tamlin. Tamlin the bard."

Ah, a bard. So that was the reason for his outspokenness. Bards had rare immunity in the kingdom, given rare privilege for the uses they had.

"A bard? Superb, then you are invited to play at the keep this eveningtide. We will be expecting you."

I wheeled my horse around to go back to the keep so I could tell father what I did. And although father hated bards, he will agree to this, because I wanted to talk to this boy and nothing was going to stop me.

Before I left hearing distance, I heard him ask one of the villagers for my name.

"That was Lord Kiel, only son and heir of the Duke."//


A flash of light distracts me from my thoughts.

It is time.

It is time for me to go back into the world to find him again. For the last time.

I head towards the light, knowing what would come next. I had done this twice before. A voice would tell me my name in the next life and my memories would be erased. All that would be left would be my yearning for my love.

I will myself to succeed. This time, I *will* find him. Because I do not want to let him go, not now not ever. I clutch the thought to my heart.

/I will find you, wherever you are./

"Ran Fujimiya."

Ran, that is my name now. And I remember only that as I plunge into the light…into another life…

/Wait for me./


^_~ Er, is it any good so far?