Chapter 8: Devious Plans and Hypocritical Best Friends

Ron was laying on his bed reading a magazine. Hermione smiled upon sight of bits of red over the top of the magazine.

Harry cleared his throat to catch the attention of the oblivious teen, who even after hearing the sound continued to be ignorant of his friends.

"You know," Ron began, startling Hermione, "ever since I got here... I've been wondering where you got that hickey, Hermione."

Simultaneously, both Harry's and Hermione's eyes widened.

"Do you know where she got it, Harry?" Ron asked, magazine still poised.

At the silence that ensued, Ron lowered Quidditch Weekly and looked expectantly at Harry and Hermione; Hermione who was now holding the side of her neck, covering up the offending red mark.

"Ron, we can explain—"

"Save it, Hermione. I already know. I knew the moment I stepped through the fireplace. I only made up having a crush on you because I wanted to see how long it would take you to tell me."

Harry's jaw dropped. "You what?" he exclaimed.

"I've heard many a story of a tell-tale hickey, but this takes the cake. The hickey, the hilariously astonished looks on your faces, and you Hermione, your incessant need to talk to Harry... alone."

"Ron, really, we're sorry. We were just coming up to tell you about us. Go ahead, you can use Veritaserum."

Harry's mind, meanwhile, was still buzzing with the news that Ron had been pretending the entire time. His hand crawled up and met with Hermione's shoulder, silencing her.

"So," Harry began, "you mean to tell me, you didn't trust us enough to tell you, so you made all this up?"

Ron nodded, giving out a triumphant smirk.

"You stupid, stupid boy," Hermione said, shaking her head. "How you could think that we wouldn't tell you is a mystery to me."

Ron looked down at the slightly charred red carpet. "I'm happy for you... I really am, but you could've told me!"

"Ron, we hadn't even told ourselves until about five minutes ago, so 'oh-genius-one' tell me how we could've let you know," Hermione huffed indignantly.

Harry was silent a moment, then said, "So, pushing aside the nonsense, I just want to formally explain to you that Hermione Granger is now officially my girlfriend."

"Are you happy now?" Hermione asked, her tone an exasperated one.

"You're such an idiot, Ron," Harry laughed.

Hermione stepped up and leaned forward to give the redhead a hug, but Ron stepped back just before she could reach him.

"Sorry, Hermione," he apologized, "I'm taken."

Hermione's chocolate eyes widened, and then she glared in anger. "Don't you think that you were being just a tad bit hypocritical there, Weasley?"

"Who's the girl?" Harry asked, but his question couldn't be answered just then because Ron was busy being chased by a furious Hermione who was holding a folded up magazine in her hands ready to strike.

Surely enough, Harry knew that the upcoming school year, and even the years beyond that wouldn't be too terribly. After all, his friend-with-benefits, and his short-tempered buddy would make it all the better for him, and he knew he'd be able to do just about anything with them by his side.

"So, Hermione, now about that kiss..."

The End... Finally

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm done! I'm done! I'm done! I'm done! I'm done! This is the first 'more-than-one-chapter-long' story that I've ever written and finished!!!

Another thing: sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry!!! I know, it's been what, four months since I posted?Once again, sorry!!!

Once I get all the reviews for this chapter, I'll post another one up with thank-yous... (do they allow that on ?)

Tell meif I need to go to hell or if I should keep writing, and also tell me if I should do a sequel to this story.

Be proud that I've finished, cuz you guys are lucky that I did... I have about five floppy disks filled to the brim with uncompleted stories, and this is the first finished one, and I've posted about six or seven stories on that I took down cuz I didn't finish them.

Now, the good stuff: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALLLLLLL OF YOUR REVIEWS! I get this warm, fuzzy feeling in my stomach every time I see that I got over 200 reviews for a story that's only seven (now eight) chapters long. I can't show enough gratitude.

One last thing before I shut up: Email me sometime! I'd love to hear from you... I realize that I'm horrible with emails (it takes me about two to three weeks to reply to them) but I'd love to see an inbox full of reviewers' jabber!

Signing out,

-:- Wicked Dreamz -:-