the moment you all have been waiting for!
Chapter 28 right?
"Is that all of it?" The officer at the front desk asked Kagome irritably. He was tall, young, and from the looks of it, very tired. If it had been under different circumstances, Kagome would have even considered him good looking. She nodded to him slightly, crying, not even close to understanding how this had happened. She was being released. Why? Nobody would tell her. They just would look at her and say someone confessed...but who?
"This way please." The cuffs were off. The ugly orange jumpsuit was on its way to the prisons laundry room. Her stomach was empty, as were her tears. She was beyond hurt, beyond mad, she was furiously enraged. And her anger only heightened when she was met outside, with the sun shining and the birds chirping, by no one else but her kidnapper, her supposed protector, her soul mate, her other half. It was Inuyasha, her husband.
"Hello darling." He was scowling beneath his fake smile. His left eye twitched in what Kagome guessed was supposed to be a wink, but he had failed miserably at it. She laughed inwardly. Not a happy laugh, but instead a bitter laugh of contempt. "It's good to see you again."
She spun on her heel and faced the guard at the door. "This really isn't necessary. Can't my dad come pick me up?"
"Ma'am I don't know what you're playing at, but I think we both know that ain't gonna happen, alright?" He gave her an awkward look that she couldn't quite read.
"Please." Kagome begged. It wasn't really the thing she was used to doing, yet she couldn't think of anything else. "Please." Again she whispered. His eyes studied her and so she pleaded her case silently. Something must have triggered an instinct within him, because he gently took her upper arm and began to turn her back towards the awaiting man, then he guided her once more into the office.
"Hey!" Inuyasha yelled in a panic. The guard caught a clip in Inuyasha's voice that frightened him in more of a way than ever before and he started to walk faster, dragging Kagome with him. "I said HEY! And when I say something I mean SOMETHING! Stop! Now!" As made his demands, Inuyasha stomped forward. Kagome heard a familiar click behind her and she let out a frustrated sob. She halted her steps, ceasing the officer's movements as well.
"Um...I should...uh I should go with him. Thank you though, I appreciate the effort." She undid his grasp from her arm and gave him a small push. She watched him take in her change of mind, then heard her husband advance more, her last words were slurred. "Don't turn around, just keep walking. Trust me." Taking a step backward, Kagome smiled in relief as the officer took heed to her warning and kept on his way.
"I'm sorry." He said over his shoulder and then closed the door behind him.
By then Inuyasha had caught up to his wife and took hold of her wrist firmly. "Let's go. I mean it." His voice was low and dangerous, she shivered in fear as he forced her to the car. "We have a lot to talk about you and I." He directed her around the vehicle and then opened the door for her. "No funny business kiddo, okay?" No response came and he sighed. He made sure her feet were safely tucked in before he slammed the door against its holding.
Once he was behind the wheel he shifted into third gear and bolted from the sidewalk. "So where to start? How about where we left off. Do you remember? The mall? The little stump your friend Sango pulled? We together on this? Good. So do we know why all this went wrong? Too many questions? Okay...okay then how about this. I'll just tell you how it is. We didn't stick to the plan. The plan was to get married, get my inheritance, make you pop out a few heirs and then live happily ever after. But then you had to ruin it all by making a little phone call. Invite your friends over for a tea party and then wallah you are in prison. Congratulation Mrs. Reshinio! I believe you screwed up EVERYTHING!" His face was red, his teeth were barred together, and she just sat there, never said a word.
They arrived at the house a half an hour later with him still screaming like a maniac about things that didn't even concern her at all. After hauling her into the house on his shoulder like luggage, he threw her onto the couch and stalked to the kitchen. "You hungry!" He inquired loudly. His questioned only echoed back to him. "Of course you're hungry. You've been playing house in a jail cell." He mumbled under his breath, adding something about bugs. He stared at the pots and pans as if they were aliens. "This thing is what the food goes into. Uh..." Inuyasha opened the refrigerator and ogled the uncooked food.
