Chapter 1:stop eating

Disclaimer: What do you think.

A/n: this is my first official fic so don't expect much of it. This is sort of a small mixture of other fics that I have read with a twist from me. ENJOY AND REVIEW ON EVREY FUTURE CHAPPIE!

"Are you sure you want to do this Hermione?" asked Ginny with a concerned look on her face.

"Ginny, I pretty sure about this. You've seen me; it's way too much stress. I could kill someone on accident." I said. Ginny nodded and patted me on my back.

"Oh, I gotta go I have a patient." said Ginny and rushed away. I started to make my way toward Mr.Eyedman's office this was going to be hard to do.

I came in and sat down in the chair that was placed in front of his desk and waited for Mr. Eyedman to come. I stared at the certificates on the wall when he walked in. "Well Ms. Granger, Carla said you wanted to talk to me." he said and sat down in his chair.

"Yes sir, I did want to talk to you. You see I don't really want to work over here or at least not work here temporarily. Bottom line is sir, I need a break." I said trying not to sound rude.

"Well, Ms. Granger I don't really want to lose my best Healer." He said fiddling with his pen and leaning back in his chair.

"I know sir but you do remember what happened last week?" I said remembering the incident.


I staggered down the hall towards my patient's room. I was really tiered due to lack of coffee, I never knew that 5 cups wasn't enough for me. All of a sudden evrey thing went blurry and I fell on something soft and warm and cuddled with it next thing I know is that I'm asleep.

(End of flashback)

"Well yes, I do indeed remember that incident last week. You fell asleep on a patient and we had to give you 3 pepper up potions to wake you up." He said and then got this very constipated look on his face, turned all red like he was trying to get a fart out and said "ok I will give you a 2 month break but I will be happier if you return earlier."

"Oh, thank you sir thank you soooo much I really appreciate this a lot." I said and got up to hug him but then remembered what he looked like at that moment and sat back down. Then I remembered something "um, is this going to be a paid vacation?" I asked hopefully.

"Don't push it." He simply said. I groaned this meant I would have to look for a job. Then what was the point of this vacation if I still worked. Oh, well at least it will be easier. I stood up and apparted to my apartment with a loud pop.

As soon as I felt ground I dropped landing on my red couch being as tiered as I was I cuddled up with a throw pillow and closed my eyes. Sadly I heard shuffling noises from the kitchen. "Ron! Is that you? Aren't you supposed to be at work!" I yelled

"No it's not Ron!" yelled the muffled voice of Ron. I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen only to see Ron with 5 drumsticks in his hand and chicken and ketchup all over his face. He froze and said "hi" and a little piece of half processed chicken fell out of his mouth and landed on hi already food and trash covered shirt.

I rolled my eyes again and said, "at least Harry's not here this time." I turned around to start cleaning and almost had direct contact with Harry's butt sticking out of the fridge. "Harry!"

"What?" mumbled harry and turned around. He had a foot long hoagie (I think that spelled wrong) in his right hand and had little bits of lettuce and mustard smothered all over his face and glasses. "Oh, hey mione." He mumbled trying to swallow the food in his mouth. You could see all the chewed up food in his mouth, he finally swallowed it and said, "you want some mione? It's really good." He offered me the sandwich. I grabbed the newspaper off the counter and started to smack them with it.

"What," smack "are," smack "you two," smack "doing," smack, smack I said smacking them here and there.

"Eating" they both chanted together.

"Don't you have food at your own house Harry?" I asked. Harry nodded. "Then why are you eating my food?"

"Ginny put a locking charm on the fridge and pantry." Said Harry

"Didn't she leave any food out for you?"

"Yeah she did, a whole roast chicken, mashed potatoes, vegetables, rice, corn bread, and a whole apple pie." Harry said

"You practically had a whole thanksgiving dinner at your own house and you come over here and eat my food!" I yelled getting irritated that a full- grown man that was now titled best auror could act so childish!

"Yep! I am a growing man." He stressed.

"Harry get out of here and Ron clean this place up and go to your room I'll be there in a while to talk to you." I yelled and they scurried along doing what I told them to do. I got the newspaper a pencil and sheet of parchment and started to write a job wanted add to post in the Daily Prophet.

Job wanted for 2 months

Name: hermione Granger

Age: 21

Experience: Healer at St.Mungos

Wants a simple basic job with reasonable pay

SatisfiedI started to skim through the help wanted section of the newspaper.And Ifinally found a job thatI liked, it was at Flourish and Blotts.I will check it out tomorrow.

A/n: finally it's over. I know it may not take that long to read but I'm a slow typer so that took forever and my fingers are sore. Please review and tell me if it's good enough to continue with. And if you do review, it will definitely encourage me more and for your info Malfoy should pop up in the next chapter or two if I continue.

-frifri ( your lovely authoress) : )