Title: Clandestine Chains

Author: dorei no ryu

Disclaimers: If I could claim the Saiyuki boys as my own I would. But I can't!!! And if I had one ounce the talent Kazuya Minekura does, I would be rich!! :D Unfortunately, I'm dirt poor. Sorry.

Summary: Another AU take on how the Saiyuki-ikkou got together.

Author's Note: I know, I know, like there's not enough of those out there already. But hear me out. This is much darker than I usually write and will hopefully be different enough to keep your interest. I actually had a lot of fun writing it thus far. I just hope my dragon muse will stick with me until I'm a bit further along, if not finished. Oh, and the boy's will probably be a bit OOC, but hey this is an AU. Domo, Domo for reading!! And don't forget how important those reviews are to a writer!! Now for one last thing......

WARNING: This fic has Yaoi/shonnen ai situations, most of which is non- con. If this bothers you do NOT read this. Please, please keep this in mind when you begin reading. There is also some minor cursing.

Now, on with the fic!!!

Night, mistress of shadow, cast out her indigo cape encrusted with chips of diamonds. Silently she wept her melancholy as once again her toils to offer love crossed couples a chance to kindle the fires of desire get twisted and shorn. Of course the veil of darkness does permit most to cherish sweet caresses, however, more oft than not, her efforts are thwarted by those who wish to destroy and mutilate under her concealing curtain. And it was worse when her sister, the Moon, vanished allowing even more shadows to haunt the living. And it was a night like this that two young souls would be forever changed. But that was only the beginning.

Two people walked the darkened streets in search of a particular restaurant. But as they carefully made their way, they began to wonder at the directions that a local merchant had given them. As such, it wasn't a surprise when one decided to voice this concern aloud. "I think that newsstand gentleman has given us bad directions."

They stood at a street corner and looked in all directions. "I'm beginning to think so too. None of these street names look familiar. I think it might be best to turn around and head back to the hotel. We'll just have to find another place to eat." He smiled remorsefully.

"Don't worry about it, Gonou. It never mattered where we ate, as long as we were together." Thoughtfully, she reached out to place a hand on his shoulder encouragingly. "Come on, let's hurry back. I remember seeing a nice little Chinese restaurant about a block from the hotel. And to be honest, this place gives me the creeps."

"Alright," he acquiesced easily. He could never say 'no' to her anyway. "It's just that I wanted tonight to be special. Once classes begin, there won't be much time for us to be together." She squeezed his arm gently to reinforce her understanding. His sad grin slowly transformed into a playful smirk. "But, as always, you're right. This place doesn't seem all too friendly to me either. But don't you worry, cause I'll always protect you."

They started walking arm in arm in the same direction that they had come. "Now, now, little brother. I do believe it should fall to the eldest to protect the other. And that would be me."

"You're only older by about a minute and a half. I don't think that counts in our case. Besides it is the man's duty to protect his loved ones."

She giggled softly. "How positively chauvinistic of you to assume a woman cannot take on the same role. But don't worry, I already forgive you."

They walked on silently for a few minutes. Finally a wayward thought passed soft lips. A light tenor muttered, "I will miss our time together."

"You know, it's not like we'll never see each other again. We'll be at the same school, just studying different majors. And we wouldn't even have that chance if not for the scholarships."

"Yes, we were very lucky to get scholarships that allowed us to go to the same school. I still wonder what might have become of us if we didn't get them."

"Probably trying to find jobs and hoping we could somehow find a way to live." The ever-present smile that graced her features suddenly frowned at the thought. "Can we stop talking about the what-ifs? It was by God's good grace that we don't have to worry about it any more."

"Yes, Kanan." He smiled down at her as he patted the hand wrapped around his arm.

"Kanan? What a lovely name?" A deep voice mocked from a shadow. The pair froze immediately. Danger sparked the air as a number of figures emerged from the darkened areas neither even noticed before.

Suddenly, terror gripped their hearts. The young woman whispered pleadingly, "Gonou?" In response to her unspoken request, Gonou instinctively pushed her behind him as he took a protective step forward.

He hastily whispered back, "stay behind me."

Just off to the right, from the direction the voice came three more shadowy forms appeared. One continued to walk in their direction and circled the unwitting prey carefully measuring and assessing each. Finishing his quick survey, he stopped mere inches in front of them. "You two look a little lost, perhaps we could help you find your way." A number of the henchmen chuckled at the comment.

Trying to remain calm despite the wave of fear that threatened to debilitate him, Gonou answered, "That will not be necessary. We know how to get back on our own." He was about to push past them when a hand pressed into his chest.

"Don't be in such a rush." Now that the leader was even closer to them, his gaze flickered back and forth between two pairs of equally bright emerald eyes. Another quick assessment passed thought his mind. "You know you two look very similar to each other." Then he added with a grin that sent shivers up their spines, "And quite beautiful too. Don't you think so boys?" That sent his companions into another bout of knowing chuckles.

"Thanks but we must be going." Once again, Gonou tried to get past, his hand tightly clasping onto Kanan's wrist. He was prepared to pull her with him then swing her in front as they walked away but he didn't get the chance. Before he got two steps his vision flashed white and his cheek stung harshly. He heard Kanan call his name in dismay and it took him an extra moment to realize what had just happened.

The next instant puzzled him even more. Somehow, in automatic response his hand retaliated. The gang leader was nursing his own bruised cheek as he stared daggers at the man who defied him. Snarling, he spat, "You shouldn't have done that." With a flick from his other hand all hell broke loose.

