The following morning was hard for Stacy. She'd been crying all night and woke up with a headache. Even though her and Randy hadn't officially broken up, she knew there could be nothing else between them. Not the way she was feeling right now. She rolled out of bed to take a shower, and some aspirin to get rid of her headache. Then she had to drive the long grueling hours to New Hampshire.

After she got out of the shower and got dressed, she started blow- drying her hair as she heard her cell phone ring.


"Still in Connecticut?"

"I'm getting ready to leave to New Hampshire soon, I just need to go rent a car."

"No need, I'm coming to get you."


"This is our meet up, just tell Randy that you're getting a ride from one of the girls."

"Randy...Randy and I broke up last night."

"Fuck. Stacy look if I had anything to do with it, please reconsider and take him back."

"John it was all me, trust me. It's funny how one little thing someone can do affects the way your relationship goes."

"I'm sorry Stace."

"No need to be. You kind of make it better."

"I'm glad then. Look, go look out the window."

"Okay?" She walked to the window with the phone still to her ear. "At what."

"Look down."

And there she saw John with a bouquet of flowers.

"Come up here. Room 823."

"I'll be there."

After she hung up the phone with John she put her hair back in a clip. She fixed her shirt, and made sure her make-up wasn't smudged. Fixing her hair up, so it wasn't all puffy. She hadn't had the chance to finish blow-drying it, so she threw it up in a ponytail. After a minute she heard a soft knock on her door. Smiling, she walked to the door, and opened it up.


"You look terrible."

"Thanks! You come up here and before even saying, hi how are you. You say I look terrible."

"Ha, hi how are you? By the way, you look terrible."


He set down the flowers on the table, and wrapped her in his arms. She threw her arms around her neck, and placed her head between his head and shoulders. She shut the door behind him, as she snuggled her in his arms.

"I'm sorry about you and Randy."

"Like I said, don't be. It's not your fault John. I just, started having mixed emotions."


"John, I started feeling something for you."

"I had a feeling it had something to do with me. And now Randy's going to hate me even more."

"No, I told him I had to figure out where I stood with you. I had to figure out why all of a sudden, whenever I hear your voice, I feel happy."

"Well, hopefully you can figure that out then."

"I'm hoping to."

"Are you ready to head to New Hampshire?"

"Yeah just let me get my bags and stuff."

"Need some help?"

"That would be nice."

He shouldered her bags and took her hand in his. She squeezed his muscular hand tightly and breathed a sigh of relief. On the elevator, they kept their distance, but stayed semi-close. As the elevator reached the next floor, the doors opened and a curious Chris Benoit stepped on. Looking at them and then turning around, Stacy let out a giggle.

"What are you doing here Cena?"

"Visiting a friend."


"No, Adam. Wanted to congratulate him on his win."

"Ah, I see. Well see ya around kid."

He, Stacy, and John stepped off the elevator, and John laughed.

"Come here. Don't walk so far away from me."

"You're here to see a friend, eh?"

"They all think you're still with Randy. I'm sure you hadn't had time to put up a news bulletin. Don't you think it'd be kind of odd for me and you to be seeing each other when they all think you're in a relationship."

"Oh, so you're ashamed to be seen with me--"

"Would you stop Stacy? Sorry I didn't tell Chris okay." He walked over to where she had stopped walking and took her in his arms. "Don't be mad please. I want you to see me for me. And no I'm not ashamed to be seen with you."

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she sighed softly. "I'm sorry."

"No need to be Baby. Come on, we've got places to be."

"Alright. Let's go."

He wrapped her up in one arm, and hoisted the bags higher on his shoulder. As they approached his car, Stacy released herself from John's grip and he opened the front door for her. He placed her bags on the floor of the backseat and closed the door. Walking over to his side of the car, he saw her smiling at him, and smiled back.


"Hi." He said softly. "I'm glad you decided to come with me."

"I'm glad you decided to come pick me up."

"I can't stop thinking about you Stacy."

"Trust me, the feelings are mutual."

"Let's say we hit the road, shall we?"

"Of course, Mr. Driver sir."

"And you can get some sleep. You look like you've hardly had any at all."


She leaned the seat back, and turned her head so she could watch him as he watched the road. Noticing he couldn't stop smiling, she smiled softly to herself. Closing her eyes, she began to think about what it would be like to be in love with John. Then she began to think about all the nights she'd spent with Randy and how good she'd felt to be with him.

Randy and her were in the past though. She didn't want that with him anymore. Yeah, sure she loved Randy. But thinking about John constantly wasn't what she considered love anymore. She had only been lying to Randy when she told him she loved him.

After awhile she felt John's soft fingers brushing her hair out of her face. Softly smiling at him, she leaned up and grabbed his hand in hers. She rubbed it with her fingers, and then brought it to her face. Sitting up to face him, she pulled him closer to her.

"I think we're a little too close."

"Not yet." She winked at him, and played with his hair on the top of his head. "What, you don't want me to kiss you?"

"That would be nice. But you just.."

Before he could continue what he was going to say, Stacy leaned in and pressed her lips to his. As their nose touched, she reached her hands behind his head and pulled him closer to deepen the kiss. Never before had she had just an amazing kiss as she was getting from John.

Shocked, he kissed her back, not knowing what to expect. After a minute of sharing a passionate kiss with someone he'd had a crush on for a long time, he broke the kiss. She looked disappointed but he smiled at her reassuringly.

"There are people around Babe."

"Oh well, you've never made out in public with anyone? Hard to imagine."

"You underestimate the Doctor of Thuganomics Miss Keibler."

"Do I really, because I thought I had you all figured out. I mean you ask me if I need a ride and you're going to tell me you came all this way to just.."

He leaned back over and pressed his lips softly to hers to keep her from continuing.

"..give me a ride."

[And here ya go the end of the next installment. hope you enjoyed and please review me -DS]