Disclaimer:  No profit was made, all characters belong to their genius creators and amazing voice actors.  Yadda Yadda, you know the drill.

Club House Blues

            "Hey, no, wait, WAIT!"  At the door's slam in his face, Momo's shoulders held rigid in shock before finally dropping.  Muttering to himself, "What the hell?" he finally sighed and turned around.  "Well, what do you hafta say for yourself?"  The other boy just glared and turned away.

            Stalking over to the only other occupant in the now locked tennis club house, Momo bent to get right in the sitting boy's face.  "This is all your fault you know!"

            "What did you say?"

            "Had you only said something out there, FukuBuchou wouldn't have felt the need for this forced heart-to-heart."

            "Had you only NOT said something out there, the same could be said, baka."  Kaidoh barely withheld his inclination to hiss, but at this close of range, it felt somehow wrong.   Anyway, it rarely worked on his rival, who had currently gone back to pacing and muttering to himself, periodically checking to see if they had unlocked the door.

            It had all started out as a normal practice, but as per usual he and Momo had bickered, to say the least, and for some unknown reason this really had irritated Oishi, and so here they were, shoved and locked inside the club house, with some rushed and frustrated explination of having to work together both on the and off the courts and how could they expect to coach the team next year, yadda yadda.  In all honesty, Kaidoh was too shocked to listen much since they had sic'd a "burning" Kawamura on him. Momo just got Fuji.  He smirked, in retrospect, which is worse I wonder.

            "What the hell are you smiling at?"

            "Fushhhh.  Nothing your puny mind could handle."

            "Are you insinuating I'm less intelligent than you?"

            Just a headshake and glare.

            This is going to get us no where!  With a dramatic and drawn out sigh, Momo stepped back from where he found himself in Kaidoh's face once again.  Wonder why that keeps happening.  "Look, if Tezuka didn't defend us, and let Oishi's order stand, there must be some reason to it."  He looked down at the other boy.  "We are supposed to captain the team next season."  Seeing as how he only got a blank stare in response, he just turned and flopped onto a bench across the room.  "Fine, have it your way.  Maybe if we're quiet they'll let us out."

            After about five minutes of silence, it became apparent that their ploy wasn't going to work.  But neither really noticed since both were lost in thought.  Kaidoh was the first to speak.  "Oishi and Tezuka never fight, at least not openly."

            A nod.  "They're much more alike than we are."

            Staring contemplatively at the floor, Kaidoh spoke in a low tone,  "Do you think we'll be as good as they are?"

            Momo paused before answering, actually sensing an underlying worry behind his teammate's question.  Even though he battled openly with the other, he felt a strange sort of connection with the boy, a kindrid spirit of rash behaviors and competition.  It was rare to see Kaidoh unsure, and he felt the need to answer honestly.  "It's hard to tell.  We'll be losing the majority of our champions this year, but we have a lot of hopefuls in our class, and who knows what the next year's freshmen will bring."

            "We'll still have your boy toy."  A smirk, nearly hidden in shadow.

            "My boy toy?!  What do you mean by that?!?!? Ryoma?! How can you…oh…"  Momo narrowed his eyes.  "Why do you do that?  Irk me on purpose.  On the courts it makes sense, but here?"

            Suddenly tense, Kaidoh did not appreciate the question.  Nor did he have an answer, so he simply let out a low hiss. 

            "Did you just growl at me?  Kaidoh, that's just odd.  Now answer the question."

            "No.  And you're one to ask."

            "And what's that supposed to mean?"  Oh, I'm back in his face, and he sure as hell doesn't appreciate it.  Tee hee hee.

            "Get out of my face you monkey."

            "Make me," he taunted, right before finding himself being shoved back, with a very angry Kaidoh stalking after his stumbling form.  Uh oh.


A/N:  Now, this story can go one of a few ways, some needing a higher rating.  I'll go ahead and write the next chapter, but I need input as to which way to go.  I might even write alternate endings, I just don't know.  Please Review and lemme know where you want this fic to go…your wish is my command (within reasonable boundaries of course, remember, this is so no NC-17s….pity.)