A few of the members rushed him, but Gonou managed to hold them off with only minor bumps and bruises. Others quickly followed and soon some started to hit their mark. All the while, he kept Kanan at his back while she cried out for him, warning him when another entered the fray. And when he heard her urgently shout his name, abruptly followed by an agonized scream, he knew he had failed.

Before the pained cry could fade away into the night, the world stopped. His attackers had ceased their blows, which he didn't notice in his scramble to get to his falling sister. Unconsciously, he was repeating her name as he caught her before she could fall to the ground. He didn't know exactly what had caused his beloved twin pain but he knew that she was already fading from this world. "Kanan? Kanan, dear sister, what has happened to you?"

Cradled in his arms, she forced her eyes to look into his face. Gasping for breath she managed, "I ... I had t-to... protect my... baby brother."

"No! No, that was supposed to be my job. I was supposed to protect you." His throat clenched as a shuddering breath passed through her, heralding the inevitable. "Please, please don't leave me. I couldn't bear it."

"I...can't....stay. I have....served – my purpose. I saved you."

"No, I don't want to live if you are not here. I don't want to be alone. Please!"

"I love you, little brother."

"I love you too." He couldn't be sure if she heard him as the light in her eyes vanished. His heart broke. And in reply to the horrible torture he was enduring, a heart-wrenching cry reverberated through the night.

However the depressing scene depicted before the gang – one that they helped create – did not touch their hearts. In fact it only infuriated them. The leader grumbled, "There goes some of our profit. At least we still have one left. Grab him and let's get out of here before the cops show up."

A few moved toward their distraught prey. As they clamped down on his shoulders, Gonou shoved them away violently. "Get away from me, you bastards!" He then clenched the rapidly cooling body closer to him, not wishing to be separated from his other half.

Realizing that they were not going to take him so easily, a silent decision was made. One of the men brought a club down on the back of Gonou's head. Darkness danced in his vision. And as he slipped into oblivion's embrace, he whispered her name one last time before being forced from her side.


It was impossible to tell time as one slipped from one reality to the next. And overwhelming grief and pain only disoriented the mind further. So it was that Cho Gonou found himself lying on the floor in a strange room. Voices spoke above him, "So what do you think Master Chin?"

"Not bad, not bad at all." A figure crouched down before him and a lanky cold hand grasped his chin, pulling him up. Vacant verdant gems dilated wide from the pain stared up at the man. "Although you could have been nicer to him." The hand released him and he fell happily to the floor. "Of course once he's all cleaned up, he'll fetch us all a hefty profit. Green eyes are a novelty. And his looks are exquisite."

"Do you think you're father will be pleased?"

"Undoubtedly. But as you know I always try out the merchandise first. If he passes my test my father will break him soon enough for us to start reaping the benefits."

Suddenly, Gonou felt himself being hefted up and drug across the room. Thrown face first onto a large wooden desk, cruel hands grabbed his wrists and pinned his elbows, forcing him flat against the uncompromising wood. The flick of a knife and the sensation of cool metal on his hip brought him to vivid awareness. As the knife jerked and sliced through his pants, painful realization of what was to come slammed into him. He struggled frantically to break free of their hold. Another strong hand pressed him firmly down at the middle of his back. "Now, now, pet. It will do you well to learn who your master is. And this is your first lesson."

The abrupt agony that ripped through him tore a scream from his aching throat. Tears came unbidden as the perverse violation continued. He could feel himself tearing under the assault and he could not stop the cries that escaped him. He begged all the gods above to free him from this humiliation and his soul splintered when he was denied. No nightmare before or after could ever compare to the terror he faced this night. And the worst part was that it was still far from over.

Too ravaged and numb from the shock and torment, he didn't even notice when his new master had finished with him. Somewhere in the back of his mind he registered the conversation. "So boss?"

"He will do nicely. Take him to my father, he will know what to do with him."

And like that, his entire universe shattered into a million pieces. The scars he would bear from this night would forever remind him that you never know when fate will toss a card at you that can change your life in an instant. Beaten, bleeding and humiliated Gonou no longer cared what became of him. There was nothing to live for any more and he blindly accepted what fate dealt him.

Oh, what have I done to my dear sweet Hakkai!!! Aahhhhh!!! That's a bad dragon muse, BAD dragon!! I thought you were my Angst dragon, not the Down right EVIL dragon. Hopefully, things will perk up, but knowing me, I doubt it. hehe.

Just a few more Author's Notes now that the first post is up:

I wanted to write a version that in a way could exist in our world. Therefore, there are no Youkai in this fic. And I am still debating the whole Hakuryu issue. I know, how could it be Saiyuki without him? And as much as I LOVE dragons, it kills me that he may not show up in the gentle white form we are familiar with. But like I said, the subject is still under review. I may change my mind later on, but we'll just have to wait and see. Sorry!!

Relationships and ages have been slightly altered in this version. That will become clearer in the coming chapters. Specifically, I could never totally believe the whole Sister/Lover thing for Hakkai. The innuendo is still there for those that do, but I am thinking that as twins(which I made them here) they have a very strong connection to each other. And that there is nothing more than sibling love here. Just so you know, Hakkai and Gojyo are the same age. Sanzo is a few years older and Goku is still 18.

Also, I have decided to keep out most common manga phrases out of the writing. So there won't be any Yare yare's, Baka's or Urusai's in this. Sorry!!!! This is a hybred of times and places, however I will try to keep to Anime sounding names for sake of continuity. Besides, 'Joe' or 'Mike' or 'Cristy' just doesn't sound right with Hakkai, Gojyo, Sanzo and Goku. That's my opinion anyway.

Lastly, if I think of something else, I'll be sure to let you know. Otherwise a REVIEW would be GREAT!!!!! I hope you guys can take a hint. ;) Later!!