Title: Scolding
Author: Ladye Black
Pairing: Van Helsing/Carl
Warnings: Spoiler for the "London Assignment"
Disclaimer: I wish they were mine, but that's all I can do, wish...and write slashy fanfiction.
Notes: It's all Helyn Highwater's fault. She got me on the subject of scolding. points at Helyn Blame her. Also, I might write another sort of sequel drabble to this for after the movie, don't hold me to that, though, I just had another idea whack me on the head. mutters Damn plot bunnies and their mallets...
After escaping from Her Majesty's palace, Carl and Van Helsing made the slightly lengthy journey across London to the inn they'd rented a room from for their stay. Carl was unusually quiet and Van Helsing was left with the uncomfortable feeling that he'd done something wrong.
Once they got into their room, Gabriel sighed and decided to get it over with as quick as possible. "Alright, Carl, what is it?"
"What's what?" Carl questioned angrily as he packed his belongings into his bag. Van Helsing caught the small hands within his own.
"What has made you so angry with me?"
Carl glared at him. "Angry? Oh, I'm not angry, Van Helsing," Gabriel sighed in relief. "I'm furious." Carl pulled his hands from Van Helsing's grasp.
"Why?" Van Helsing asked softly.
"You kissed her!"
Gabriel blinked in surprise. "She kissed me!" he defended.
"Yes, but you kissed back! Don't try and deny it! And, not only was she the Queen," Carl ranted, "she was an arrogant, little bint along with it! I mean if you're going to kiss someone, they should at least be someone who has a much nicer personality so you can stand them."
"Like you?" Van Helsing asked jokingly.
"Exactly!" Carl replied enthusiastically, not realizing the connotations his answer carried. Van Helsing, however, did.
"And what other qualities should I consider?" the older man asked curiously.
"Well, in addition to being nice, they need to be brave, of course," Van Helsing nodded. "And smart, you definitely need someone with brains."
Van Helsing chose to ignore that last remark in favor of stepping closer to the young friar. "You wouldn't know where I could find someone like that, would you?"
"Well, I don't know anyone personally, but…" Carl shrugged.
Van Helsing smiled. "I think I've already found someone."
"Oh, well," Carl sounded slightly disappointed. "I'm happy for you. May I ask who she is?"
Van Helsing's smile changed to a grin. "Not a her, a him. And you know him."
"Him! Really?! Well, I never really would have figured you for a –"
"Carl?" The smaller man looked up at him.
"Yes, Van Helsing?"
"Shut up," Gabriel said, and captured the young man's mouth with his own to make the point clear.
"Oh," Carl breathed, slightly out of breath, a few moments later. "I guess I do know him after all."
Van Helsing smiled, then reluctantly let go of the friar. Going over to his bed he gathered his things then headed for the door.
"Van Helsing?"
Gabriel turned to face Carl, raising a questioning eyebrow.
"Does this mean that you won't be kissing anymore pompous bints whenever you feel like it?"
Van Helsing studied the smaller man for a moment. "That's right, Carl," he answered. "No more kissing of pompous bints."
"Good," Carl replied then quickly walked over to Van Helsing, carrying his own bag. "Then I guess we'd best go."
Van Helsing smiled indulgently as he watched Carl clamber down the stairs. 'Oh, dear Lord,' he thought. 'What have I gotten myself into this time?'