From the other room Kagome listened curiously as a war exploded close by. She rolled her eyes and stood slowly. Breathing heavily she realized she wasn't mad anymore. Miraculously he had done it again. Made her forgive him without even trying. She made her way to him and peered around the corner just in time to see him try and crack an egg into the sink. "What...are you doing?" She breathed. Inuyasha jumped back startled and accidently smashed the egg against his own chest. The egg yoke drained down his black, cotton shirt. Frustrated to know end he habitually ran his newly gooed hand through is beautiful hair.
"Shit!" Screeching, he gritted his teeth and glared at Kagome while yellow liquid dripped off his nose.
"You're hopeless." She finally said. Their eyes connected and she became still. His features softened and he moved toward her, breaking her trance. She ripped her gaze away from his own and reached for a dish rag. They met in the middle of the kitchen, both with separate intentions. Kagome lifted the cloth to his face just as he lifted his hand to hers. He brushed a piece of ebony hair that hung at her lips. Her head was magnetically pulled to his open palm, and he cushioned it there. With his other hand he clasped the small of her back, bringing her closer to him. She kissed the bottom of his thumb and pulled away. "I can't do this. You can't do this to me."
"Do what? We're married!" He clenched his fist in mid air.
"No, we are tied together by a threat and a last name and that is it!" Kagome countered back.
Inuyasha punched the closest cupboard door, inducing a hole and a stream of blood. "I hate this day!"
"Ditto." Using the rag that she had completely forgotten, she opened the cupboard and grinned at her husbands injured hand. "Pull it out slowly, or I'll be pushing it out boy." He held the edge of the wood before yanking his hand out, the splinters biting into his skin. "Let me see." Kagome gestured to his wound. He raised it for her. "We have to wash it out."
"It's going to hurt isn't it."
"You baby."
"I'm not a baby. Even men don't like bleeding you know!"
"Gosh. I'm sorry, would you like some cheese with that whine. If you don't clean it, it will get infected. Besides you smell like egg and you look like dog doo. Do yourself a favor and take a shower." Chastising him humourously, Kagome left him in the kitchen and went up the stairs to her room. Soon following she heard stirring behind her door, the shower turn on, and a man yell something about 'it being too cold.' She chuckled uncharacteristically and went back out into the hall. She brought herself in close to the door that made a border between her and Inuyasha. He was humming something she had never heard before, but it was still comforting. As she began to think of what would come next she leaned against the sturdy wood a swift motion woke her, or so she thought, but as it turns out it was her falling into the steamy room. No fear though, she was stopped by a firm, bare chest. At first she slid at the contact of Inuyasha's wet skin but she was held in place by her husband's strong arms.
"Are you spying on me?"
Her words were jumbled into his torso, making him giggle in a childish way as his skin vibrated. His hands were on her. First they found her neck, then slid down her arms onto her waist, there he encircled her. She jerked her face back and looked up at him. "What are you doing Inuyasha? Don't get any ideas. I do not-" He silenced her protest with a strong emotion of his own. His lips whispered forbidden words against hers and he nudged her nose with the tip of his. She gripped at his slick shoulders for the strength to stand. He was taking steps, practically carrying her with him until her back met wall and she took in a deep breath. His mouth was on her neck and her hands were in his soaked hair. A burning desire quaked within her and she shuddered in his embrace. Fingers were digging into her hips, she didn't even realize that they were there. Inuyasha traveled back up to her eager lips and took control of the desperate situation in the only way he knew how. Her shirt, her dirty shirt was being torn off her body, and she finally felt excited about something. It was mind blowing. Since being kidnapped she hadn't felt as alive as she did when his hands were rubbing her rib cage in a sensual manner. Whatever was going to happen, was going to happen then, and it would change everything...
i know its short...but fluffy right? what do you think? bad...good...hey the last review made me update! no joke! so review and i'll update...don't give up on me!
ok in explanation...
mila2504...KAGOME DIDN'T KILL THE BOY! remember? paul shot him in the second or third chapter. and number 42 probably was gay...i mean wouldn't you be if you hadn't seen a dude in that many years! but she wasn't doing anything bad like that to Kagome.
anyway this girl mila got me interested in updating the day after she REVIEW!
the sick