The Charmed Ones returned, just moments later after their devastating loss, to their safe haven at magic school. Once the bluish orbs dissipated Leo, Jessie, and the Charmed Ones quickly parted ways and went to different parts of the library to recollect their thoughts. Everyone was stunned, shockd, and terrified at their revelation just moments before. Wyatt, the Twice Blessed One, was a murderer. A murderer powerful enough to rid the earth of a powerful elder.
Chris was quick on his feet and was beside a silent Jessie in mere moments. He examined each of his family's faces and noticed the same facial expression that plagued Jesse's at this moment. Worry quickly filled his mind.
"What's wrong?!" Chris questioned with worry dripping off of every word. No one seem to be able to look at his face as he asked his question. A question that no one wanted to answer. Jessie peered up to gaze into his eyes only to quickly remove them before Chris saw the fear and pain behind them.
"Mom?" Chris questioned softly as he looked towards her who was on the ground with a tight grip on baby Wyatt. "Mom? What's going on?" he asked again.
"It's Gideon Chris. Your brother and that other demon killed him..." Piper trailed off only to tightened her grip on the toddler.
"Wyatt? Silas? They destroyed Gideon?" Chris responded in shock. Leo looked back at the exchange with the expression of torture. The expression that meant he lost his mentor and his friend. Chris looked over to his father and catching eachother's eyes for mere seconds but Leo quickly looked away. "We have to stop him!" Chris continued renewed with anger.
"No one is saying we aren't going to stop him Chris." Phoebe finally spoke up coming out of her shocked state of mind. "But at the same time I don't see how we are going to be able to stop a powerful witch like him." She continued her confidence dwindling with each second.
"We have to find a way." Piper spoke again, "I will not let my son become that monster that I saw today. I refuse to let that happen....NO! I will not let that happen!" She screamed to herself tears streaming down her face.
Chris finally took the moment to question the well being of his best friend. He noticed that she was shakey and scared out of her mind but he knew she was desperately trying to hide any hint of that but her eyes gave her away.
"Jessie are you ok?" Chris asked. She only nodded in response. Chris wrapped his arms around her waist and urshered her to the nearest seat. "Jessie are you sure you're ok? Did he hurt you?" Chris questioned again.
"Yeah I'm fine." Jessie finally spoke. "There was just some major emotions back there and here as well and it's all coming at me at once and I can't seem to keep it out." Jessie continued with a shakey voice.
"Did he hurt you?" Chris asked again noticing she avoided that question.
"Yeah but I'm healed now so there's nothing to worry about." Jessie replied. "Something weird happened back there." Jessie started.
"What do you mean weird?" Chris asked again. Now their conversation was getting the attention of the entire room. Everyone was listening in on the two friends.
"When Gideon died," Jessie choked out the words, "When he died, something minor happened to Wyatt's emotions. I barely caught it but it almost seemed like he regretted it somehow. Like he knew his actions weren't right." Jessie explained to Chris.
"You mean he felt remorse for Gideon's death?" Piper asked in an emotionally drained voice.
"It seemed like it." Jessie replied not looking into the hopeful eyes of a mother. "But like I said it was only a glimpse and I'm not even sure if I read it correctly." Jessie finished.
"I just don't see how Gideon's death would all of the sudden change him." Chris exclaimed
"You're just as confused as I am." Jessie replied looking down at her hands trying to focus on the creases of each finger down to the ridges of her palm in an attempt to block out all the anger, the shock, the fear, and the inkling of hope that bombarded her being.
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